visualsvn port

I have a virtual machine with Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard on it, I installed TFS, IIS and VisualSVN Server and I can access IIS and TFS from other pc, but not VisualSVN ...

相關軟體 TortoiseSVN 下載

TortoiseSVN is a really easy to use Revision control / version control / source control software for Windows. It is based on Subversion. TortoiseSVN provides a nice and easy user interface for Subvers...

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  • 2016年5月3日 - Check the port forwarding options for the VM if there are any. According to t...
    Accessing VisualSVN Server on port 81 - Stack Overflow
  • I have a virtual machine with Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard on it, I installed TFS, IIS ...
    Accessing VisualSVN Server on port 81 - Stack Overflow ...
  • What ports need to be open for svn tortoise to authenticate (basic) in order to commit? I ...
    authentication - what ports need to be open for svn tortoise ...
  • I have a several subversion repositories set up using VisualSVN Server currently on port 8...
    Can I use a port other than 8443 and 443 for VisualSVN Serve ...
  • 2009年1月22日 - I have a several subversion repositories set up using VisualSVN Server curre...
    Can I use a port other than 8443 and 443 for VisualSVN Server ...
  • Server 2008 R2 SP1 VisualSVN Server 2.1.6 The IIS server has about 10 sites. One of them u...
    https - How to run VisualSVN Server on port 443 running IIS ...
  • 2011年2月8日 - 假設你的VisualSVN Server 已經啟用HTTPS 協定,並且使用443 port,現在想要再增加HTTP 8080 port 的服務,你可以修...
    Huan-Lin 學習筆記: 讓VisualSVN 伺服器同時接受HTTPS 和HTTP 請求
  • 2008年12月30日 - I'm running VisualSVN Server on a machine named 'Main'. I can a...
    I'm having trouble accessing VisualSVN Server from the internet ...
  • 2015年8月20日 - SSLSERVERPORT, IP port for HTTPS connections, Any available port number, 443...
    Installing VisualSVN Server from the Command Prompt - VisualSVN ...
  • Hello! > Once installed VisualSVN server listen to TCP port 8443. Is it > possible t...
    Re: Can I change VisualSVN server https TCP port - Google ...
  • 2012年5月9日 - First can you please check the Visual SVN on what port and IP it's listen...
    svn - How can I give remote access to my visualsvn server - Stack ...
  • 2010年7月4日 - Standard HTTP and HTTPS ports are now defaults: VisualSVN Server suggests to ...
    svn - Protocol for VisualSVN Server - Stack Overflow
  • 2012年4月25日 - The TCP/IP port configured to be used by VisualSVN Server can be occupied by...
    Troubleshooting VisualSVN Server service start failure - VisualSVN ...
  • VisualSVN makes your life easier with a reliable plug-in that integrates Subversion seamle...
    VisualSVN - Subversion-based version control for Windows
  • Specifies the TCP port that will be used by VisualSVN Server for client access to the repo...
    VisualSVN Server | Getting Started
  • VisualSVN Server - All-in-one installer for Subversion and Apache download licensing VISUA...
    VisualSVN Server | Getting started - VisualSVN - Subversion- ...
  • 執行安裝後,VisualSVN Server 將會自動安裝 Apache 及 Subversion,大家可以按需要設定安裝的位置、Repositories 及 Port 等等的資料...
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  • VisualSVN Server是免费的,而VisualSVN是收费的。VisualSVN是SVN的客户端,和Visual Studio集成在一起, VisualSvn Serve...
    VisualSVN Server的配置和使用方法 图文_win服务器_脚本之家
  • Hi, I need to force visualsvn to use ssl but port 443 and 8443, which are the only options...
    [SOLUTION] using port 8443 or 443 for https for visualsvn ...
  • 2016年1月28日 - VisualSVN就特地對Windows系統把SVN包裝起來,讓安裝與設定步驟變得 ... 選擇想要安裝的目錄與版控Repository放置的目錄,在P...
    限量ㄟ蓋步: VisualSVN - VisualSVN Server安裝與使用