MobaXterm 11.1
Eliminated flickering effects in remote monitoring bar.
Improved MobaXterm startup speed by decreasing resources size.
Improved size of main executable by increasing compression of embedded resources.
Windows PATH is now appended to the terminal PATH in the dropdown terminal (Ctrl+Alt+M).
You can now manually select COM interface speed for Serial sessions.
You can now manually type a path in folder selection dialogs.
Improved "ShiftFnKeys" terminal type with proper key sequences for Shift+F9 and Shift+F11.
In TCPCapture tool, a new interactive console menu allows you to choose which network adapter to use for capture.
Fixed a potential issue with AltGr key into RDP sessions.
Fixed checkboxes which were not properly painted when using very high DPI (more than 250%).
Typing the first character of a file/folder in SSH-browser now gets you to that file/folder.
Files and folders were displayed twice when pressing F5 without releasing the key in SSH-browser (SCP mode).
Fixed a potential freeze issue when trying to connect to a SFTP session and authentication fails 3 times.
Middle-click on an SSH-browser element copies full path to the terminal.
Fixed setxkbmap command which was not working in local terminal.
Prevented MobaXterm for asking twice to close open sessions when closing MobaXterm.
版本下載:MobaXterm 11.1
MobaXterm 11.0
New feature:
Native integration of WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) into MobaXterm - run WSL into MobaXterm advanced terminal instead of Windows console and run graphical applications thanks to MobaXterm X server
New experimental local terminal package "CygUtils64.plugin" comes with ZSH shell, 64-bit console utilities and improved apt-get packages manager - activate it from global settings, "terminal" tab.
Added a new global setting in order to choose which local shell to use (Bash, ZSH (64-bits), Cmd, Powershell, or one of the Linux WSL distributions).
Enhanced the Remote Monitoring bar to display information in red or orange when the values reach critical levels.
Improved SSH-browser performances, especially when remote folder contains many files/folders.
Improved sessions tree performances, especially when number of sessions is greater than 100.
Reworked the global settings window for easier settings identification.
Improved compatibility of "Follow terminal folder" feature with remote Unix/Linux environments.
Added a prompt dialog in order to assign right-click action (context menu or paste) the first time you right-click into the terminal.
Updated OpenSSH client to version 7.5 when the new local terminal package is selected.
Updated "top", "ps", "ldd", "kill", and other core commands when the new local terminal package is selected.
You can now specify the color of each tab by right-clicking on the tab or by specifying a custom tab color for each session.
Improved MobaXterm startup speed by using lazy loading for resources which may be unused.
Prevent the remote monitoring bar from disappearing temporarily when switching between tabs.
Updated icons for files/folders in SSH-browser and (s)FTP sessions.
Updated tray icon to the new MobaXterm flat logo.
After choosing Bash or Zsh terminal in global settings, if you do not have the CygUtils plugin on your computer, a popup window prompts you to download it.
Updated PuTTY-based SSH engine to the latest version.
Adapted default settings to Brocade switches on SSH sessions.
Updated terminal smart selection to better detect URLs and delimiters when using default settings.
Added 5 manual Ini settings under the "Misc" section in order to control smart selection behavior (ForcedLeftDelimChars, ForcedRightDelimChars, DisabledLeftDelimChars, DisabledRightDelimChars and SmartDelimsForUrls).
With default syntax, URLs are now underlined - remember that you can ctrl+click them to open in default browser.
Improved size of main executable by removing unused code and optimizing several subfunctions.
Decreased latency when navigating through tabs, especially for SSH sessions.
Tooltips in the Remote Monitoring bar are now displayed using fixed font if necessary.
Disk usage tooltip values are displayed in human-readable format.
Try to detect Nexus devices and to avoid startin SCP when connecting through SSH.
Improved SFTP / FTP / S3 sessions performances, especially when remote folder contains many files/folders.
After terminal has been paused (Ctrl+S), any key will "unfreeze" it. Many users thought that terminal was frozen after accidentally hitting Ctrl+S.
After setting the graphical interface elements size from global settings, modifications are properly applied at first MobaXterm restart.
Fixed detection of disk space in remote monitoring when "df" returns results splitted across multiple lines.
When hitting "R" to reconnect a SSH session, if the gateway had been disconnected, MobaXterm will try to reconnect it first.
Fixed some checkboxes placements, elements sizes and placements for High-DPI monitors.
Fixed syntax highlighting which was disabled when running systemctl commands.
Fixed VNC connections issues through SSH gateway (jump host) when new VNC engine was selected.
Fixed an issue with hidden sidebar when it was set to the right and monitor DPI was above 144 pixels per inch.
MobaXterm now handles properly pipes characters in sessions folders names.
MobaXterm now handles properly arobase characters in tunnels usernames.
MobaXterm now handles properly arobase characters in stored passwords usernames.
Fixed some visual flickering effects which occured on some buttons when mouse was over them.
The SSH-browser no longer follows the wrong terminal when the same SSH session is connected twice.
Removed an unnecessary delay when waiting for the X server to start up.
Passwords defined for VNC, telnet or FTP services were sometimes lost after restarting MobaXterm.
Fixed some flickering effects which occured into Home tab after MobaXterm startup.
Upload of multiple files in SSH-browser no longer gets stuck when "SSH preserve files dates" setting is activated.
Fixed remote edition of multiple files in SSH-browser when remote files had the same names.
Aligned sessions tree to the left at start up.
Fixed some issues with MobApt when downloading old packages.
Disabled "Remote monitoring" feature for SSH connections to Cisco routers.
"MobaFoldersDiff" tool has been re-added, after fixing the startup issue.
Added "VISUAL" environment variable in order to fix potential issues with "crontab" command.
版本下載:MobaXterm 11.0
MobaXterm 10.9
Improvement: when SSH-browser is disabled, remote-monitoring feature is now also disabled, in order to avoid issues on Cisco routers.
Improvement: the experimental CygUtils64 plugin can be used with MobaXterm.
Bugfix: fixed the "live-unpack" mechanism for local terminal plugins - some plugins were not working properly in "installed mode" or when using "persistent root".
Bugfix: fixed some issues with X server detection which led to the "X" icon to stay red whereas X11 server was started.
Bugfix: fixed some issues with "Follow terminal folder" when remote monitoring was enabled.
版本下載:MobaXterm 10.9
MobaXterm 10.8
Bugfix: fixed the error message which occured when running the graphical package manager "MobApt".
版本下載:MobaXterm 10.8
MobaXterm 10.7
Improvement: updated "mobapt" package manager with new versions of downloadable tools and a fix for the "package not found" errors.
Improvement: X11 programs are now shown in front of MobaXterm window, you do not need to click on the taskbar button in order to bring these windows to the front.
Improvement: backup of MobaXterm.ini file is now created faster and more securely, write operations are verified to ensure that the file is properly created on disk.
Bugfix: fixed height of elements in SSH keys list in High-DPI mode.
Bugfix: fixed remote inspector elements sizes in High-DPI mode.
Bugfix: backup of MobaXterm.ini file is now compatible with any archiver, even 7-zip.
版本下載:MobaXterm 10.7
MobaXterm 10.6
New feature: "Remote Monitoring": continuous display of your server resources usage (CPU, RAM, NET, Disk, ...) in a small bar below SSH terminal. This feature is experimental and does not work with any Unix system.
Improvement: enhanced browse-for-folder dialogs and prevent them from freezing.
Improvement: enhanced local folders browsing in FTP/SFTP sessions and prevent them from freezing.
Improvement: new "DisableAccountsLookup" option in MobaXterm.ini file prevents MobaXterm from building Unix-like "/etc/passwd" file at start-up.
Improvement: Pro edition only: added new customizer settings in order to disable Aws S3, Sftp or Mosh sessions.
Improvement: Pro edition only: added new customizer settings in order to disable Iperf or Cron services.
Improvement: new "MacrosDelay" option in MobaXterm.ini file allows to tune delay (in milliseconds) between each keystroke when running macros.
Improvement: added the "-justunpack -quiet" commandline switches which prevent MobaXterm from showing a popup window after unpacking core files.
Improvement: new global setting: "Preserve files dates during SSH-browser transfers".
Improvement: new setting for SFTP sessions: "Preserve files dates".
Improvement: better detection of GMT time for files/folders displayed in SSH-browser.
Improvement: show information message if trying to run local terminal while ASLR is forced.
Improvement: the paste confirmation popup now shows the text which is about to be pasted.
Improvement: added "Do not show again" checkbox in the paste confirmation popup message.
Bugfix: when a folder is uploaded through SSH-browser (SCP) over an existing folder with same name, folders contents are now merged.
版本下載:MobaXterm 10.6
MobaXterm 10.5
MobaXterm 10.4
MobaXterm 10.2
Vulnerability fix: embedded TFTP server does not allow users to retrieve a file outside root directory anymore.
版本下載:MobaXterm 10.2
MobaXterm 10.0
- New feature: added new "Flat design" icons theme, for a simple and clear look and feel
- New feature: you can now select one of the 2 icon themes from MobaXterm global settings: "Flat design" (new theme) or "Crystal" (old theme)
- New feature: you can now set your own custom session icons for each entry in the "Saved sessions" tree
- New feature: you can now increase MobaXterm graphical interface elements size from global settings window for better readability
- New feature: easily show/hide MobaXterm using a new keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+M by default): let MobaXterm run hidden and instantly show it when you need it using a single keystroke
- New feature: added a simple semi-transparent popup terminal which can be shown/hidden using a simple keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+M by default), like the great "Guake" top-down console
- Improvement: enhanced transfer speed for SSH-browser, when "SCP (enhanced speed)" setting is chosen in session parameters
- Improvement: added identification of Cisco devices which do not support SSH-browser for automatic override
- Improvement: new global setting under "Terminal" tab allows to log terminal content with a timestamp for each line
- Improvement: enhanced Byobu terminal type support by properly handling Shift+F9, Ctrl+F9, Shift+F11 and Ctrl+F11 sequences
- Improvement: added "Print" feature with syntax coloration for MobaTextEditor
- Improvement: improved graphical interface for advanced terminal settings section, in session editor
- Improvement: when clicking on the "Credentials" button in session settings, the "credentials" section is displayed by default
- Improvement: improved mouse input handling for RDP sessions (move windows and drag/drop operations now work in any session)
- Improvement: improved custom logo drawing when logo file is in PNG format with alpha transparency enabled
- Improvement: added the "GIT_EDITOR" environment variable set to "/bin/vim"
- Improvement: improved interface speed when "Track terminal changes" is enabled
- Improvement: improved overall SSH speed by modifying RX/TX buffers handling
- Improvement: ctrl+end now works properly in "less" program
- Improvement: files containing ":" on remote Linux servers can now be downloaded (":" characters are replaced by "_")
- Improvement: added a new undocumented INI setting "MobaNoAclForDrives": if set to "1", local terminal will not use ACLs under /drives
- Improvement: new setting to allow or disallow multiple MobaXterm instances
- Improvement: added a basic "Ping host" menu entry on sessions
- Improvement: added 230400 speed setting for serial (COM ports) connections
- Improvement: on 64-bit systems, Powershell sessions no longer use 32-bit version of Powershell, but 64-bit version instead
- Improvement: added the "png2ico" terminal tool
- Improvement: improved MobaXterm start up speed
- Improvement: decreased MobaXterm executable size
- Improvement: redesigned MobaXterm logo
- Bugfix: eliminated some potential flickering effects or visual glitches on tabs and buttons when no skin was selected
- Bugfix: at MobaXterm startup focus is set to the master password popup window, even if another window was focused before
- Bugfix: fixed file dates in SSH-browser with SCP protocol enabled: in some specific cases, the year was not displayed properly
- Bugfix: fixed an unexpected error message in SSH-browser, with SCP protocol enabled, when file path length is more than 128 characters
- Bugfix: fixed a potential file corruption when downloading files in ASCII mode from some Unix servers using SFTP protocol
- Bugfix: fixed SSH-browser download of multiple folders, when some sub-folders are hidden
- Bugfix: when session username contained a backslash, session logs were created under a subdirectory
- Bugfix: eliminated a potential freeze after restarting a terminal session
- Bugfix: reconnection message was sometimes displayed even if "Display reconnection message" box was unchecked in the session settings
- Bugfix: removed unexpected error message when cancelling master password after resuming from standby mode
- Bugfix: eliminated some potential flickering effects or visual glitches into VNC sessions when skins were enabled
- Bugfix: fixed a bug with the "Delete all passwords" button: when no username was specified, some passwords were not deleted
- Bugfix: fixed Socks5 proxy connections for FTP sessions which were using SOCKS4 protocol instead of SOCKS5
- Bugfix: fixed some popup windows which sometimes went behind main window
- Bugfix: fixed the "tput" commandline tool which failed when using "tput cup 1" for instance
- Bugfix: in some specific cases, sessions did not start and "New session" window was shown after scrolling down sessions tree and starting the top entry
- Bugfix: fixed display glitch with residual text in the bottom and right margins of terminals after resize
- Bugfix: credentials can no longer be created with "@" character in their names, in order to avoid conflicts
- Bugfix: under Windows XP, checkboxes under the "Terminal" tab of global settings were grey
- Bugfix: replaced ":" character in session log file names for sessions using IPv6
- Bugfix: multi-selection in sessions tree was not properly rendered when a skin was active
版本下載:MobaXterm 10.0
MobaXterm 9.4
- New feature: MobaXterm supports native Windows GSSAPI authentication in SSH-browser, SSH-Gateway (jump hosts), SSH-tunnels, SSH and SFTP sessions, when GSSAPI is checked in MobaXterm global settings
- New feature: a new button in MobaXterm home page allows you to recover sessions which had been opened in previous instance of MobaXterm
- New feature: it is now possible to assign comments to sessions and to use them in the "Quick connect" field in order to find a session
- Improvement: added support for the third-party "MIT Kerberos" library for GSSAPI authentication in SSH sessions, SSH-browser, SSH-Gateway, SSH-tunnels and SFTP sessions
- New feature: a new button in MobaXterm SSH-browser allows you to switch to "SUDO" mode in the SSH-browser (this button is available only if "Use SCP protocol" is checked in session settings)
- Improvement: improved default keywords, unix and cisco network syntax coloration definitions with many new patterns detected
- Improvement: the "new session" window is now displayed when double-clicking on the "Saved sessions" tree node
- Bugfix: with some specific devices, the port scanner indicated port 5632 as being open whereas it was not
- Improvement: ssh stored passwords now use port number in order to allow different ssh passwords on different network ports
- Improvement: added "curl" commandline tool for client-side url transfers
- Improvement: improved SSH, SSH-browser, SSH-gateway and SFTP compatibility with regard to different server-side GSSAPI implementations
- Bugfix: when starting a session as a detached form, the new window was sometimes created off screen
- Improvement: improved accuracy of tabs drag and drop actions to avoid detaching tab instead of moving it
- Improvement: columns in the SSH-browser can now be sorted in reverse order
- Improvement: sort preferences in the SSH-browser are now saved in MobaXterm preferences
- Improvement: slightly improved startup speed by removing some needless files decompression
- Improvement: choosing "Properties" in the SSH-browser now displays filesizes in Bytes
- Improvement: added a "Stay on top" button for fullscreen windows in order to toggle "window always in foreground" mode
- Improvement: added a new "iperf" daemon in the servers list
- Bugfix: fixed some issues with apt-get on Windows platforms newer than Windows XP
- Improvement: files and folders permissions can now be changed in SFTP sessions by right-clicking on files/folders
- Improvement: it is now possible to disable "MobaSSHTunnel" from the professional "Customizer" program
- Improvement: it is now possible to force users to set up a "Master Password" from the professional "Customizer" program
- Improvement: when you right-click on a folder and start MobaXterm from here, the session opens up in a new tab instead of starting a new MobaXterm instance
版本下載:MobaXterm 9.4
MobaXterm 9.3
- Bugfix: fixed an issue with SSH sessions using SCP protocol and SSH agent: in some specific cases, sessions were closed just after authentication.
- Improvement: added some enhancements to the embedded SSH agent in order to support some newer key algorithms.
- Improvement: enhanced SSH-browser transfer speed when using SCP protocol.
版本下載:MobaXterm 9.3
MobaXterm 9.1
- Improvement: added automatic scrolling of the sessions tree: you can now move a session to a folder which is not reachable without scrolling
- Improvement: added new "Monokai" color scheme for terminal emulator
- Improvement: better detection of non-writeable configuration file
- Bugfix: fixed a focus issue with RDP sessions when switching from another application to MobaXterm
- Bugfix: fixed some small issues when selecting/moving/duplicating sessions from the sessions tree
- Bugfix: fixed default home symbolic links which occured when targets are on a shared folder
- Improvement: added "MATE desktop" to the list of remote desktop managers in SSH session settings
- Improvement: added some more debugging information for INI file detection, localisation and update
- Bugfix: fixed a "freeze" issue which occured when attempting to perform the "ls -al /usr//../" command
- Improvement: added a "-nomultitaskbar" commandline option (in order to force MobaXterm to the first taskbar)
- Bugfix: fixed an issue when starting a new PowerShell or Cmd session in "C:": session did not start in "C:", but in default directory instead
- Bugfix: resized some folder icons in order for all folder icons to have the same size
- Improvement: improved logging information concerning SSH host keys
- Bugfix: MobaXterm used to take SSH hosts keys from PuTTY if available, with some potential issues if a host key was modified in MobaXterm but not in PuTTY
- Improvement: escape sequence sent when pressing alt+arrow keys in terminal are the same as in standard xterm terminal emulator
- Bugfix: in some specific cases, tab titles were displayed in red after disconnection/reconnection
- Bugfix: suppressed a transient visual "glitch" on the top buttons bar when a new session was started
- Improvement: added a new setting in RDP sessions in order to enable or disable Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) for authentication
- Improvement: the embedded SSH agent is now launched before SSH tunnels
- Improvement: when MobaXterm starts and a tunnel is slow to connect, startup continues without waiting for tunnel connection to terminate
- Bugfix: function keys now work properly in "MultiExec" mode
- Improvement: SSH-browser with SCP protocol now preserves files permissions after a direct file edition
- Bugfix: fixed an issue with "Store password" window which could be activated twice with RDP session
- Improvement: enhanced macros at sessions start: now macros can be executed simultaneously when you start multiple sessions
- Bugfix: improved SSH tunnels closing function (in some rare cases, some tunnels could leave MobaXterm in a pending state after closing it)
- Improvement: number of terminal lines when printing is limited to the last terminal lines in order to save the environment
- Bugfix: suppressed an incorrect warning concerning host identification verification when SSHing through a gateway server (SSH jump host)
- Improvement: MobaXterm start up speed has been slightly improved
- Bugfix: fixed a maximize/restore issue on Windows 10 when multiple monitors are present and a specific taskbar is affected to each monitor
- Bugfix: fixed a typo in the Home page on "Professional" word
版本下載:MobaXterm 9.1
MobaXterm 9.0
- New feature: added support for the new "Ubuntu Bash on Windows" feature (introduced in latest Windows 10 builds). In "Shell" sessions, you can choose between native Bash, Cmd, Powershell and "Ubuntu bash"
- New feature: added terminal activity tracking: icon of terminal tab is displayed with a blue dot if some activity is detected
- New feature: added terminal modification tracking: title of inactive terminal tab is displayed using blue color if something occured in the terminal
- New feature: added terminal disconnection tracking: title of inactive terminal tab is displayed using red color if session has been disconnected
- New feature: added a new experimental setting in the "File" session type, which allows you to open any file/folder directly into MobaXterm tabbed interface
- New feature: you can now specify a start up macro for SSH, Telnet, RSH, Mosh, Serial (COM) and Shell sessions
- New feature: you can now specify pattern conditions in macros (wait for a pattern before following up with macro execution)
- New feature: added new browser session setting which allows to emulate older IE versions, from IE7 to IE11
- Improvement: you can now specify the COM port to use for serial connection at session start (useful if you use a USB/COM adapter which can be attached to random COM ports numbers)
- Improvement: enhanced macro editor: you can now type some text directly into the macro editor instead of editing each keystroke
- Improvement: you can now use the following variables in macros: $MobaDisplay and $MobaIP
- Improvement: terminal syntax highlighting feature (a.k.a. keyword coloration) is no more tagged as "experimental"
- Improvement: enhanced terminal speed when syntax highlighting is enabled: the terminal no longer suffer from slower speed when syntax highlighting is active
- Improvement: added a new "Byobu" terminal type in sessions which is compatible with Byobu escape sequences (Ctrl+Fn and Shift+Fn keys)
- Improvement: added "R" programming language in MobaTextEditor syntax list
- Improvement: when you save terminal output to file, the file format you choose (RTF or TXT) is now saved
- Improvement: added /dev/shm directory structure (especially useful in order to use Ansible on Windows with MobaXterm)
- Improvement: added a new "Duplicate macro" feature for existing macros
- Improvement: enhanced saving speed when dealing with huge terminal output
- Improvement: added a new "Hide toolbar" button in detached windows
- Improvement: added a refresh feature for local folders for FTP/SFTP sessions, by pressing "F5" key
- Improvement: implemented 2 undocumented settings "AllowBlinking" and "CtrlAltIsAltGr" ( more info on http://blog.mobatek.net )
- Improvement: MobaXterm is now displayed on the proper taskbar with multiple monitors
- Improvement: when saving huge terminal output, a prompt now allows you to choose whether to limit the number of lines to save
- Improvement: added the iperf3 tool in the CygUtils plugin
- Improvement: updated the "Default (OK/warning/error keywords)" terminal syntax highlighting with new patterns detection
- Improvement: updated the "Unix shell script" terminal syntax highlighting with new patterns detection
- Improvement: added new manual INI setting "AllowLegacyAlgos" under the "SSH" section (set to "0" by default), which allows to activate legacy protocols and keys for SSH client
- Improvement: improved Ctrl+C and arrows handling in Dos and PowerShell sessions
- Improvement: added basic keywords coloration (Ok/warning/error) as default global setting
- Bugfix: TFTP server (embedded TFTP daemon) can now handle folders structure in order to upload/upload files
- Bugfix: corrected typo in syntax highlighting: the keyword "successful" is now properly detected
- Bugfix: added Windows path environment variable to RDP sessions for proper Smartcards authentication
- Bugfix: the "SSH-browser" label in MobaXterm global settings was not displayed entirely
- Bugfix: commandline SSH client was missing support for GSSAPI authentication in previous version
- Bugfix: the /registry symlink was incorrect on some Windows systems
- Bugfix: terminal scrollback was erased when telnet or rlogin sessions were reconnected
- Bugfix: fixed libraries incompatibilities with the "findutils" package downloaded using "apt-get"
- Bugfix: a "reconnection message" was displayed on CMD or POWERSHELL sessions types, even if the setting was unchecked
- Bugfix: "Quick search" menu was displayed in the wrong place when sidebar was docked to the right
- Bugfix: with Pro Edition, the separation line was shown even if it was unchecked in global settings
- Bugfix: corrected a freeze issue in MultiExec mode, when connecting several SSH sessions to the same host and using Keyboard-interactive authentication
- Bugfix: removed an error message when starting a beta version with Compact mode enabled
- Bugfix: removed an error message when starting a Powershell session with a command and no home folder specified
- Bugfix: fixed file access rights issues in HOME folder
版本下載:MobaXterm 9.0