xhtml html5

Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, and XML. ... New HTML5 Elements The most interesting new HTML5 elements are: New semantic elements like <header ...

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  • With HTML you can create your own Web site. This tutorial teaches you everything about HTM...
    HTML Tutorial - W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
  • HTML5 is designed so that old browsers can safely ignore new HTML5 constructs. [6] In cont...
    HTML5 - Wikipedia
  • Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how ...
    HTML5 Introduction - W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
  • 還記得去年底找到一個很棒的 HTML5 網站模版下載網站 Templated,真的是網站開發者的好朋友,至少我們不用從無到有、從頭到尾來打造一個網站,而是直接就現有的樣版去做修改或...
    HTML5 UP! 免費 HTML5 + CSS3 響應式設計網頁模版下載
  • HTML5的發展越來越邁向成熟,很多的應用已經逐漸出現在你我日常生活中了,不只讓傳統網站上的互動Flash逐漸的被HTML5的技術取代,更重要的是可以透過HTML5的技術來開發跨平...
    HTML5新手入門指南 - INSIDE 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察
  • Hi Can we today get rid of XHTML tags (for example self closing tag like < element /&gt...
    Should I use HTML5 or XHTML? - Get Started - The SitePoint ...
  • HTML began as a very simple language for creating web pages. XHTML arose when web developm...
    The Relationship between HTML5 and XHTML - dummies
  • XHTML是「3種HTML 4檔案根據XML 1.0標準重組」而成的 [1]。而W3C亦繼續建議使用HTML 4.01和積極地研究HTML5及XHTML的計劃。於2002年8月發表...
    XHTML - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • Many YouTube videos will play using HTML5 in supported browsers. You can request that the ...
    YouTube HTML5 Video Player