Actual Transparent Window 8.13.3
Windows 10 build 17763+: System SmartScreen process ate up to 100% CPU resources when Actual Transparent Window was running.
Window Settings: Exclusions stopped working since the version 8.13.
Configuration: Specific Settings editing windows now are truly independent of the main Configuration window:
Clicking the Apply button in such window now immediately saves the changes (no need to click Apply in the main window as well).
After closing the main window these windows remain fully functional.
Title Buttons, Windows 10: Glyphs on extra buttons flipped in systems with right-to-left writing languages (Arabic, Hebrew, etc.).
Title Buttons: Extra buttons did not update properly after toggling any of them on/off in the Aero visual theme in systems with right-to-left writing languages (Arabic, Hebrew, etc.).
Title Buttons, Windows 10 build 17763+:
Extra buttons appeared in wrong place if any of secondary monitors was located in negative screen coordinates.
Extra buttons overlapped the system ones in maximized windows of Microsoft Office 2007 apps and might cause temporary hanging when moving the mouse over the overlapped Minimize button.
Glyphs on extra buttons blended with title bar in the Dark visual theme if the "Show color on title bar" system option was off.
Title Buttons, Windows 10 Insider build 18267+:
Glyphs on extra buttons blended with title bar if the "Show color om title bar" system option was off extra buttons did not react on changing the system accent color.
Title Buttons: Mozilla Firefox 50+/Quantum might hang when displaying content-rich pages.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.13.3
Actual Transparent Window 8.13
Windows x64: The overall workload on a system has been reduced significantly, especially on multi-core CPUs.
Configuration: Windows are now properly scaled at startup to conform with the DPI resolution set for a monitor, which they are opening on.
Title Buttons: Extra buttons did not react on right clicks in Foxit Reader.
Title Buttons: Detecting free place for extra buttons stopped working in Google Chrome in high DPI resolutions since its version 67.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.13
Actual Transparent Window 8.12.2
Windows 10 Spring Creators Update: Metro/UWP apps crashed at startup when Actual Transparent Window was running.
Windows 10 Spring Creators Update, Title Buttons: In some cases, extra buttons got invisible in some windows (like Settings applet).
Title Buttons, Windows 7: Auto-detection of free space for extra buttons did not consider the own extra buttons in Mozilla Thunderbird and the Microsoft Office 2013/2016 apps in the Classic and Aero Basic visual themes.
Title Buttons, Windows 7: Extra buttons got shrunk vertically in maximized windows of Mozilla Thunderbird and the Microsoft Office 2013/2016 apps in the Aero Basic visual theme.
Title Buttons, Windows 10: Extra buttons got shrunk vertically in maximized windows of the Microsoft Office 2016 apps.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.12.2
Actual Transparent Window 8.12.1
Windows x64: In some rare cases applications might crash.
Title Buttons, Windows 10: In some applications extra buttons looked and located incorrectly when dragging an application window between monitors with different DPI resolutions (from lower to higher).
Title Buttons, Windows 10 Spring Creators Update: In some applications glyphs on extra buttons looked too large on monitors with high DPI resolutions.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.12.1
Actual Transparent Window 8.12
Title Buttons: Extra buttons overlapped the My Account button in Google Chrome since its version 64.
Title Buttons: In some cases extra buttons in Firefox Quantum got misplaced and drawn in wrong color.
Some applications (e.g. Malwarebytes) might hang at startup if Actual Transparent Window was running.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.12
Actual Transparent Window 8.11.2
Actual Transparent Window 8.11.1
Actual Transparent Window 8.10
- Windows 10: Extra title buttons now look correct on windows with colored title bars (Messaging, Phone, Photos, Windows Mail) and in the Dark visual theme.
- Windows x64: Stability is greatly improved (there should be no more high CPU usage or app crashes at Actual Transparent Window startup).
- Configuration: Test Regexp and Select Window From List dialogs now look and work correct in high DPI resolutions.
- There was possible (of low probability, though) security breach when running Actual Transparent Window library from the %Temp% folder.
- Extra title buttons covered standard title buttons in the Microsoft Office 2016 apps.
- Windows 10: Extra title buttons covered tabs in Google Chrome windows.
- Windows got completely opaque upon activation instead of restoring their initially set transparency level when both the "Make transparent - At startup" and "Make transparent - While inactive" options were enabled.
- Configuration: Check box and radio button captions got cut in high DPI resolutions.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.10
Actual Transparent Window 8.9
- The CFL command line switch is expanded with the ability to specify an arbitrary folder where the configuration files should be stored: ActualTransparentWindowCenter.exe CFL ""
- Overall stability is improved.
- Evaluation dialog has been restyled.
- Proper scaling in high DPI resolutions has been finally implemented for program dialogs (About, Register, Check for Updates, etc.).
- Auto-detection of free space for extra title buttons worked incorrectly in high DPI resolutions for Windows Explorer and Microsoft Office windows.
- Some features stopped working in Skype windows after saving the Actual Transparent Window configuration.
- Windows 7+: Specific window settings with certain Window Caption criterion specified did not apply to Microsoft Management Console windows (Event Viewer, Task Scheduler, Disk Manager, etc.).
- Intuit QuickBooks windows hung for a while after right clicking the extra title buttons.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.9
Actual Transparent Window 8.8
* Configuration: List of specific Window Settings has been removed from the Window Settings navigation tree. Now, you can edit certain Specific Window settings item in a separate window that can be opened in the following ways:
- double click the required item in the Specific Settings list
- select the required item in the Specific Settings list and press Enter
- use the Edit Window Rule command in either the toolbar or the context menu of the Specific Settings list
* Configuration: Global Options subitems have been removed from the Window Settings navigation tree and transformed into tabs of the Global Options detail panel.
* Configuration: Back/Forward buttons have been added into each Configuration window to provide the navigation through the user interface panels like in web browsers.
* Configuration: Undo/Redo commands now track the changes separately for each window.
* If both "Transparent while inactive" and "Transparent while mouse-hovering" options were enabled, the transparency level did not restore to "While inactive" value after moving the mouse out of a window.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.8
HWiNFO 5.22
Actual Transparent Window 8.7
- The navigation panel in the main Configuration window has been replaced.
- Configuration: Global options of window settings (like title buttons skin, window menu items order, pre-defined window sizes, etc.) have been moved from the Options category to the Window Settings category in the main Configuration window.
- Configuration: Ability is added to select all items in the lists with multi-selection allowed by pressing the Ctrl-A hotkey. As this key combination was reserved for adding a new item to a list, the New Item hotkey has been changed to Ctrl-N.
- Configuration: Hotkey combinations for list operations have been unified for all list-editing panels:
* Ins, Ctrl-N - add new item
* Del, Ctrl-D - delete selected item
* F5 - copy selected item
* Ctrl-=, Ctrl-Num+ - enable all items (where available)
* Ctrl--, Ctrl-Num- - disable all items (where available)
* Ctrl-A - select all items (where available)
- Configuration: Confirmation request for the Delete Item operation has been removed in all list-editing panels. If you accidentally removed the needed item - you can click the Undo button in the bottom-left corner of the main Configuration window or press the Undo hotkey (Ctrl-Z by default).
- Configuration: The flickering has been reduced significantly when resizing either the Configuration windows themselves or their internals.
- Windows 10: Hotkeys now work in Metro apps.
- Windows 10: Extra title buttons now work in the Edge web browser (and probably other Metro apps).
- Configuration: Separate Window Settings windows now retain their position and size when you open them again.
- Office 2013+: Extra title buttons overlapped the standard ones.
- Outlook 2016 window dropped the transparency applied at startup.
- In some cases, extra title buttons did not redraw in the Aero visual theme.
- Installer: The uninstaller popped up interactive dialog requests even if it had been launched with /SILENT or /VERYSILENT command line option.
- Configuration: Minimized windows did not restore on clicking the notification area icon or pressing the Configure hotkey.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.7
Actual Transparent Window 8.6.1
- Overall stability is improved.
- Buttons on the "Tools - Control Center" panel are made more usable.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.6.1
Actual Transparent Window 8.6
# Now suspend/resume Actual Transparent Window via command line using the following syntax, respectively: ActualTransparentWindowCenter.exe suspend ActualTransparentWindowCenter.exe resume
# If Actual Transparent Window was installed into a trusted location (such as "Program Files" folder) using administrative privileges and then used under non-privileged user account, Actual Transparent Window update installer now warns that it must be run as administrator to update the installation in a trusted location.
# If a Remote Desktop Client window was open full-screen and then was switched back to windowed mode, extra title buttons did not appear in the title bar.
版本下載:Actual Transparent Window 8.6