MagicaVoxel 0.97.4
# New Emissive Area Lighting.
- Emit->Power : Radiant Flux for Area Lighting.
- Emit->Glow : Energy loss on closer surface.
- Emit->Total : Total power for all voxels or power density.
# Hints :
- requires "GI" option enabled for advanced effects.
- only supports Cubic/RG/RE voxel shape.
- for small but strong light source (e.g. point lights), use Emit->Total.
- recommended using lower image resolution (e.g. 640x480) when adjusting parameters.
- for better quality of final image, recommended using more samples (e.g. 5000).
- not very robust for this version (has several potential artifacts).
- if it is still too dark, do not forget to use Post->E to increase exposure.
# Fix several artifacts for "Glass" material.
版本下載:MagicaVoxel 0.97.4
MagicaVoxel 0.97.2
1. Export->bake : bake voxel mesh with ambient occlusion and soft shadow :
Example on Sketchfab
must support the built-in renderer, if program crashed, recover model from "cache/"
it may take from several seconds or half a minute, depending on machine, model, and sample number
set sample number, direction and intensity of light sources in renderer mode
config->bake->perface : bake per face (pixelated) or per vertex (smooth)
config->bake->ambient : constant ambient color to make scene brighter
config->bake->gamma : for app with gamma correction, set it to 2.2 to avoid color washed out.
2. New CMD "odir" : export all models in current folder, e.g. "odir obj".
3. Palette "ALT+DRAG" : swap palette color without changing model, make it easier to organize palette.
4. Fixed a bug in .qb export.
版本下載:MagicaVoxel 0.97.2