Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Kaspersky Anti-Virus


卡巴斯基防毒軟體 ( Kaspersky Anti-Virus ) 是一套全球知名的防毒軟體,是世界領導廠牌之一,具有極高的市場佔有率,提供有下載試用版本。

  • 屢次獲得獎項,不勝枚舉。
  • 可以偵測病毒,木馬,蠕蟲,間諜程式和廣告軟體。
  • 防止使用鍵盤記錄工具盜取您的信用卡卡號或密碼之惡意程式。
  • 防止使用螢幕擷取惡意軟體。
  • 防止你的電腦被殭屍網路和各種非法手段劫持。
  • 防止零時差攻擊和未知的威脅。
  • 防止安裝受感染的驅動程式下載。

檔案版本 Kaspersky Anti-Virus
檔案名稱 kav18.0.0.405abcden_13587.exe
檔案大小 2.40MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / XP 64-bit / Vista 64-bit / Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64-bit
支援語系 Multiple languages
軟體類型 商業試用
更新日期 2018-01-22

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is among the very best antivirus software available on the market. It delivers essential, real-time protection against all manner of threats. The app goes beyond standard virus protection to secure you against potentially hazardous malware such as spyware, root-kits, security exploits and ransomware.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus uses intelligent scanning and small, frequent updates in order to deliver real-time, efficient protection from the latest malware threats across the Internet.

Key Features include:

  • Protection from viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, adware.
  • Scans files, email, and Internet traffic.
  • Protects from unknown threats.
  • Analyzes browser vulnerabilities.
  • Disables links to malware/phishing sites.
  • Global threat monitoring.
  • Keylogger blocking.
  • Automatic database updates.
  • Free technical support.

The interface consists of a main window with four borderless buttons aligned horizontally, labeled Scan, Update, Safe Money, and Parental Control. These areas will change color from green, to yellow and then to red if there is an issue with security . If that occurs, you can click a link for solutions to the security status problem.

Overall, Kaspersky Anti-Virus maintains an superb level of protection, coupled with high performance and usability. The only downside we can see is that although the technical support is free, it isn't available 24/7. Apart from that, Kaspersky Anti-Virus provides excellent all-round protection, with a minimal impact on your system.

Note: This is a 30-day commercial trial.

作者 Kaspersky
官網 http://www.kaspersky.com/kav6