x window manager

There is no shortage of apps to help you arrange windows. I find them tremendously useful. Most Windows (the operating system) users I know quite like the built-in abilities it has to position windows, but there isn't as much of that built into OS X.

相關軟體 Window Manager 下載

WindowManager is handy little system tweaking tool that can improve your workflow. It works by remembering and then restoring the position and size of your apps and windows. There are lots of a...

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  • How X window managers work When a window manager is running, some kinds of interaction bet...
    X window manager - Wikipedia
  • Guide to window managers for the X Window System. Descriptions, screenshots and configurat...
    Window Managers for X
  • The Windows window manager can also act as an X window manager through Cygwin/X in multiwi...
    Window manager - Wikipedia
  • X Window Manager:特殊的 X Client ,負責管理所有的 X client 軟體 剛剛前面提到,X Client 的主要工作是將來自 X Server 的資料處...
    鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第二十三章、X Window 設定介紹
  • There is no shortage of apps to help you arrange windows. I find them tremendously useful....
    OS X Window Manager Apps | CSS-Tricks
  • What's PYWM? PYWM is a small, simple python-programmable X window manager that's p...
    PYWM - your Python-programmable X Window Manager
  • X Window系统(X Window System ,也常稱為X11或X)是一種以點陣圖方式顯示的軟體視窗系統。最初是1984年 ... XDMCP、twm成為標準的視窗管理員(...
    X Window系統 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • Fluxbox is derived from version 0.61.1 of Blackbox, and retains theme compatibility with i...
    Window Managers for X: Fluxbox
  • Xmanager is a powerful and easy-to-use PC X server that runs on Windows platforms. It allo...
    Overview | Products : Xmanager 5 - Secure Connectivity Solutions: PC X server, SSH client,...
  • Window managers A window manager is required in order to decorate, move, resize, and perfo...
    Window managers - Cygwin/X
  • This article compares variety of different X window managers. For an introduction to the t...
    Comparison of X window managers - Wikipedia
  • The X Window System is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on UNIX-like .... A ...
    X Window System - Wikipedia
  • X視窗管理器是X窗口系统中,用來控管視窗外觀和放置方式的視窗系統软件,主要用於類Unix系統。 X视窗管理器和苹果公司的Macintosh和微软公司的Windows的操作环境具有 ...
    X視窗管理器- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
  • X Window系统透過軟體工具及架構協定來建立作業系統所用的圖形化使用者介面, .... 按鈕、選單和視窗的標題欄等等,這些都由視窗管理器(window manager)、GUI...
    X Window系統- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
  • 2008年8月2日 - As with most window managers, it supports plenty of available themes. 9wm 9wm...
    20 Most Nimble and Simple X Window Managers for Linux | TechSource
  • 2017年1月11日 - Window managers are X clients that control the appearance and behaviour of t...
    Window manager - ArchWiki