wpa2 psk wpa2 personal

FWIW, I’ve used WPA2 Personal on my Airport Extreme since I bought it, and no device has ever had problems connecting. ... is derived from the passphrase you type into your client, so even if PSK allowed long keys, you'd have to type a passphrase that

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  • Several different forms of WPA2 security keys exist. WPA2 Pre-Shared Key (PSK) utilizes ke...
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  • key(PSK),見下一節),這是讓同一無線路由器底下的每個用戶都使用同一把金鑰。Wi-Fi聯盟把這個使用pre-shared key的版本叫做「WPA-個人版」或「WPA2-個人...
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  • It is better to use WPA2-PSK instead of WPA-PSK if your device supports it. WPA2-PSK Wifi ...
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