win8 virtual machine

Running Windows 8 in a virtual machine won't remove your current OS, you can access it anytime you want without rebooting and it doesn't require any extra hardware. What's more, the test OS can be deleted in only a few mouse clicks.

相關軟體 Virtual PC 下載

With Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, you can create and run one or more virtual machines, each with its own operating system, on a single computer. This provides you with the flexibility to use different o...

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  • 2012年3月20日 - Install and run Windows 8 as a virtual machine, ensuring that your current i...
    How to create a Windows 8 virtual machine | TechRadar
  • VirtualBox is a community effort backed by a dedicated company: everyone is encouraged to ...
    VirtualBox - Official Site
  • Windows Virtual PC 是最新的 Microsoft 虛擬化技術。利用這項產品,您可以在一台電腦上同時執行一個以上的作業系統,並且只需要輕鬆按一下,就可以在執行 Wi...
    Download Windows Virtual PC from Official Microsoft Download Center
  • virtual machine Windows 8 downloads - Free Download Windows 8 virtual machine - Windows 8 ...
    virtual machine Windows 8 downloads - Free Download Windows 8 virtual machine - Windows 8 ...
  • These virtual machines expire after 90 days. We recommend setting a snapshot when you firs...
    Free Virtual Machines from IE8 to MS Edge - Microsoft Edge Development
  • Running Windows 8 in a virtual machine won't remove your current OS, you can access it...
    Configuring a Windows 8 Virtual Machine - TechSpot
  • 當您安裝好Virtual PC之後,接下來就是要進行系統的安裝,不然軟體也就無用武之地了。作業系統可以安裝哪些呢?基本上不管是Linux或是Windows還是Mac都可以,不過可能...
    [教學]利用Virtual PC安裝作業系統,以Win7為例! - 香腸炒魷魚
  • 微軟的官方網站中有詳細的介紹,簡單來說就是使用者需要下載一個Windows XP Mode的鏡像和Virtual PC 虛擬機器就行了。
    [教學]輕鬆找回Windows 8的XP Mode @ 雲爸的私處 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
  • Create a Virtual Machine The first step is to create a VM. To do so, you can install and r...
    Windows 8: How to Create A Virtual Machine | SociablWeb
  • Is there any way I can get this install activated? I am not going to update my old softwar...
    Install Windows XP on Virtual Machine in Windows 8 - Microsoft Community
  • 2012年11月2日 - Windows 8內建Hyper-V 3.0可支援虛擬機器使用32個vCPU、512GB的記憶體大小、Snapshot、Storage vMotion等...
    使用Windows 8內建的Hyper-V來建立虛擬機器| 軟體玩家
  • 點選「Create a New Virtual Machine」。 6.選擇「I will Install the operating system later」,點選「Next」...
    VMware Player 4.0安裝Windows 8 RTM版本(一) @ 軟體使用教學 ...
  • Learn how to download and install virtualization software to create virtual machines in Wi...
    How to install Virtual Machine on Windows 8 - YouTube
  • How to Run Windows 8 on a Vi...
    How to Run Windows 8 on a Virtual Machine - YouTube
  • In this Windows 8 tutorial, the Tutorial Techie gives you easy instructions for installing...
    How to Install Windows 8 to a Virtual Machine - YouTube
  • 2011年9月16日 - After seeing some of the interesting new features in Windows 8, I want to gi...
    How Do I Install Windows 8 in a Virtual Machine? - Lifehacker
  • So: How can I open my virtual machine on my Windows 8 OS? Or, must I convert my VHD disk t...
    Virtual PC in Windows 8 - Microsoft
  • 2012年9月10日 - Windows Virtual PC has been phased out in Windows 8, and has been replaced w...
    How do I install and use Windows Virtual PC in Windows 8? - Super ...
  • Download free virtual machines to test Microsoft Edge and IE8 to IE11.
    Free Virtual Machines from IE8 to MS Edge - Microsoft Edge ...
  • 2012年3月20日 - Install and run Windows 8 as a virtual machine, ensuring that your current i...
    How to create a Windows 8 virtual machine | TechRadar
  • VirtualBox is a community effort backed by a dedicated company: everyone is encouraged to ...
    VirtualBox - Official Site