
CudaText 1.64.2


Add: New options for caret shape: "caret_view", "caret_view_ovr", "caret_view_ro"
Add: Caret shape(s) can have height bigger than full cell, e.g. 140%
Change: Deleted options "caret_shape", "caret_shape_ovr", "caret_shape_ro"
Add: Improved lexer Markdown (highlighted math blocks, table chars; fixed definition lists)

版本下載:CudaText 1.64.2

CudaText 1.64.0


File-types config allows to detect lexer by first line of text. See details in the wiki.
Option "ui_listbox_centered", allows to place menu dialogs (e.g. Command Palette) on screen center.
Option "ui_console_compact", allows narrow layout of bottom panels.
Improved auto-closing of brackets, it works if next char is one of ;:.,=>
App detects missed elements in old color themes, and shows it in console, on loading theme.
Dialog "Go to" ignores letter chars.
Command "settings: font size: bigger"
Command "settings: font size: smaller"
Lexer Markdown improved (<kbd> content highlighted, fixed rule for strikeout text).
Deleted deprecated command "Restore lexer styles"; you can delete old "settings/lexer styles backup.ini"
Deleted option "log_debug"
Deleted option "ui_float_groups_in_taskbar"
Deleted option "comment_full_line_if_no_sel"
Fixes for non-blinking caret.

版本下載:CudaText 1.64.0

CudaText 1.59.2


Add: Code Tree filter: save filter (with dropdown list) to session.
Add: theme color "treeview, selected BG, not focused"; allows to see if Code Tree focused.
Change: deleted option "lexer_line_separators".
Fix: on opening session, closing all tabs with confirmation was not correct.
Fix: API for tab groups.

版本下載:CudaText 1.59.2

CudaText 1.58.2


Add: Code Tree has additional filter field.
Add: option "ui_tree_filter_layout".
Add: more Unicode "white space" characters are shown in hex form.
Add: find/replace with regular expressions: "w" supports all Unicode word letters.
Add: API.
Add: command line parameter -nh (no history).
Add: command line parameter -z (open in viewer).
Add: command "code tree: go to block for current node".
Add: command "code tree: go to block for current node, and select".
Add: on file opening, syntax colored text appears faster.
Add: on deleting lexer, its files .acp and .cuda-lexmap are also deleted.
Add: Project Manager option "Use 'preview tab' on item clicking".
Add: Addon Manager now deletes most of its temporary files (please delete old folders cudatext_NNNNN in temp dir).
Add: option "centering_width" now has effect only with "One group" mode.
Change: option "ui_statusbar_tabsize" changed its default, now it supports app translation.
Change: action "Set tab color" saves its settings not to user.json (please cleanup your user.json from *palette* keys).
Change: command line parameters: long keys variants are removed, only short ones left.
Change: option "newdoc_eol" now affects Windows only (it's "Unix EOL" on Unix).
Change: deleted option "ui_statusbar_wrap".
Change: deleted option "ui_tree_show_lines".
Change: deleted option "ui_tree_cache".
Fix: minor UI fixes.
Fix: Unix: support Python 3.7.
Fix: Windows: support UNC filenames with "single instance".
Fix: lexer JSON (string rule).
Fix: group-mode commands *vert/*horz were swapped, if Config Menu plugin was used; you need to correct menu config for plugin.

版本下載:CudaText 1.58.2

CudaText 1.57.0


Add: preinstall plugin Options Editor (by @kvichans). And it can be updated in AddonManager as usual.
Add: improve lexer JSON (different color for string before ":").
Add: improve lexer Pascal (code tree for nested class of 1 level).
Add: improve lexer Assembly (hilite labels, show labels in Code Tree, hilite dec/binary numbers with suffix).

版本下載:CudaText 1.57.0

CudaText 1.56.4


Fix: group-modes "1+2 horz/vert" gave errors.
Fix: better support Auto Save plugin.
Fix: lexer Pascal must support & char.

版本下載:CudaText 1.56.4

Comodo IceDragon 64-bit

版本下載:Comodo IceDragon 64-bit

CudaText 1.56.3


Add: improved plugin "Insert Time": added command "Insert in default format", and command "Config" in "Options / Settings-plugins".
Add: API.

版本下載:CudaText 1.56.3

CudaText 1.56.0


Add: option "autocomplete_html_lexers".
Add: option "autocomplete_css_lexers".
Add: add-ons can require other add-on(s) via install.inf file.
Fix: HTML auto-completion must work in PHP files.
Fix: HTML and PHP snippets were not adjusted for new PHP/PHP_ lexers.
Fix: with "ui_one_instance":true, cannot open folder from 2nd instance.
Fix: after "trim spaces" actions, must fix caret pos, if after line ends.

版本下載:CudaText 1.56.0

CudaText 1.55.1


Fix: app window position was forced to first monitor.
Fix: app taskbar button was always on first monitor.
Fix: position of auto-complete listbox sometimes not ok.

版本下載:CudaText 1.55.1

CudaText 1.55.0


Add: side panel and bottom panel can be floating (undocked).
Menu item "View - Toggle floating side panel".
Menu item "View - Toggle floating bottom panel".
Command "toggle floating side panel".
Command "toggle floating bottom panel".
Add: floating tab groups 1/2/3. Now you can put tabs to 2nd monitor. To move tab to floating groups, in tab's context menu call "Move tab to group - Floating 1/2/3".
Add: option "ui_float_groups_in_taskbar".
Add: hotkey for "Command palette" set to famous Ctrl+Shift+P (second hotkey is F1).
Change: renamed menu item "Help - Commands" to "Help - Command palette".
Change: changed default of options "minimap_tooltip_show" and "fold_tooltip_show" to false.
Fix: minimap rendering for PHP.
Fix: lexers HTML, PHP (rule for &#nnnn;).
Fix: lexer Markdown (rule for header).

版本下載:CudaText 1.55.0

CudaText 1.54.0


New plugin CudaTree with sub-plugins, TreeHelpers.
Most useful TreeHelpers: for Markdown, for PHP.
Add: API.
Change: lexer PHP code tree simplified (hidden $vars, HTML tags, JS items).
Fix: highlighting error in "lite lexers".
Fix: issue when pasting block w/o EOL, at empty line.

版本下載:CudaText 1.54.0

Audials Tunebite Premium 2018.1.460000.0

版本下載:Audials Tunebite Premium 2018.1.460000.0

CudaText 1.53.4


Add: it's possble to show current char in the statusbar: statusbar options support new macros {char} {char_dec} {char_hex} {char_hex4}.
Fix: crash when AddonManager installs a lexer, with any lexers active in tabs.
Fix: crash when Lexer Library deletes a lexer active in tabs.
Fix: issue in LaTeX lexer with "dynamic hiliting".
Fix: lexer VBScript.

版本下載:CudaText 1.53.4

CudaText 1.53.0


Add: can specify different fonts for italic / bold / bold+italic font-styles:
Option "font_name_i".
Option "font_name_b".
Option "font_name_bi".
Option "font_size_i".
Option "font_size_b".
Option "font_size_bi".
Add: option "autocomplete_up_down_at_edge".
Add: option "find_suggest_in_selection".
Add: command "toggle window always on top".
Change: changed default of "font_ligatures" to true.
Change: deleted option "spacing_x".
Change: deleted commands "show side panel: tabs list / project" (doable via plugin actions).

版本下載:CudaText 1.53.0