vs2017 uml

The Modeling SDK changed its name several times during the last ten years: starting from the ‘DSL Tools’ in 2007, it grew to become ‘Visualization and Modeling SDK’ (VSVm SDK) in 2010. At that time, the SDK also contained UML extensibility. Finally, the n

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  • Reported by Björn Frohberg Feb 16 at 08:15 AM windows 10.0.14393 visual studio 2017 instal...
    UML use case diagram in vs2017 RC Enterprise Edition - ...
  • The Modeling SDK changed its name several times during the last ten years: starting from t...
    The Visual Studio Modeling SDK is now available with Visual ...
  • We are removing the UML designers from Visual Studio “15” Enterprise. Removing a feature i...
    UML Designers have been removed; Layer Designer now supports ...
  • well as the rest of the UML Modeling components) this appears to be an intentional choice ...
    VS2017 class diagram - Developer Community
  • 因为在平时工作中一直用Rational Rose或者EA等UML建模工具来实现UML图的设计绘制,当然它们也支持正向及逆向工程。但一直感觉使用起来不能和Visual Studio很...
    vs2010建模(uml关系图) - YEZHI - 博客园
  • 代码我已经写完了,但老师要求我们画UML图。 vs2010是支持UML的。我想从UML生成代码的工具都有了,我想VS2010应该可以从c++代码生成UML图吧。 可是我不知道怎么做...
  • UML models help you understand, discuss, and design software systems. Visual Studio Ultima...
    VS 2012 如何创建 UML 模型图_Healthy_新浪博客
  • VS2017 15.3 在 [執行緒] 視窗開啟的情況下會於偵錯時凍結 (英文)。 Visual Studio 在偵錯工作階段期間及結束後會凍結並顯示忙碌的通知 (英文)。 自動完...
    Visual Studio 2017 15.4 版本資訊
  • VS10有UML工具,08的话,可以用第三方插件 著名 的UML工具有 象EA (enterprise architecture ,澳洲) 也是蛮不错的,也有对08的插件,也可以导...
    VS2008怎么根据代码生成UML图啊? - 站长资源库
  • 另外,即使没有了这个自动功能,也不影响你在 UML model 里手工去画序列图,所以对用户造成的实质影响其实不大。编辑于 2015-11-10 2 1 条评论 分享 收藏 感谢 ...
    如何评价VS 2015移除了从代码创建序列图的功能? - 知乎