Camfrog Video Chat 6.10.454
* New VIP Messaging for Extreme subscribers.
* Customizable instant message background.
* New IM window design with message bubbles.
* Updated Room Browser design.
版本下載:Camfrog Video Chat 6.10.454
Camfrog Video Chat 6.10.451
* New VIP Messaging for Extreme subscribers.
* Customizable instant message background.
* New IM window design with message bubbles.
* Updated Room Browser design.
版本下載:Camfrog Video Chat 6.10.451
Camfrog Video Chat 6.9.437
Camfrog Video Chat 6.9.418
Camfrog Video Chat 6.9.414
Camfrog Video Chat 6.9.413
- Extreme users can now change their nickname, and even have spaces and other characters.
- Extreme users can type /pop in-room to automatically open the most popular webcams.
- Updated, easier to see notifications and alert sounds.
- Various design enhancements and bug fixes.
版本下載:Camfrog Video Chat 6.9.413
Camfrog Video Chat 6.8.398
Camfrog Video Chat 6.8.391
Camfrog Video Chat 6.8.387
- New Camfrog Extreme Support.
- New Custom Animated Emoticons.
- Added ability to sort sticker packs.
- Added ability to automatically view most popular webcams.
- New "Report Webcam" flag to report inappropriate webcams to room moderators.
- Various interface updates.
- Bug fixes and stability enhancements.
版本下載:Camfrog Video Chat 6.8.387
Camfrog Video Chat 6.7.356
* Fully re-designed Rooms Browser - Now browse by rooms that are near you, that are the most popular, have the most webcams, are the most favorite, or browse by interest tags!
* Stickers can now be used in Instant Messages - Express yourself using stickers and have more fun.
* Enhanced privacy - Now you can combine Privacy mode with Online, Away, Busy, Invisible
* Change behavior of YouTube in chat rooms - You can now hide the video window and restore it
* Various bug fixes and enhancements
版本下載:Camfrog Video Chat 6.7.356