FileBot 4.7.9
Binding {sdhd} has been removed in favour of {hd} which now supports UHD/HD/SD as possible values.
Improved support for Photo mass-renaming (e.g. added {exif}, {camera} and {location} bindings).
Improved streaming behaviour for -mediainfo commands and --format expressions no longer limited by file path validation (e.g. multi-line, special characters, etc).
Support lookup by id for -list commands (e.g. filebot -list --q 70327).
Support for renaming episodes files in linear order (e.g. -list --q 70327 -rename *.mkv)
Minor improvements and bugfixes.
版本下載:FileBot 4.7.9
FileBot 4.7.8
- Additional language preferences.
- Additional Episode Sort Order: Absolute Airdate Order (useful for matching by airdate or episode title instead of SxE numbers).
- Additional bindings: {kbps} and {khz}.
- Unified {localize} and {order} binding usage (e.g. localize.zho.n or order.airdate.sxe).
- Use powershell instead of cmd when executing commands on Windows (e.g. --def exec).
- Improved behaviour for -rename --q command-line usage.
- Improved desktop integration for Gnome and KDE.
- Improved support for Debian Linux armhf ABI (e.g. Raspberry Pi).
- Minor improvements and bugfixes.
版本下載:FileBot 4.7.8
- Additional language preferences.
- Additional Episode Sort Order: Absolute Airdate Order (useful for matching by airdate or episode title instead of SxE numbers).
- Additional bindings: {kbps} and {khz}.
- Unified {localize} and {order} binding usage (e.g. localize.zho.n or order.airdate.sxe).
- Use powershell instead of cmd when executing commands on Windows (e.g. --def exec).
- Improved behaviour for -rename --q command-line usage.
- Improved desktop integration for Gnome and KDE.
- Improved support for Debian Linux armhf ABI (e.g. Raspberry Pi).
- Minor improvements and bugfixes.
FileBot 4.7.7
FileBot 4.7.5
- Keyboard shortcuts for calling user-defined Presets (Numpad 1..9).
- Improved episode auto-detection.
- Improved file sort order.
- Improved bindings: {plex}, {t}, {votes}, {group}, {tags}, {audioLanguages} and {textLanguages}
- Support ANSI color output (if $TERM == xterm-256color).
- Fixed Gnome GVFS drag-n-drop issues.
- Reduce xattr metadata size.
- Use xz compression for all packages (e.g. reduce download size by 40%).
版本下載:FileBot 4.7.5
FileBot 4.7.2
# Resolves a variety of regression issues and improves default behaviour.
# Features:
- Improved auto-delete behaviour (use system trash, preserve hidden user files, etc).
- Improved multi-part movie auto-detection (i.e. {pi} will work better).
- {plex} binding now forces Windows-compatible paths (e.g. strip colons).
- New MediaInfo bindings: {mediaTitle} and {bitdepth}.
- New Info Object bindings: {id} (series/movie ID), {object} and {type}.
- New Episode bindings: {sc} (season count) and {sy} (season years).
- Support for --action reflink (requires Linux and btrfs).
- Improved Windows 7/8/10 integration.
- Improved logging and debugging options.
- Lots of minor (and some more critical) bugfixes and enhancements.
- Fixes for various regression issues.
版本下載:FileBot 4.7.2
FileBot 4.7
* Smart Mode for handling Movies, TV Shows, Anime and Music all at once
* Improved movie / episode auto-detection
* Support for TheMovieDB in Episode Mode
* Support for Renaming Folders (i.e. auto-delete left-behind empty folders)
* Resolve relative formats against the Media root folder (instead of the parent folder)
* Send To context menu for Episodes / Filter / List panels
* Improved Filter tools and List tool
* Fix various OpenSubtitles Search/Download and Upload issues
* Fix various TheTVDB / AniDB / TVMaze issues
* Fix various multi-episode detection issues
* Fix various ID3 Tags lookup issues
* Fix various UI/UX issues
* Performance and caching improvements
* Improved logging and error messages
* Plex Naming Standard binding {plex}
* Use range multi-episode formatting by default when using {sxe} or {s00e00}
* {s00e00} binding will now evaluate to TheTVDB Airdate Season/Episode numbers for AniDB absolute episode numbers.
* Subtitle language auto-detection when using the {lang} binding
* Subtitle language/category extension binding {subt}
* Spoken languages binding {languages}
* Stereoscopic 3D binding {s3d}
* A-Z folder binding {az}
* Just-in-time localization binding {localize} (e.g. {localize.German.Title})
* Filesize bindings {bytes}, {megabytes} and {gigabytes}
* Generic MediaInfo bindings {video}, {audio}, etc are now multi-stream bindings (and {videos}, {audios}, etc have consequently been removed)
* New CLI operation -revert to revert previous -rename operations
* CLI option --conflict now supports index conflict resolution behaviour
* @file syntax for command-line argument passing
* Scripts from the online repository (e.g. fn:sysinfo) are now code signed and cryptographically secured against malicious tampering (not just HTTPS transport encryption)
版本下載:FileBot 4.7
HWiNFO 5.22
FileBot 4.6.1
* Added support user-defined Presets for repetitive tasks.
* Added support for TVmaze.
* Improved support for OpenSubtitles and subtitle matching.
* Improved movie/episode auto-detection.
* Improved ID3 Tags music mode.
* Improved cache behaviour.
* Improved support for Chinese & Brazilian languages.
* Added helper function String.asciiQuotes() for normalizing various quotation marks.
* Added {model} binding for querying the entire rename model.
* Added convenience binding {ny} for "Name (Year)" formats.
* Added bindings {info.budget}, {info.revenue} and {info.popularity} to the movie info object.
* Changed String.sortName() default behaviour.
* Support --filter as Groovy-based file filter in filebot -mediainfo calls.
* Use Apache Commons VFS2 and junrar to reduce native dependencies on some platforms.
* Support $JAVA_OPTS convention in all scripts.
* Update to FanartTV API v3.
* Codesign Windows NSIS and MSI installers.
* Publish sha256 checksums for all release files.
* Updated Chocolatey install scripts with sha1 checksums.
版本下載:FileBot 4.6.1
FileBot 4.6
Deluge 1.3.10
Binding {sdhd} has been removed in favour of {hd} which now supports UHD/HD/SD as possible values.
Improved support for Photo mass-renaming (e.g. added {exif}, {camera} and {location} bindings).
Improved streaming behaviour for -mediainfo commands and --format expressions no longer limited by file path validation (e.g. multi-line, special characters, etc).
Support lookup by id for -list commands (e.g. filebot -list --q 70327).
Support for renaming episodes files in linear order (e.g. -list --q 70327 -rename *.mkv)
Minor improvements and bugfixes.
版本下載:Deluge 1.3.10
Download Accelerator Plus
* New Features:
- Core | Allow multiple primordial UDP handlers
- UI | Ability to auto-send crash logs
- UI | Members of the Beta Program now get a Sidebar entry which will one day have useful beta information
* Changes:
- UI | Improved languages change detection so more of the text now shows in the new language (unfortunately not all)
- UI | (Windows) Bigger click area around the "X" in the Library's filter box
- UI | (Windows) Triple click in search box now selects all the text
- UI | Replaced "Remove And.." menu tree from Library's content menu with "Remove..." entry that gives you the same options. Two related configs are in Options->Files->"File Deletion"
* Corrected bugs:
- Core | (Windows) Fix drive detection/removal when multiple drives get added/removed at once
- Core | (Windows) Fix drive with letters D: H: L: P: T: X: not being detected when plugged in while Vuze was running
- Core | Fixed some hard drives incorrectly being added as a Device and shown in the sidebar
- Core | (OSX) Add additional (new?) crash log directory to crash log generator (
- Core | (OSX) Fixed two cases where main window would not show after clicking the dock icon
- Core | Don't open files with write-access unless required
- Core | Ensure new profiles are picked up when xcode plugin reloads
- Core | Correctly sequence plugin events to ensure that listeners see the correct plugin state
- Core | Delete .vuze files when subscriptions are removed
- UI | (*nix) Fix table cells not getting click events (affected triggering the "New" column's state)
- UI | Fix case where scrolling right in a table view (Library) didn't draw the newly visible columns
- UI | Fixed some cases where column re-ordering was not being remembered
- UI | Fix Help->Check for Updates not notifying user there were no new updates found
- UI | Fixed visual problems with Tracker Status column when "Don't Scrape Stopped" is enabled
- UI | Fixed Queue and Stop not working on Torrent menu and right click of Sidebar's download's details item
- UI | (OSX) Fixed bug where a false double click was registered when Vuze did not have the focus and you single clicked on a row in the Library
- UI | Fixed subscription name and count on Sidebar not redrawing when either changes