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# Notable Changes - Windows/Linux: Added 64-bit version that handles significantly larger comparisons. - Linux: Updated user interface to use Qt 4.8 instead of Qt 3.3. - Windows: Comparing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx) is now significantly faster and no longer requires Excel. - OS X/Linux: Added support for Microsoft Word documents and Excel spreadsheets (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx). - Windows: Added support for Microsoft OneDrive. - OS X/Linux: Added read/write support for 7-zip .7z archives and read-only support for many additional types (.iso, .rar, .dmg, etc). - Added support for .xz and .tar.xz archives. - OS X: Added MP3 compare. - Added support for 3-way merges in the "External" format. - Added support for IPv6 to FTP and FTPS connections. - Windows: Added support for IPv6 to SFTP, WebDAV, and cloud services connections. - Windows: Added support for taskbar jump lists on Windows 7 and up. - OS X/Linux: Fixed SSL validation to not warn for certificates signed by trusted certificate authorities (affects FTPS, WebDAV, and cloud services). - Linux: "PDF Documents" file format is now included by default. - Windows: Improved appearance when using 125%, 150%, and 200% DPI scaling and high contrast themes. - Linux: Dialog button order on Gnome is now right-to-left instead of always following KDE conventions. - OS X: "Open With" now works with application bundles (.app). - Numerous bug fixes, performance enhancements, and other improvements. # Archives - OS X/Linux: Added read/write support for .7z archives. - OS X/Linux: Added read-only support for archive types provided by 7-zip (.iso, .rar, .dmg, etc). - Added support for .xz and .tar.xz archives. - Fixed problems with modifying an archive while background content comparisons are enabled. - Windows: Updated 7-zip DLL to v9.38 beta. - Windows: Updated Unrar DLL to v5.21.100. - Windows: Fixed support for .rar archives created on OS X or Linux. - Windows: Fixed performance when extracting files from multiple .rar archives. - Windows: Removed support for WinZip .zipx JPEG compression (hopefully temporarily). - OS X: Fixed error when trying to copy/create a folder in a zip file. # Cloud Services - Windows: Added support for Microsoft OneDrive. - Windows: Added support for IPv6. - OS X/Linux: Fixed SSL validation to not warn for certificates signed by trusted certificate authorities. - Connection errors now include descriptive messages instead of numeric codes. - OS X/Linux: Fixed loading files/folders with extended characters in their names. - Improved default names for newly created Dropbox profiles. - Fixed memory leak when creating a new folder on Amazon S3. # Command Line - Windows: Fixed bcomp.com/bcomp.exe so it loads BC4 instead of trying to load BC3 if it's been copied to a different folder. - /fileviewer= can now accept "Folder Compare", "Folder Sync", and "Folder Merge" in addition to the file view types. # File Formats - Added support for 3-way merges in the "External" format. - Windows: Comparing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx) is now significantly faster and no longer requires Excel. - OS X/Linux: Added support for Microsoft Word documents and Excel spreadsheets (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx). - Linux: "PDF Documents" file format is now included by default. - Windows: Fixed various issues when loading Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx). - Fixed "Visual Basic Source" comment definition. - Removed "Microsoft Write" support. # File Views - Windows: Failing to save a file because it's locked against deletion will now try again using an alternate method. - OS X: Open/save dialogs now treat .app bundles as folders to allow selecting files within them. - Fixed editing files with file extension that match read-only archive types (e.g., .img). - Windows: Fixed access denied error when trying to overwrite a file with write permissions but not modify permissions. - Border of the viewport in the comparison thumbnail no longer covers differences. - OS X/Linux: Fixed load errors when trying to set sharing permissions when opening files. - Switched save icon color back to blue. # Folder Compare - Added icons to the file operation progress reporting panels indicating the file operation that's occurring. - "Browse Using Profile" dialog now shows more useful text in the browse treeview when a profile has been selected but not loaded. - Fixed using "Ignore Folder Structure" to not incorrectly include/exclude files in the root of the comparison that match folder name filters. - Windows: Fixed copied junctions/symlinks showing as folders until after a refresh. - Windows: Fixed issues overwriting an existing junction/symlink. - OS X/Linux: Fixed "Compare Contents" dialog not displaying the ?= icon. - OS X/Linux: Fixed using Esc to cancel an in-place file rename. - OS X: Improved speed of rules-based text comparisons. - Improved readability of selected "Align With" or "Compare To" item. - Fixed incremental search matching incorrect filenames. # Folder Merge - Added "Session > Folder Merge Info" command. - Changed mergeable toggle icon colors. - "Compare to Output" is now only shown if "Merge to" is "Other". - OS X: Fixed path edits displaying text incorrectly when unfocused. # FTP - Added support for IPv6 to FTP and FTPS connections. - Windows: Added support for IPv6 to SFTP connections. - Improved behavior when trying to load an ftp:// URL with an invalid or empty username. - Added TLS/SSL version fallback when connecting to servers that don't support more recent TLS versions. - Improved port allocation behavior when using limited ports for active (PORT) transfers. - OS X/Linux: Fixed timestamps with missing seconds incorrectly showing as hh:mm:01. - OS X/Linux: Fixed SSL validation to not warn for certificates signed by trusted certificate authorities. - Reconnecting to a server no longer uses the HOST command if the server rejected it previously. - Fixed Quick Connect password edit showing the password in plain text if the "Username" field was empty. - Fixed Quick Connect showing "user@example.com" in the password edit when loaded with an sftp:// URL that doesn't include a password. - Fixed collisions when saving a profile into a subfolder that already contains a profile with the same auto-generated name. - OS X: Fixed folder listings with invalid characters being treated as an empty. - Fixed parsing folder listings containing filenames with a '年' character in them. # Hex Compare - Fixed positioning after a Find fails when selection existed beforehand. - Fixed replacing "a" with "aa" in reverse direction. - Fixed Find to not skip first occurrence when positioned immediately before it. # Home View - OS X/Linux: Added support for multi-select in the session treeview. - Session management panel can now be maximized, hiding quick launch buttons. - Empty auto-saved sessions folders are now removed. # Installer - Linux: Added support for nemo and caja file managers, fixing support for context menus on Mint. - Windows: .msi installers now disable check for updates by default. - Windows: Fixed support for the /noicons switch. - Windows: Fixed installer so it writes ExePath/Version to both 32-bit and 64-bit areas of the registry. # Misc - Windows/Linux: Added 64-bit version that handles significantly larger comparisons. - Linux: Updated user interface to use Qt 4.8 instead of Qt 3.3. - Linux: Dialog button order on Gnome is now right-to-left instead of always following KDE conventions. - OS X: "Open With" now works with application bundles (.app). - Windows: Added support for taskbar jump lists on Windows 7 and up. Most frequently used workspaces, sessions, and session types are shown. - Windows: Improved appearance of icons on 125%, 150%, and 200% DPI scaling. - Windows: Improved appearance when using a high contrast theme. - Windows: Path edits now strip enclosing quotes from pasted strings. - Improved startup and comparison speed. - Linux: Find & Replace regular expression support is now based on PCRE. - Linux: Temp file handling now respects the $TMPDIR environment variable. - Fixed Profiles dialog's "Save As" command creating empty profiles instead of copying the selected profile's settings. - Fixed Profile dialog preventing multiple profiles from having the same name or having a name containing illegal characters. - Fixed deleting temp files after a crash to include files with extensions other than .tmp. - Reduced menu accelerator duplicates. - OS X: Fixed toolbar Sessions dropdown list sizing too large. - Linux: Suppressed hints/warnings written to stderr. - Improved behavior trying to register with a malformed key. - Windows: Fixed read-only temp files not being deleted. - Windows: .bcpkg files are no longer included in the Recent Documents list. - Windows: Updated application manifest to disable compatibility shims on Windows 8 and 8.1. - Windows: Fixed appearance of alpha-blended icons in the Explorer submenu. - Fixed truncated German translations. # MP3 Compare - OS X: Added MP3 compare. - Added "Play" command to right click menu. # Options - OS X: Fixed changing size of text editor gutter text. - OS X: Fixed scrolling the Tweaks panel with the mouse wheel. - OS X: Fixed opening the "Log" preferences from the folder compare interface. - OS X/Linux: Fixed support for ~/log.txt style filenames when saving the log to a file automatically. # Picture Compare - Re-added option to change the background color behind transparent images. # Portable Devices (MTP) - Improved error message when a delete or intra-device copy or move fails. - Fixed reading files potentially including data past the end of the file. # Registry Compare - Fixed "Copy" and "Copy Key Name" commands to switch focus to the editor. - Fixed displaying "(zero-length binary value)". # Reports - Reports for edited files now use UTF-8 instead of ANSI. - Fixed "Action could not be completed" error when saving reports that contain characters that the output format can't encode. - MP3 and Version compare reports now show comparison status in the center column when a node is collapsed. - Tweaked monochrome reports. # Scripting - Fixed REPORT commands so they log any errors that occur and fail the script. - Fixed using ~/log.txt style filenames when using the LOG command with the APPEND: option. - Fixed scripts failing to run if they used 'smart' quotes rather than ASCII ones. - Script dialog now shows fatal errors on the "Errors" tab. # Subversion - Improved default names for newly created profiles. - Fixed support for http://, https://, and file:// URLs in folder browse's "Quick Connect". - Fixed "Up one level" for svn:// URLs. - Fixed folder browse dialog to show the folder structure up to the repository root when loading an svn:// URL. - Fixed support for loading svn:// URLs that refer to files when the parent folder hasn't been loaded. - Fixed loading file content from a Subversion server with an untrusted SSL certificate. # Text Views - OS X: Fixed intermittent issue with pasting from other applications. - OS X: Fixed load errors for files with certain character encodings. - Fixed cursor positioning on lines that contain multiple control characters. # Text Compare - Improved "Align With..." when aligning a selection of lines. - Windows: "Webpages" uses Internet Explorer again. - Windows: Fixed clicking on the gutter buttons while the message panel is visible. # Text Merge - Fixed incorrect output when using Patience Diff alignment. # Version Compare - Tweaked behavior when the StringFileInfo blocks don't match the VarFileInfo Translation block. # WebDAV - Windows: Added support for IPv6. - Improved default names for newly created profiles. - OS X/Linux: Fixed SSL validation to not warn for certificates signed by trusted certificate authorities. # Crashes - Fixed Folder Compare crash when using "Ignore Folder Structure" with a name filter that uses "..." to match any number of subfolders. - Windows: Fixed crash when mousing over TortoiseHg menu items in the "Explorer" submenu. - OS X: Fixed crash when unable to find default printer. - OS X: Fixed crash using the titlebar's maximize button. - OS X/Linux: Fixed crash in Folder Compare "Touch" dialog. - Windows: Fixed Registry Compare crash saving export file containing zero-length binary value. - Fixed Table Compare crash when saving as part of a refresh. - Fixed crash when generating folder compare reports. - Linux: Fixed crash when detaching text merge output panel. - Linux: Fixed crash when passing a command line longer than 512 bytes. - Linux: Fixed crash when pasting into an empty text editor. - Windows: Fixed crash when using "Compare Versions" in a folder merge containing .exe files that have been added or deleted. - OS X: Fixed crash displaying Thai text. - OS X: Fixed ability to launch on systems that don't have libc++1.dylib (primarily 10.6 Snow Leopard). - Fixed Home view crash when a shared sessions folder is selected and the shared settings file is changed externally. - Fixed crash when closing the Profile Browse dialog while it's trying to expand a folder. - Fixed Hex Compare Next/Previous Difference crash when positioned beyond last byte. - Fixed Folder Compare crash when deleting/moving a file or folder. - Fixed Profile Browse dialog crash when trying to browse portable media devices. - Fixed crash if a MSSCCI provider returns an error code when opening or closing a connection or querying for capabilities. - Fixed crash when a portable media device was disconnected while it was in use. - Fixed crash when closing a window. - OS X: Fixed crash when using a non-gregorian calendar crashes on start up. - Fixed Options dialog crash when loading commands |