dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.6
Added shortcut to tag editor, if edit tags for multi files then ALT + N is same as click '>' button (next file), and ALT + B is the same as '<' (previous file).
Updated m4a decoder to latest fdk v2.
Drops 'encoding tool' tag on converting.
Album art - retrieve from Internet updated for compatibility.
Music Converter, if select [Delete Selected Profile] from encoder menu, asks if should delete.
Bug Fix: Explorer >> convert to: loads converter, then do another Convert To would spawn a 2nd Music Converter, instead of adding the files to existing open one.
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.6
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.5
Music Converter and edit id tags appear on same desktop as invoking Windows file explorer, or Batch Converter.
Added tool tips to Music Converter output to folder selection.
CD Ripper - tests for Windows Defender 'Controlled folder access' and auto sets CD Ripper to 'Windows Built-in' communication method.
Batch Converter optimized metadata reading thread.
Batch Converter: if drag a column it shows correctly in the list view.
Using FLAC 1.3.3 beta.
Using latest FDK decoder 0.1.6.
Control Center has large help button.
CD Ripper - dialog boxes will appear on same screen as main app.
Edit Tag page - text box and lines resize with the control.
Batch Converter - File List page shows on same screen as main app.
Batch Converter - remembers position if dragged.
Option (off by default) to map mp3 id2v3 style to TIT1, when mapped iTunes uses this rather than title on iPhones to organize the tracks.
Bug Fixes
Multi-encoder can have [origdrive].
m4a fdk aac the bit rate CBR label was overwritten by VBR.
m4a was showing Audio Quality: Low (lossy) for all files.
Certain tagging of m4a files would fail.
Playlist writer where writing to ._ tmp files, it was passing track 1 filename for all tracks on CD in BatchEnd.
Multi-encoder now uses ID Processing DSP for filenames.
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.5
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.4
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.3
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.2
# CD Ripper
* Art menu: new option 'copy to clipboard'.
* Now stops Windows from sleeping whilst ripping.
* Title set on main page at top.
* Can press space to toggle check status for all selected tracks.
* Re-ordered the text boxes at the top, album made bigger.
* Rip as one moved to options menu.
* Work, movement number, count and name boxes when genre is classical or opera
* Excludes utility codecs such as [ReplayGain].
* Indicates if cannot rename ._ temp file at end of ripping.
* Wave encoder: added 88KHz and 176KHz to frequency settings.
* mp3 and m4a better at handling multi designated artists (and those which are not such as AC/DC).
* Tag editor shows the right hand part of filename if not enough room to display.
* Core Converter will only indicate 1 error (not 9) if cannot tag file after converting.
* Music Converter Disables DSP button for utility codecs which cannot have DSP effects.
* Batch Converter refreshes track listing after conversion, showing new files (if converted to same folder).
# Bug Fixes
* If clicking CD Ripper or Batch Converter on title bar when was not active, but is maximized, no longer restores down the window.
* CD Ripper could edit the totals line.
* CD ripper >> album art […] button >> “view current art fullsize” was not working.
* CD ripper: estimate size column was cleared after meta received.
* CD ripper: when insert a new disc the Error and information page would still show values from last disc.
* On some systems it could report 'missing encoder' when encoding.
* Batch converter would not show check marks on filter page if have more than 2000 artists / etc.
* FLAC tagger would not change tag if FLAC file was missing vendor item in tag (all FLAC files should have these).
* Tag editor would not delete a standard shown tag if the name was different to the standard shown value.
* CD Ripper if type a new artist into the album art search page, was not clearing existing results.
* FLAC tagger would not write tags if the FLAC file contains 2 Id tag blocks.
* CD Ripper commercial metadata would be unavailable during trial.
* id3v2 art with a description of 'A bright colored fish' (17) can be deleted.
* Music Converter selecting preserve source path would add {_._} to naming.
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.2
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1
# New option to read shell tag items in-process (on by default), is much faster
# CD Ripper
* Able to lookup more discs with Discogs
* Restored Tracktype metadata option
* Repositioned ripping status to not clash with title bar
* Darkened the down button state for toolbar buttons
* Changed internal art preferential selection from providers
* Correct separation detection based on '/' for discogs
* Results page added OK & Eject button
* Tag Editor: font sizes adjusted to better display tags (especially on property page)
* Tag Editor: if do a clear then fills the default standard blank tag fields
* Control Centre - better at indicating codecs need updating, also beta versions are not offered to be replaced until full release
* Conditional Encode added a 'xx or Above / Below' items to effectively allow an equals check on a value, example '44KHz or Below'
* Conditional Encode added new 'If All Conditions Match' option
* mp3 decoder faster at indexing files
* Installer, shows reboot option at end as first item in list (not off screen in scroll list)
* Added escape handler to dsp settings pages, dmc finish page
* Can drag title bar while CD Ripper, etc maximized
# Bug Fixes
* Would display '[artist][album] -' when choosing art in CD Ripper
* Choosing naming as 'Preserve Source Path' would write [origpath] to the output path
* Apple Lossless would report could not verify file if ripping in CD Ripper with the option set to rip to ._ temp files
* Playlist writer works in CD Ripper if option set to rip to ._ tmp files
* Would not correctly remove art from m4a files
* If install to short path location, then Control Centre cannot start music converter
* Replaygain DSP effect, fixed option 'Identify Albums as - All Files in Single Folder'
* Batch Converter was leaving a file open (would stop it be arranged if [Arrange Audio] is used)
* Conditional encode would not create destination folder
* CD ripper was not setting % done in taskbar title
* Info tips in programs, no longer using drop shadow (which could be left behind)
* Adaptive EBU normalize could fade out the last 6 seconds
* Installer would not set default values for mp3 tag creation, folder writing (in CD Ripper)
* Batch converter: could create a profile with invalid name and not save
* ID tag editor would access internet to read id tag suggestions even though the option 'no internet access for dbpoweramp' selected
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.0
# Full Changes
- New visual style, high DPI aware, 200% and 300% compatible
- Configure dBpoweramp repurposed as dBpoweramp Control Centre, only elevates on changes to shell settings
- Configuration, if proxy server is enabled but no proxy server is set, it is disabled.
- DSP Effects included as standard in all installs, DSP version number is now dBpoweramps version number
- dBpoweramp Shell Tag Editor - looks up art with PerfectTUNES
- Naming Section total rewrite
- Naming Added new values [track_unpad] [track_total_unpad] for unpadded track number and count
- Naming [IFEQUALS] check will match from multiple stored values, such as one match from 3 genres
- Naming added [REPLACE] function
- Naming added [WORD] function to limit word count
# Converter
- Can add or remove CPU Cores from converting whilst converting
- Nearly instant when converting 1000's of files if the file naming does not require ID Tags reading for filenames
- Works with DSP effect 'conditional encoding' to allow programmable actions on files depending on their settings (such as copy 1:1 mp3, not encode)
- Option to precache read the source file, more for non-ssd systems, improves read performance by 100%
- New option (in configuration) 'Filename restricted characters'
- When finalizing DSP Effects (such as 100K RG album gains being written), the display is now responsive
# Codecs
- m4a: able to read m4a file designated as mp42 or mp41 internally (really .mp4)
- m4a: displays bit rate for fdk vbr encoded files
- m4a separates out multi artist etc internally as individual tags, for maximum compatibility (option in config allows reverse order or / separated)
# DSP Effects
- Volume Normalize EBU-R128 defaults to -18 dB target volume.
- ID Tag Processing, multi-artists etc added with Additions are correctly detected as multiples if separated as '; '
- ReplayGain identifies albums also with Disc number.
- Resample effect has new minimum and maximum options.
- New Icons
- New Effect: Conditional Encoding (R16 or above required)
- Volume Normalize added Adaptive EBU-R128 option, and redesigned settings page
# CD Ripper
- Can edit tags such as artist in track listing
- Simplified interface, refresh and metadata button combined now
- Metadata cache stores intel metadata providers separately, also error and info logs, and size increased by default to 200MB
- AMG replaced with Discogs for metadata and PerfectTUNES for ART (AMG is EOL Q3 2016)
- Album Art Choose (from Internet) can type the artist and album names. PerfectTUNES is searched also for art.
- Pasting art from clipboard, can paste URL containing art, or filename location
- New option: rc on track listing >> Paste track titles from clipboard: this open will take a multiline list in the form artist - title or just title and replace the title and artist.
- Manual Metadata Review: Has cancel button, also shows genre or year as <different> if they are not uniform across all tracks
- Metadata trims lead and end spaces
- New Option (on options page, note not compatible with Multi-Encoder) "When Ripping":
- Rip to '._' files, rename album at end (default option)
- Rip to temporary folder, move album at end
- Rip direct to final filenames
- Submit to freedb restrictions lifted
# Batch Converter
- right click folder >> dBpoweramp Batch Convert with multiple folders selected, only 1 Batch Converter appears
- visually better when processing large number of files
- added profile support, also profiles passed onto Music Converter so Codec selection / DSPs, etc are unique to that profile name
- added metadata filter based exclusion / inclusions
- quicker at processing large number of files
# Tag Editor
- total redesign
- predictive typing for artist + album (based on perfecttunes known artists)
- default tags (shown when no tags present) can be edited: %appdata%dBpowerampDefaultTagEdit.txt
- Added new configuration option 'dBpoweramp Edit ID-Tags' for folders
- bug fix: isrc would not read on all systems
- bug fix: ACM wave compression would not always work on certain systems
- bug fix: [tags]album artist,_COMMA_ [] works, [IFVALUE]album artist,[tags]album artist,_COMMA_[],NO ALBUM ARTIST[] does not (if have multi album artists)
- BUG FIX: cd ripper: cd-text: genre would not populate if represented as binary
- Bug fix: using dsp effects 'audio cd delete silence' and replaygain could create blank files and delay ripping at end
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.0
HWiNFO 5.22
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 15.3
- If overread was not checked, it could on a small number of drives stop ripping correctly
- Naming with Maxlen would create shorter string if the value had commas
- mp3 genre would show '70s' as mapped genre
- If forced 32 bit install of dbp on 64 bit windows, then would not allow edit of id tags on right click to edit id tags
- m4a tagger would sometimes add 2nd udat chunk
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 15.3
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 15.2
* Naming: Added new [tags]element,deliminator[], example [tags]artist,_COMMA_ [] [tags] allows tags with multiple values (ie artists) to save all values
* Known tag using DSP Effect ID Tag Processing
* Updated to latest VS 2013 compiler for whole dBpoweramp
* Every component is code signed, hopefully will reduce false positive virus detections
* Proxy settings used for check for update
* Get Art from Internet faster
* Added Musepack, Opus and Ogg decoders as standard
* AIFF can decode and encode 32 bit float
* FLAC updated to 1.3.1
* m4a AAC decoder able to better handle minor corrupted files
* m4a ALAC decoder able to decode mono files
* m4a decoder able to handle youtube extracted aac track
* iTunenorm tags are dropped during conversion
* Multi-Encoder: now supports [encoder] and [encoder+] in dynamic filenaming
* Wave tag decoding, if a INFO/list tag element is not recognized (such as non-standard) the tag is read out as its 4 char ID (read only tags), which can be mapped
* Artist, Label and Year columns shown even if non-comilation
* New options to only eject if secure
* Shows AccurateRip miss-match instead of x AR in results for secure ripping
* Compilation generation (for review page) it autodetects based on individual provider
* Internal memory pool moved to each encoder, rather than global
* Musicbrainz returns isrc now
* Updated to latest flac library to fix tagging crash on certain corrupted Qobuz purchased tracks
* Reading of rating for mp3 could return 0 for 5 rated files
* Writing of iTuneNORM for mp3, AIFF is compatible for iTunes (if writing UTF-16 tags)
* Using multi encoder would internally leak memory in Music Converter
* Batch Converter, if remove folders then the refresh would only remove top one
* Displayed filename in CD ripper not updating when setting a track number offset
* CD Ripper listing tracks from very freaky discs (such as ones which start at track 17)
* CD Ripper could get stuck with inf messages about not being able to overread
* CD ripper when entering metadata and press enter, no longer a delay of a second to move to next field
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 15.2
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 15.1
* Changes
- Changed overwrite page so works on non-standard windows (onshow was called twice)
- Can enter a dynamic naming string of more than 1000 characters
- Acquire from scanner, works on 64 bit system where does not have 64 bit scanner drivers
- Batch Converter: auto expands tree item on selection
- Batch Converter: if started from a location cannot find in network, it is added anyhow
- Conversion error and info page now accepts escape key to close
- 64 bit installation will clean parts of the 32 bit install which would cause a conflict if left
- FLAC ID tags updated to preserve all
in lyric tag
- m4a decoder optimized for fast property reading
- Professional Frequency conversion enabled for all routines
- Popup info tip no longer shows a negative compression ratio (was previously possible with rounding errors)
- CD Ripper: artist column always shown, even if not a compilation
- CD Ripper: submit to AMG and AMG settings page removed as no longer relevant
- Comments with multi lines, for mp3 are written to a single comment tag (was previously multiple comment tags)
- m4a decoder update is now compatible with converting audio from video m4a files
* Bug Fixes
- Property handler dll (64 bit) had a msvcrt100.dll dependency which has now been removed
- mp3 files which were very short (mili seconds) would not decode
- Batch Converter, if press space to select check in folder, it did not toggle correctly
- CD Ripper: manual meta review page, if change an item such as artist when in compilation mode, then click the composer to all button the old artist value would appear
- AIFF was possible for id tagger to corrupt the file
- ALAC decoder would not work if file was 24 bit and 6 or more channels
- if set dynamic naming to [origpath][origfilename] in music converter then list / rename, the output to filename would be blank
- id3v2 tag writer would read a written rating of 1 as 0.5 (also 2 was affected)
- wave-mp3 encoder now more compatible with other applications
- cd ripper could crash whilst encoding
- cd ripper >> column menu >> Default Columns works once more
- Could lockup explorer whilst the edit tag page was shown on 64 bit Windows
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 15.1
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 15
* 64 bit version
* Has new configuration option to set location of temporary files (used for non-live DSP effects), new -tmpfolder="" option for CoreConverter.exe
* m4a album art reader able to read incorrectly written art (from MAX)
* m4a new FDK decoder is used
* Batch Converter no longer checks drives for content on load.
* new flac 1.3.0
* flac has rating tagging option of 0-5 0-10 and 0-100 ranges
* flac able to detect corrupted files without md5
* new Wavpack 4.70.0
* Monkeys Audio updated to 4.12
* mp3 decoder is able to read through stream errors
* mp3 id3 able to read and write TIPL (Involved People) and TMCL (Musician Credits)
* mp3 id3 tagger writes COMMENT ITUNNORM for ITUNNORM
* mp3 id3 fixed mapping of release time to release date
* mp3 tagger will auto upgrade id3v1 tag to id3v2 if storing album art
* Album Art (internet search) is able to search more art
* Added a new [origdrive] naming variable, can be used instead of 'To Folder' in Music Converter
* New Naming items [FRONTFOLDER] and [BACKFOLDER]
* New Naming option: [IF]tag,condition,match,stringmatch,stringnomatch[]
* Music Converter is more memory efficient with large number of tracks
* Music Converter dmc - if converting 3 files and have 16 cores, only shows 3 conversion lines
* Compatible with CUE Image Codec / DSP
* Multi-Encoder will enable multi-core encoding in CD Ripper
* Popup info tip is limited to 34 lines to stop the deletion dialog for Windows being off screen (top and bottom) transform codecs (mp3, etc) do not show sample depth
* Batch converter: only hides when Music Converter is ready to take over (previously with 100K tracks nothing would show whilst loading the tracks to music converter) batch converter: Refresh detects deleted folders
* All programs which write tags, now retries for longer
* CD Ripper
- musicbrainz album art supported
- musicbrainz multiple artist names supported
- new option 'ANSI (ISO-8859) Characters Only in Filename' on 'Filename Restricted Characters Page'
- allow review metadata page even if did not get from internet
- sort tags are now tied to a unsort tag (in that if perfectmeta chooses an element from amg, the corresponding sort tag would be used)
- on metadata review page new captialize button (just first char) next to smart cap
- new option to process fingerprints for accuraterip
* Bug Fixes
- m4a possible decoding deadlock / crash
- m4a able to read 24 bit ALAC files where the file is incorrectly indicated as both 16 bit and 24 bit
- m4a able to tag files with multiple trak chunks
- aiff tagger - was possible to write a blank tag to the file which had the incorrect size
- aiff tagger - writes unicode tags
- wave ID3 tagger would not read tags which were indicated of a less size
- was possible for encoding to lockup at 99% encoding (especially if using [multi-encoder])
- cd eject code would not function correctly on some systems, taking 16 seconds to complete
- core converter - a DSP effect removed the conversion will no longer silently fail
- CD Ripper would truncate the album tag if contained '; '
- CD Ripper if using File Name Restricted Characters to remove . from filename, the . for extension is no longer removed
- CD Ripper custom tags would replace saved edited custom tag from dbcache
- CD Ripper changing encoder or profile on 2nd CD ripper would effect first CD ripper
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 15
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 14.4
* Allows multi item tags to be stored in non standard fields, for example Arranger Item1; Item2 would be split when stored into FLAC
* m4a tagging could set an Explicit or other rating by mistake
* m4a tagging would display a title of 'ABC/DEF' as 2 split titles
* mp3 tagging, better compatibility for ANSI & date with year
* mp3 tagging, standard compliant behavior that most software does not support is now opt-in
* mp3 tagging lyrics mapping fixed
* mp3 tagging 'initial key' implemented
* new command line -sourceisfloat for coreconverter.exe (also allows multi-encoder to send floating point to an encoder)
* AIFF tagging fix (could indicate file was corrupted)
* FLAC tagging bug fix, was writing ';' for comment when had multi-lines
* FLAC tagging METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE read as artwork (outside the flac tagging spec...)
* Bug Fixes
- [IF!EQUALS] was not working correctly
- Wave id3 tagging fix (where could write an extra byte to the end of the file, giving a warning on wave decode)
- Converting wave (LIST + id3 tagged file) >> wave would only write (id3 tag)
- m4a tag writer was inefficient when trying to trim a huge tag (image as base64, for example) down to the allowed 255 chars
- A badly corrupted FLAC file could cause the converter to terminate encode based on timeout, not reported errors
- CD ripper - if reading ISRC and was not present for a track, then track+1 would not have ISRC read either
- CD ripper, batch converter, would default their positions if moved to a certain display (on multi monitor systems)
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 14.4
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 14.3
- mp3 able to read / write v2.4 tags
- mp3 decoder faster at decoding
- mp3 Lame updated to 3.99.5
- Versions for bundled codecs linked to dBpoweramp release
- dbshell and other shell DLLs - code signed
- mp3 Lame possible to supply custom extra cli values, also displays on advanced the final cli
- FLAC defaults to not map Comment, Conductor, also new TRACKTOTAL and DISCTOTAL tags are written
- FLAC better handles custom multiple item tag values
- AIFF able to decode id3v2.4 tags
- CD Ripper - prevent auto run removed in Windows 7 (not needed any more as cds are not autorun by default)
- m4a Codec updated, Apple open source codec, improved iTunes tagging
# Bug Fixes
- CD Ripper - code to stop multiple access to drive query at same time
- CD Ripper - correct musicbrainz ngs mapping ' to '
- mp3 decoder could lockup with corrupted streams
- AIFF tag reading (if tag was smaller than chunk)
- Fixed issue causing BSOD on systems with Intel Storage Matrix driver installed (actually is a bug in Intels driver...)
- 64 bit tag editor, if file cannot be written then says so
- Configuration Property Handler, it was still changing the explorer tag pane for disabled extensions
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 14.3
dBpowerAMP Music Converter 14.2
* Album Art Search from Internet Updated
* MusicBrainz working with NGS changes, also updated to our new MusicBrainz server
* CD Ripper - when showing Review Metadata page will indicate if cannot show for various reasons (metadata came from HDD cache, or PerfectMeta is disabled)
* CoreConverter debug shows the file size after conversion and tagging
* CoreConverter passes EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE on exit
* Music Converter remembers last 10 folders
* ID Tag >> Album Art >> Load From File - defaults to the directory the file is
* Added MusicBrainz ID tag to CD ripper
* Added [discunique] to cd ripper naming
* Added Pre-Emphasis & HDCD tags to CD ripper (requires Track Technical Column showing in CD Ripper)
* Bug Fix: ALAC encoder writing correct internal sample count
* Bug Fix: Uninstall could leave the Windows Property details page for previously registered formats (such as mp3) inoperable
* Bug Fix: Ogg Album Art embedding, no longer base64 encodes with short text lines (
版本下載:dBpowerAMP Music Converter 14.2