wise up中文

You can wise up on details by reading the newspaper . 看报纸你就知道详情了。Wise up. it ' s vegas . the house aiways wins 聪明点,这是维加斯,庄家总是会赢 - did he really like men ? - wise up, you asshole-他真的喜欢男人? -放聪明点,蠢货!

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  • You can wise up on details by reading the newspaper . 看报纸你就知道详情了。Wise up. it ' s vegas...
    wise up中文是什么意思_wise up中文翻译是:使知道, 使了解…《查查》英语翻译
  • You can wise up on details by reading the newspaper . 看报纸你就知道详情了。Wise up. it ' s vegas...
    wise up中文翻譯_wise up是什麼意思:使知道, 使了解…《查查》英語翻譯
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  • wise up please 解釋 你也可以用堅酸刻薄的語氣說 wise: n 懷斯〈姓氏〉。adj 1 有智慧的;聰明的,賢明的 (opp Foolish)〈美俚〉狡猾的,精明的...
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  • Hey!wise up! 放聪明点好吗 The police has wised up their game. 警察识破了他们的鬼把戏。 You can wise up on de...
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  • Wise up, would you please, Barrett? I wasn't great or All-lvy, just OK. OK? 知道了,好啦,巴拉特...
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  • You eat with that mouth?放聰明點好嗎? 要麼你就去做,不然就給我閉嘴. 你是用這張嘴吃飯的嗎?You can wise up on details by r...
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  • wise up的意思、解釋及翻譯:to start to understand a situation or fact and believe what you hear abou...
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  • wise up的意思、解释及翻译:to start to understand a situation or fact and believe what you hear abou...
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  • wise up中文意思是什麼. wise up解釋. 使知道, 使了解, 告訴. wise: n 懷斯〈姓氏〉。adj 1 有智慧的;聰明的,賢明的(opp Foolish)〈美俚...
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  • 'Till you wise up. No, it's not going to stop. So just give up 以為確定而清楚了你的傷口已經恢復痊癒了...
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