
A link can be established with the cell. The cell can be associated other cells, files, web pages or even a link between an e-mail account. Specific steps are as follows: 1. Select the cell you want to add a hyperlink to. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Link

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WPS Office 2016 Personal Edition is the most versatile free office suite, which includes free word processor, spreadsheet program and presentation maker. With these three programs you will easily be a...

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  • WPS Office official website. WPS office provide across office solution, Office for Windows...
    WPS Office - Multi Platform Office Solution
  • The WPS Office information and help documentation source. Get help using the new WPS Offic...
    WPS Office | Insert a Hyperlink
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  • Internet 中的文件。当单击函数 HYPERLINK 所在的单元格时,WPS 表格将打开链接的文件或跳转到指定的工作表的单元格。 语法 HYPERLINK(link_loca...
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  • A link can be established with the cell. The cell can be associated other cells, files, we...
    Create Hyperlink - WPS Office
  • How to Create Hyperlink in Worksheet with Spreadsheets 2013 In Kingsoft Spreadsheets, you ...
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  • Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS; originally, Wi-Fi Simple Config) is a network security standar...
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  • Totally free office suite. Download the free office suite from wps official website. Compa...
    The Most Compatible Free Office Suite - WPS Office
  • WPS Office official website. WPS office provide across office solution, Office for Windows...
    WPS Office - Multi Platform Office Solution
  • The WPS Office information and help documentation source. Get help using the new WPS Offic...
    WPS Office | Insert a Hyperlink