x265 ffmpeg

ffmpeg can't parse keys without values (for x264-params, x264opts, x265-params, etc), since they all use AVDictionary. (edit: actually x264opts used its own custom key=value:key=value parser. That was something I changed.) I have a patch I've been

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  • ffmpeg added x265 encoding on 12 February 2014, and mp4 container support on 9 March: ffmp...
    ... - How to generate an MP4 with H.265 codec using FFmpeg? ...
  • ffmpeg can't parse keys without values (for x264-params, x264opts, x265-params, etc), ...
    #4284 (FFmpeg doesn't pass -x265-params to the x265 enco ...
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    Compile FFmpeg on Ubuntu, Debian, or Mint
  • Today I found out that x265 is already present in ffmpeg so I compiled ffmpeg with this gu...
    compiling - How to compile FFmpeg with x265 support? - Ask ...
  • I am trying to use ffmpeg's built-in x265 library to process .VOB files through h.265c...
    encoding - ffmpeg won't recognize x265 options - Stack ...
  • Building FFMPEG and enabling x265. Hello everybody, I am trying to build the current versi...
    FFmpeg-users - Building FFMPEG and enabling x265 ...
  • Can't pass bit depth to x265 from ffmpeg. I compiled libx265 statically with support f...
    FFmpeg-users - Can't pass bit depth to x265 from ffmpeg ...
  • 最近在编译ffmpeg时,发现x265的一个bug,记录一下 我使用的x265是1.2 stable,修订版本7246,在编译完x265后将其添加到ffmpeg过程中,在ffmpe...
    mingw下ffmpeg编译添加x265支持 - CSDN博客
  • x265 default Introduction Command Line Options Application Programming Interface Threading...
    x265 Documentation — x265 documentation
  • 上回说到,x265.exe已经下载好了,接下来就是压制了。实际上,我是不适合做压制的,i5-2410M这种玩意性能上实在是差太远了。虽说这几年intel在CPU的性能上都是挤牙膏,...
    压制记2-x265到ffmpeg到MeGUI到avs4x265 - 简书