IcoFX 3.3
Dark user interface.
Light user interface.
Monochrome (simple) icon theme.
White balance dialog.
Corner rounding dialog.
Touch support for tablets.
Option to add icofx to Windows explorer's context menu.
Option to hide brush preview.
Brazilian Portuguese language.
[Fixed] Panels were not saved into workspace in some special cases.
[Fixed] Saving icon libraries with many icons was slow.
[Fixed] addResource script command issue with paths containing space.
[Fixed] Transparent border around opaque images when resized.
Enhancements and bugfixes.
版本下載:IcoFX 3.3
IcoFX 3.2.1
Fixed issues in the Welcome window.
Added missing translations.
Fixed high DPI issues (incorrect scaling in some cases).
Fixed crash when the theme was not found or loaded incorrectly.
Fixed crash when setting the UI to full screen.
Minor enhancements and bugfixes.
版本下載:IcoFX 3.2.1
IcoFX 3.2
High DPI support.
Create Mobile Icon dialog (Business license).
Command to create mobile icon in the Script dialog (Business license).
Added recent files to the Run Script windows.
Option to show/hide the tool thumbnail in the cursor.
Improved file association under Windows 10.
Improved the color picker tool.
Ability to open 16x15 toolbar image strips.
Fixed Batch Extract dialog not working.
Fixed In some cases the Canvas Resize resized also the image.
Fixed Crash when opening an inexistent script file.
Fixed Local toolbar was visible even if it was disabled.
Enhancements and bugfixes.
版本下載:IcoFX 3.2
IcoFX 3.1
IcoFX 3.0.3
IcoFX 3.0.2
Fixed Scaling issues on high DPI monitors on older Windows versions.
版本下載:IcoFX 3.0.2
IcoFX 3.0.1
Android icons are saved to mipmap folders drawable of drawable.
[Fixed] Advanced Import dialog is not working in some cases.
[Fixed] Crash when opening more than 30 files.
Minor bugfixes.
版本下載:IcoFX 3.0.1
IcoFX 3.0
New feature:
Import form SVG files.
Text styles.
Search box for quick command execution.
Record image adjustments and effects to "actions" and play them back later.
Batch process images to quickly apply actions (Business license).
Option to combine images with similar names to icons.
Batch combine images to icons dialog (Business license).
"Replace Image" menu option.
Option to show/hide ruler on the canvas.
Full support for the lates Mac icon (icns) format.
"Recent Colors" popup menu.
Global color picker.
One click automatic updates.
Full screen menu item.
Reworked shortcut engine.
Added shortcut for previous/next/first/last brush.
Pan/Zoom the canvas using the mouse wheel and the Shift/Ctrl keys.
Font preview for the font selection combobox of the text tool.
Added quick access to set the checker color in the popup menu of the canvas.
Option in popupmenu to allow reordering of styles, gradients, brushes and swatches.
Popup menu for the undo button containing undo history.
Recent files show a preview.
Option to show image previews in the Windows taskbar.
Replaced "Delete More Images" with "Image Manager" window to make reordering easier.
Sidebar thumbnail size can be changed via popup menu.
Exe/Dll/Icl/Cul files can be dragged to the resource editor to open.
Enhanced feature:
[Fixed] Crash when opening an icon with invalid ICONDIR entry.
[Fixed] Crash when batch creating icons from invalid/corrupted image files.
[Fixed] Saturation and Brightness sliders on "Replace Color" dialog.
Removed feature:
Removed "Properties" window.
Enhancements and bugfixes.
版本下載:IcoFX 3.0
IcoFX 2.13
# New features:
* Changing layer visibility will not select the layer.
* Saved images are also added to the recent files list.
* [Fixed] Could not draw equilateral shapes using shift when zoom < 100%.
* Enhancements and bugfixes.
版本下載:IcoFX 2.13
HWiNFO 5.22
IcoFX 2.12.1
IcoFX 2.12
# New features:
- Fixed sized selections
- Deselect button for the selection tools
- Frame number in the sidebar for animations
- Images are NOT saved in reverse order anymore since the 768x768 size was dropped
- Windows icons will not contain 512x512 and 768x768 images by default
- [Fixed] Image was sometimes not rendered
- [Fixed] When importing icons the preview was not visible after 220 items
- [Fixed] Could not select animation frames if there were more than 200 frames
- [Fixed] Cursors with multiple images had incorrect hot spot in batch process
- [Fixed] Del key was not working right after exitting quick mask mode
- Enhancements and bugfixes
版本下載:IcoFX 2.12
IcoFX 2.11
# New features:
- Alt + [ and Alt + ] shortcuts to decrease/increase brush size
- Copy Merged menu item to copy all the layers
- Delete will not drop the selection in images, toolbar images and animated cursors
- Duplicate image will duplicate also the selection
- Images are saved in reverse order inside icons so that the thumbnail will look good in Windows Explorer
- [Fixed] Cannot change/replace icons in resource editor
- [Fixed] Some shortcut links were not dereferenced correctly
- [Fixed] Custom image size could not be larger than 512 in the "Image Size" dialog
- [Fixed] Files with multilple extensions (ex. icon.my.ico) were not correctly exported to images
- Minor enhancements and bugfixes
版本下載:IcoFX 2.11
IcoFX 2.10
# New features:
* Added 192x192 (xxxhdpi) size to Android icons dialog (Business license)
* Option to add a background and/or foreground image when batch creating icons (Business license)
* Added option to set the dpi of saved png and jpg images
* Option to open link or icon of shortcut (*.lnk) files
* Open icons from url files
* JPG images are autorotated based on the EXIF data
* Improved text tool
* [Fixed] Shortcut links were not dereferenced correctly if they were pointing to a 64 bit file
* Minor enhancements and bugfixes
版本下載:IcoFX 2.10
IcoFX 2.9
# New features:
* Support for Windows 10 icons with resolution of 768x768
* Image size increased to 1024x1024
* Option to resize/crop the loaded selection if larger than the image
* Added start menu tile for IcoFX
* New colored simple interface icon set
* Image object size increased to 1024x1024
* [Fixed] Occasional crash when closing IcoFX with multiple opened icons
* [Fixed] Flickering at undo and redo
* Minor enhancements and bugfixes
版本下載:IcoFX 2.9