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Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.1027
- Support API V2
- fix skydrive connection timeout issue
- Various performance enhancement and bug fixes
版本下載:Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.1027
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.982
* Support new Skydrive interface
- support upload to skydrive root
- fix the upload issue when the folder contains many files and subfolders
- fix skydrive file timestamp issue
* Various performance enhancement and bug fixes
版本下載:Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.982
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.976
- New plugin
- Various performance enhancement and bug fixes
版本下載:Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.976
Download Accelerator Plus
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.935
- Support new Skydrive interface
- Various performance enhancement and bug fixes
版本下載:Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.935
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.918
- Support new Skydrive interface
- Various performance enhancement and bug fixes
版本下載:Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.918
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.904
- Add Mirrrored Backup back, based on user requests
- Various performance enhancement and bug fixes
版本下載:Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.904
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.881
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.874
* Support IBM SmartCloud Object Storage
* Support port selection for Gladinet Cloud Desktop, on Vista and above
* Team Edition
- Support folder Offline mode from Team Folder root
- Enhance quota management
* Various performance enhancement and bug fixes
版本下載:Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.874
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.871
* Support Google Drive
- There are two new mount links, which replace old ‘Google Docs’ and ‘Google Apps for Business’ accounts.
* Google Drive and Google Docs:
- You can mount regular Google Docs, and Google Drive upgraded from the regular Google Docs account. Use it for free Google Apps too.
* Google Drive and Google Apps for Business:
- It is for Google Apps for Business users only, who paid $50 for Google Apps account. And Google Drive upgrade from the account.
- For Google Drive and Google Apps for Business account, the mount no longer requires the user name and password. Instead, it requires an authorization code from Google, to allow Gladinet to connect to it.
版本下載:Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.871
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.869
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.856
* Cloud Desktop
- Fix Google Docs mount issue for 2-step verification
* Team Edition
- Do not auto sync down attached local folder on remote machine
- Support File Locking in Gladinet Cloud
- Fix Team Folder permission issue when change the read-write permissions in Gladinet Cloud
* Various performance enhancement and bug fixes
版本下載:Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.856