AIMP 4.01.1705
- Fixed: Bookmarks - selected bookmarks removes after sorting via drag-n-drop.
- Fixed: Skin Engine - some skins from AIMP3 loads incorrectly.
- Fixed: UI - in-place editing does not work in table elements.
版本下載:AIMP 4.01.1705
HWiNFO 5.22
AIMP 4.01.1703
- Common: the FIJO Flat icons are now default file icons (thanks to Zigar)
- Audio Converter: the "file name" column has been added
- Playlist: the "Import entire folder if one file is sent" option has been introduced in the "Open files from external applications" category
- Playlist: reloading file tags in the playlist now updates these files in the database of music library
- Music Library: an ability to add selected files to bookmarks
- Music Library: an ability to replace rating in DB from tags when updating information about the files if the "synchronize user mark with file tags" option is switched on
- Music Library: an ability to drag group via album art thumbnail
- Music Library: algorithm of files monitor has been improved
- Fixed: Common - CUE parser ignores apostrophe at the beginning or end of the value
- Fixed: Player - the "%Index" macro skipped when copying file information to clipboard
- Fixed: smart-playlists - automatic synchronization does not work (regression)
- Fixed: tag editor - focused item is always processed even if it not selected
- Fixed: Music Library - click at the "Mark" column via MMB or RMB changes the value
- Fixed: Music Library - labels in context menu are not sorted by name
- Fixed: Music Library - no way to scroll list of labels via scroll bar if one of labels is selected
- Fixed: Music Library - adding / updating process interrupts if an error occurred when processing one of files
- Fixed: Music Library - filtering works incorrectly if one of filters contains a NOT OR / NOT AND operations
- Fixed: UI - tables with groups - an error occurs when deleting the content of group and group is focused
- Small bugs were fixed
版本下載:AIMP 4.01.1703
AIMP 4.00.1697
- Common: 3rd party libraries have been updated
- Playlist: the "%!" macro is now affects to next macro, not to entire formatting line
- Fixed: Playlist - loses focus after quick search
- Fixed: Tag Editor - some genres are duplicated after the re-opening of the window
- Fixed: Tag Editor - an AV exception occurs sometimes when renaming group of files
- Fixed: Music Library - navigation via short links does works incorrectly (regression)
- Fixed: Music Library - no way to scroll list of labels via scroll bar if one of labels is selected
- Fixed: Music Library - table view - sorting resets to defaults after restart the app
- Fixed: Plugins - API - an error in the IAIMPExtensionPlaybackQueue.OnSelect method (regression)
- Fixed: Plugins - - no line breaks for details in the "Track Information" dialog
版本下載:AIMP 4.00.1697
AIMP 4.00.1695
* Fixed: Music Library - customized layout of columns is not saved
版本下載:AIMP 4.00.1695
AIMP 4.00.1687
- Common: Monkey's Audio codec has been updated.
- Skin Engine: Seek bar - Hint with position under mouse cursor now appears.
- Fixed: Common - the "Move to..." command does not work for playing file.
- Fixed: UI - table elements - multiple selection via selection rectangle works buggly.
- Fixed: UI - table elements - selection of all items via Ctrl+A shortcut moves focus to first item.
- Fixed: Playlists Manager - an empty playlists were created when moving few folders via drag-n-drop to playlists list.
- Fixed: Player - Internet Radio - meta information changed too early than track really started.
- Fixed: Tag Editor - OGG / FLAC / OPUS - multi-line fields saves incorrectly if their data contains ";" symbol.
- Fixed: Skin Engine - default frame index of TASEAnimator element always equals to 0 even if binding is defined.
- Fixed: Skin Engine - few compatibility issues with old skins were fixed.
- Fixed: Skin Engine - localizations for custom context menus was not refreshed in real-time.
- Fixed: Skin Engine - hint in music library table / playlist blinks when running under Windows 7 if desktop composition is disabled.
- Fixed: Skin Engine - window content was not refreshed after changing the element placement from script.
- Fixed: Music Library - import data base from AIMP3 - files from network locations cannot be imported.
- Fixed: Music Library - the "find in Music Library" command does not work if the "no grouping" mode is selected.
- Fixed: Music Library - playback accounting works incorrectly if playback speed different from default value.
- Small bugs were fixed.
版本下載:AIMP 4.00.1687
AIMP 4.00.1683
- Skin Engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved
- Fixed: Common - app hangs in some cases on closing, and continuing playback of playlist
- Fixed: Player - encoding of online-stream in Ukrainian detects incorrectly
- Fixed: Player - files from CUE Sheets cannot be send to Tag Editor app
- Fixed: Skin Engine - Calculating the waveform for seekbar can be canceled spontaneously in some cases
- Fixed: Music Library - RMB at content of the "Labels" column displays common context menu instead of menu for labels
- Fixed: Music Library - the "check for new files at application start up" function does not work in some cases
- Fixed: Music Library - scrolling via gestures does not work
版本下載:AIMP 4.00.1683
AIMP 4.00.1680
* UI: An ability to switch on countdown in context menu of seek bar.
* UI: the Bliss Dark skin has been added.
* Fixed: Common - the app does not work on some computers because of crash in the libsoxr.dll / aimp_vorbis.dll.
* Fixed: common - CUE parser ignores delimiter symbols in unquoted field values (regression).
* Fixed: Skin Engine - Playlist name after rename does not updated in visible skin elements
* Fixed: Tag Editor - the Replay Gain from file with CUE sheet does not show in the "Information about file" dialog.
* Small bugs were fixed.
版本下載:AIMP 4.00.1680
AIMP 4.00.1678
- Fixed: Playlists Manager - manual sorting does not work.
- Fixed: Player - tracker music - noise appears on some files after seeking.
- Fixed: Playlists - newly added playlists via dran-n-drop always moved at the end of list.
- Fixed: Skin - album art from the playing file is displaying in card with information about the file from playlist.
- Fixed: Skin-Engine - the "smooth transparency" option sometimes works incorrectly.
- Fixed: Skin-Engine - click via right mouse button at running line displays context menu of window in addition to dialog with information about playing file.
- Fixed: Music Library - Grouping Tree - double click at selected node does not collapse / expand it.
- Fixed: Music Library - the "Local files" tab header is not drop target for files unlike playlists tabs.
- Fixed: Music Library - Smart-Playlist - value that equals to "Rating" of the "sort by field" option resets after restart the application.
- Small bugs and defects were fixed.
版本下載:AIMP 4.00.1678
AIMP 3.60.1503
- Fixed: UI - autocomplete in ComboBox element is not case sensitive
- Fixed: Playlist - remove file confirmation dialog appears unfocused if application is inactive
- Fixed: Plugins - - tracks that contains a "&" symbol cannot be scrobbled (regression)
版本下載:AIMP 3.60.1503
AIMP 3.60.1502
- Common: 3rd party libraries have been updated
- Common: Parser for CUE formats now ignores an empty fields
- Playlist: Performance of builder for shuffle queue has been increased at 3 times
- Fixed: Playlist - title of confirmation dialog window contains information about the playable file instead of application title
- Fixed: Playlist name was not changed after save the playlist to external file with different name
- Fixed: Plugins - few small bugs in API were fixed
- Fixed: Plugins - - tracks that contains a "%" symbol cannot be scrobbled
- Fixed: Plugins - - no information about the user in the "information about file" dialog
- Small bugs and defects were fixed
版本下載:AIMP 3.60.1502
AIMP 3.60.1500
* Sound Engine: added an ability to specify the 352.8 KHz sample rate (for devices that support this sample rate)
* Fixed: Sound Engine - application crashes if used select more than 8 channels in settings dialog for ASIO-based device
* Fixed: Player - duration of WAV files calculates incorrectly in some cases
* Fixed: Player - AlbumArt loads incorrectly from ID3v2 in some cases
* Fixed: Playlist - Save Dialog - settings are not saved for work session
* Fixed: Playlist - the "insert after current" command removes selected track from read only playlists
* Fixed: Plugins - - information about the duration of playable file does not sent to server
* Small bugs and defects were fixed
版本下載:AIMP 3.60.1500
AIMP 3.60.1497
- Common: few localizations have been updated, Turkish and Indonesian localizations have been added
- Common: index map of icon library loads incorrectly at second time during one work session
- Player: internet radio - information bars displays every time when player receives metadata from server even if data have not been changed
- Player: application ignores the custom queue when physically deleting playable file
- Player: player jumps to next track if an error occurs during opening file operation even if the "Automatically jump to next track" option is switched off
- Skin Engine: an error occurs when trying to apply skin in handler of skinned button
- Tags: WAV - tags does not loads if section with tags is placed after section with data
- Plugins: SACD - ISO parser does not loads track if there are no meta information about the tracks
- Small bugs and defects were fixed
版本下載:AIMP 3.60.1497
AIMP 3.60.1495
- SACD plugin: multi-threaded decoding is now supported
- SACD Plugin: SACD images in the ISO format are now supported (experimental)
- Tag Editor: the APEv2 tag is now automatically deleted from MP3 during saving changes
- Fixed: Sound Engine - meta-data parses incorrectly in some cases when playing the internet radio
- Fixed: player - bitrate of MP3 files detects incorrectly in some cases
- Fixed: Player - format of internet radio stream in FLAC format in OGG container displays as OGG Vorbis.
- Fixed: Playlist - an error occurs in some cases that leads to stop redrawing of playlist
- Fixed: Playlist - non-natural sorting is used when adding folders to playlist
- Fixed: Playlist - playlist starts playing again after delete last playing track from playlist, even if the "repeat track" option is switched off
- Fixed: Tag Editor - album arts cache is not updated after edit the album art in tag editor
- Fixed: Tag Editor - no an ability to play tracks in TAK / OFR / OFS formats
- Fixed: Plugins - - information about the scrobbling sends to server twice in some cases, if off-line cache is not empty
- Fixed: Plugins - Update Checker - downloading process does not canceled on closing the options dialog
版本下載:AIMP 3.60.1495
AIMP 3.60.1492
- Common: the "jump to file" function does not create a new process of Windows Explorer now (thanks to Alex)
- Player: Playback quality have been improved for tracker music
- Plugins: The Analog Meter visualization is now distribute as separate plugin
- Plugins: - scrobbler status is now displayed at notification area icon
- Fixed: Audio Converter - the "Move output to" option - no ability to type the ":" symbol.
- Fixed: Sound Engine - hangs while re-connecting to device
- Fixed: Common - an edit field cannot be focused by click of right mouse button
- Fixed: Player - shuffler queue is resets when closing the application
- Fixed: player - track can be played twice in some cases if shuffle mode is active.
- Fixed: Tag Editor - an error occurs while reading file in the AIFF format, if file contains padding in the end of file
- Fixed: Skin Engine - bugs with positioning of windows
- Fixed: Plugins - few errors in API
- Fixed: Plugins - - scrobbler progress paints incorrectly
版本下載:AIMP 3.60.1492