Avant Browser 2013 Build 12
- [Add] Brand new user interface
- [add] New browser:home page
- [Fix] logmein problem
- [fix] Cannot input in some java applications
- [Improve]Private session
- [Add] New session
- [Add] Adjust the position of some Settings in AB options>Home page
- [Add] Search result in sidebar
- [Add] Default zoom size option
- [Add] Two options "Open all links in this page"and"Add to bookmarks" in content menu under firefox/chrome engine
- [Add] Import local data automatically when first login online stroage
- [Add] Change the color the IE compatile engine logo on address bar
- [Add] Shortcut for "Save as text"
- [Add] Rewrite favicon for one site
- [Add] Open and fill but not submit multi autofills at the same time
- [Add] New skins
- [Add] Double click the page to refresh it when purple screen appears
- [Add] "open all links in bookmarks folder" option on the root of bookmarks
- [Add] Import bookmarks from HTML file
- [Add] Can change default search engine on search bar
- [Add] Can always keep the search engines added by user.
- [Add] Some websites can change rendering engine automatically
- [Add] Option to open search result in a new tab
- [Add] Can use bookmarks normally when organizing bookmarks.
- [Add] Speed up auto complete feature on address bar
- [Add] Highlight address bar when opening Https site
- [Add] Prompt information when add a same bookmark
- [Add] Visit time on "Organize bookmarks"window
- [Add] Show bookmark's directory on the result when searching a bookmark
- [Add] Can reload all the web pages under the same rendeirng engine
- [Add] Reload option when change default rendering engine
- [Add] Can delete one or more histories
- [Add] Downloader:Open the file when complete
- [Add] Downloader: Option to set Maximum Simultaneous Jobs
- [Add] Downloader: Options to shut down computer/exit browser after all downloads finished
- [Add] Downloader: Option to alear All Download History on Exit
- [fix] Problems of mouse gesture
- [fix] Win8:blank address bar problem
- [fix] Win8:ctrl+shift+q problem
- [Delete] Two unkonwn option in the contentmenu under IE engine
- [fix] Cannot use the "New session" option
- [fix] Some usage habit problem on new interface
- [fix] Bookmark directory messy code
- [fix] Highlight address bar problem
- [fix] Ctrl+shift+f4 cause Avant freeze
- [fix] Focus problem under firefox engine
- [fix] Focus problem on search box
- [fix] Download window opens in background
- [fix] File>print window opens in background under IE engine
- [fix] Focus problem when organizing bookmarks
- [fix] Resote/maximize problem
- [fix] Restore/minimize detahced tab problem
- [fix] Some chrome.exe appear when exiting Avant browser
- [fix] Favicon problem on subdomain
- [fix] Cannot drag favicon from address bar to desktop or other place
- [fix] Prompt window problem of autofill
- [fix] Maximize tiled Windows problem
- [fix] Switching between old and new skins cause Avant interface messed up
- [fix] Cannot show "Save all opened tabs and exit" option on the menu of system tray icon
- [fix] Changing skins/rendering engine may cause page crash
- [fix] Flicker problem of sidebar
- [fix] Problem when using Split view
- [fix] Downloader:Some files failed to download and cannot pause
- [fix] Downloader:Cannot keep proxy setting
- [fix] Focus problem when using F11/F12
- [fix] Open sidebar problem under F11/F12
- [Fix] close tab problem under firefox engine
- [Fix] content menu problem
- [Fix] incorrect url when opening a new blank page
- [Fix] login window of online storage flicker when click text field
- [Fix] "set as the root of bookmarks bar" option didn't work
- [Fix] main menu closed itself under old skins.
- [Fix] didn't show mouse gesture trail sometimes
- [Fix] stored path of Temporary files under firefox engine
- [Fix] couldn't change default downloader
- [Fix] download path was changed when switch downloader
- [Fix] didn't translate the word "zoom"
- [Fix] auto-complete window problem
- [Fix] set default browser's problem
- [Fix] Zoom didn't be translated
- [Fix] auto-complete window's problem
- [Fix] "set default browser" window's problem
- [Fix] some skins disappeared when add new skin
- [Fix] shift+ctrl+z disordered the tabs
- [Fix] play video's problem
- [Fix] add lock toolbar feature under new interface
- [Fix] no restore and minimize button on standard style
- [Fix] baidu search engine's problem
- [Fix] incorrect sidebar location on the second display
- [Fix] changing skins make the interface messed up
- [Fix] problems about split view
- [Fix] XP/windows server 2003 BSOD's problem
- [Fix] preset Wikipedia engien couldn't search more than one words
- [Fix] Some popup window went beyond browser window
- [Fix] Hiding Avant and exiting from tray icon caused the tabs lost
- [Fix] couldn't keep the width of search bar
- [Fix] Some words didn't be translated under polish language
- [Fix] flash problem of ABoption panel
- [Fix] search button's problem on bookmarks sidebar
- [Fix] the problem to show bookmarks on bookmarks bar
- [Fix] save pages problem under private mode
- [Fix] change engine from IE to firefox/chrome often crash the pages
- [Fix] content menu of page show English no matter which interface language you use
- [Fix] the right screen cannot get focus when use split view
- [Fix] cursor didn't show up under firefox engine sometimes
- [Fix] some buttons didn't show up under "customize buttons"
- [Fix] focus problem of browser:home page under chrome engine
- [Fix] problem of opening avant from bing desktop
- [Fix] focus problem when using ctrl+T to open browser:home page
- [Fix] mouse gesture loses effect when there is no page opens.
- [Fix] drop down list problem of address bar
- [fix] minor mistakes of french
- [Fix] the order of reopened tab confused
- [fix] the option to switch tabs via middle mouse button loses effect
- [fix] avant's title cannot get focus when back from full screen mode
- [Fix] "Assign url alias" opens wrong panel
- [Fix] print preview window is opened in background.
- [Fix] sometimes cannot change default search engine on search bar
- [Fix] french language error
- [Fix] page content sometimes doesn't show up when restore Avant from system tray
- [Fix] the optiond to hide Avant taskbar button lose effect
- [Fix] floating toolbar problem under aero glass skin
- [Fix] Alt+Tab problem
- [Fix] cannot remember the position of webpage when refresh under firefox engine
- [Fix] change rendering engine problem
- [Fix] fonts on tabs are not easy to distinguish under new interface
- [Fix] The window to isntall add-ons cannot get focus under firefox engine
- [Fix] the focus problem on autofill password window
- [Fix] proccess doesn't exit completely after exiting Avant
- [Fix] Avant title cannot get focus under srandard style
- [Fix] toolbar area and page content area separated sometimes
版本下載:Avant Browser 2013 Build 12
Avant Browser 2012 Build 197
- [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.97)
- [Fix] Back history disappeared after re-opening last closed page in Chrome mode
- [Fix] A login form flashing issue
- [Fix] Dragging and dropping text to open in a new tab made it being left onto the screen in IE10 mode]] >
- [Fix] The issue of not supporting unicode domain name
- [Fix] The crashing issue caused by Save as Dialog
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 197
Avant Browser 2012 Build 196
- [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.97)
- [Fix] Back history disappeared after re-opening last closed page in Chrome mode
- [Fix] A login form flashing issue
- [Fix] Dragging and dropping text to open in a new tab made it being left onto the screen in IE10 mode]] >
- [Fix] The issue of not supporting unicode domain name
- [Fix] The crashing issue caused by Save as Dialog
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 196
Avant Browser 2012 Build 193
- [Add] Address bar drop down list is able to match multiple keywords
- [Fix] Page crashing problem in some circumstances
- [Fix] Focus problem in search bar and address bar
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 193
Avant Browser 2012 Build 192
- [Update] Firefox engine (
- [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.95)
- [Add] "Add to bookmarks" and "Open all links in this page" options to the context menu of the page for firefox and chrome engine
- [Add] Auto resize,Left-handed rotation,Right-handed rotation on floating toolbar
- [Fix] A bug of downloader for Chromium Engine that can't download some https links
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 192
Avant Browser 2012 Build 191
- [Update] Firefox engine (
- [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.95)
- [Add] "Add to bookmarks" and "Open all links in this page" options to the context menu of the page for firefox and chrome engine
- [Add] Auto resize,Left-handed rotation,Right-handed rotation on floating toolbar
- [Fix] A bug of downloader for Chromium Engine that can't download some https links
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 191
Avant Browser 2012 Build 190
- [Update] Firefox engine (
- [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.91)
- [Add] Support IE10 rendering engine.
- [Add] Process descriptions of firefox.exe and chrome.exe in windows task manager
- [Fix] The Side Panel sometimes refused to open.
- [Fix] Exiting Avant Browser caused crash when tool bars were arranged in certain positions.
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 190
Avant Browser 2012 Build 189
- [Fix] Sometimes the page lost focus after pressing Refresh, Back, Forward button.
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 189
Avant Browser 2012 Build 188
- [Update] Webkit engine (22.0.1229.96)
- [Update] Firefox engine (
- [Fix] Logging into online storage failed in some areas
- [Fix] The zooming size can't be remembered in chrome rendering mode
- [Fix] Sometimes closing the menu left a shadow in the screen
- [Add] Input hint in address bar and search bar
- [Change] A new method to set Avant Browser as the default browser on windows 8
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 188
Avant Browser 2012 Build 187
Avant Browser 2012 Build 186
Avant Browser 2012 Build 182
- [Update] Webkit engine (21.0.1180.89)
- [Update] Firefox engine (
- [Add] Avant Downloader has added support for third party downloaders
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 182
Avant Browser 2012 Build 181
- [Update] Webkit engine (21.0.1180.83)
- [Update] Firefox engine (
- [Fix] Ctrl+shift+Z can only reopen the last closed page instead of recovering the last action of closing pages
- [Fix][Webkit] Webkit crashing issue on https://plus.google.com
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 181
Avant Browser 2012 Build 180
- [Update] Webkit engine (21.0.1180.60)
- [Fix] Ctrl+shift+Z opened the last closed page twice in some case
- [Fix] Sometimes Avant Downloader can’t start up
- [Fix][Trident] The not responding issue
- [Fix][Gecko] Being unable to open pages issue
- [Fix][Webkit] Avant Downloader is unable to get correct download file in some case
- [Fix][Webkit] Adding Chrome extensions caused chrome.exe to crash
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 180
Avant Browser 2012 Build 179
- [Fix] Improved performance of Memory Management
版本下載:Avant Browser 2012 Build 179