本產品是一個完全整合所有BitTorrent (簡稱為BT)下載功能的BT專屬下載軟體,大幅度地簡化了BT下載在管理及細部功能設定上的繁複性,相當容易上手。所有BT的愛用者千萬不要錯過這款功能強大的軟體唷!
- 各位使用者是不是都用過FlashGet這款功能強大的續傳軟體呢?這次要介紹的這款產品 BitComet (又稱比特彗星),除了擁有與前者相似且容易上手的操作介面之外,本身更内建 BT 分享資源的搜尋功能,只要使用者輸入關鍵字,立馬就能夠找到許許多多的檔案下載噢!
- 稱其為近年來最火紅的點對點網路下載工具絕對是當之無愧,除了其他同樣享有高評價的eMule、eDonkey等軟體之外,幾乎無人能出其右。與多數 P2P下載工具相比,無論是速度、安全性或是操作方式上,BitComet的效能都優化許多,此款產品內建排程下載的功能,並能夠同時執行多個檔案的下載工作,更具備了下載進度狀態檢查以及支援多部中繼伺服器等功能,確保下載過程順暢無阻。而新加入的檔案搜尋功能,將現有網路上數個提供 BT 下載來源的社群以及搜尋網站整合,方便使用者快速查詢並下載欲搜尋的檔案內容。除了上述功能的改進之外,BitComet並且能夠有效的控制網路頻寬,不會因為使用者正在下載或是上傳資源分享,而因此造成連線壅塞的情況。
- 本產品支援多達52國語言,而且是免費軟體,原創公司為 BitComet。
軟體資訊 |
檔案版本 |
BitComet 1.55 File Sharing P2P Client for PC Windows |
檔案名稱 |
檔案大小 |
17.24MB |
系統 |
Windows (All Versions) |
支援語系 |
Multiple languages |
軟體類型 |
免費軟體 |
更新日期 |
2019-02-04 |
更新日誌 |
GUI Improved: add new task categories "Uncompleted" and more in left Channel pane, which can be switch by context menu GUI Improved: add RSS feeds in left Channel pane GUI Improved: Statistics pane displays listening port status of IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP separately GUI Improved: Trackers pane displays peer number from PEX GUI Improved: Peers pane displays downloaded and uploaded size of disconnected peers GUI Improved: new Long-Term Seeding disk cache setting in Option window GUI Improved: Statistics pane displays disk cache info of BitTorrent transfer, HTTP download and Long-Term Seeding separately GUI Improved: choose KB/s or MB/s as speed unit automatically GUI Improved: when sort task by time, display tasks of unknown time as earliest GUI Improved: identify video file type of .webm and .ogv GUI Bugfix: toolbar display incorrectly after change Windows UI theme GUI Bugfix: tooltip of task summary will show up even when window not in foreground GUI Bugfix: occasionally crash when display popup window of task download progress Core Improve: support Long-Term Seeding in IPv6 network Core Improve: optimize the disk cache for Long-Term Seeding Core Improve: add UDP incoming status detect for listening port Core Improve: report IPv4, IPv6 address to other peer in dual-stack network, to establish double way connections Core Bugfix: decrease UI lag when executable file download finished Core Bugfix: too many tracker connections when multiple BitTorrent tasks download at the same time Core Bugfix: improve stability of Long-Term Seeding |
作者 |
BitComet.com |
官網 |
http://www.bitcomet.com |