
NetDrive 3.5.434

Bdrive Inc.


  • 安裝使用於要連線遠端的儲存設備的電腦。
  • 可能執行的資料有影片、語音、其他文件。
  • Windows啟動程式時自動執行。
  • 可在Windows檔案總管中拖拉檔案。

檔案版本 NetDrive 3.5.434
檔案名稱 NetDrive3_Setup-3.5.434.exe
檔案大小 76.96MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / XP 64-bit / Vista 64-bit / Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64-bit
支援語系 Multiple languages
軟體類型 商業試用
更新日期 2018-05-23

Backblaze B2 storage type added.
Google Drive - Display top folder name in user's language.
Google Drive - Changed to read folder's date from server.
S3 - Now supports uploading large files > 5GB.
Read-ahead block size increased.
Display error message when there is no Internet.
OpenSSL updated to 1.1.
libSSH2 updated to 1.8.
libcurl updated to 7.59.0.
SFTP - Apply option changes immediately to connections.
OneDrive - Fixed issue with shared folder.
S3 - Fixed issue with S3 compatible services.
Common - nd3svc process remains after un-mounting a drive.
Common - Garbage prefix added to the front of files when downloading causes 429 Too Many Requests.
Common - Fixed memory leak in some case.
Common - Fixed unmount issue on Mac.
Common - Internal logic changed to fix social account login.
Common - Fixed issue with assigning drive letter when there exist network paths.
Common - Fixed issue with drive letter when mounting a drive item which is created on Mac.
Common - Fixed crash issue with some applications which opens file dialog.

作者 Bdrive Inc.
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