Nexus 18.12
Updated Portuguese language file.
In the Shelf/Drawer Transparency dialog, the user can now also specify that the tab text and control icons remain opaque. This allows making the Shelf or Drawer background fully transparent while still being able to switch to different tabs, collapse it, etc...
Floating label settings have now been moved to their own independent dialog, with immediate preview of changes.
Type of text effect applied to floating labels can now be specified (Normal, Outline, Shadow, Sharp, Emboss).
Opacity of the text effect applied to floating labels can now be specified.
The luminosity of the background color used in the label preview box can be changed with the mouse scroll wheel.
Improved sharpness of icon label text in Shelves and Drawers.
Moved the menu scaling setting to the Appearance tab of Docks, Shelves and Drawers Properties dialog.
'Pin to Dock' right click menu option has been moved to the top of the menu.
Sub-docks attached to Shelves and Drawers are now properly named in context menus and in the Item Properties dialog as 'Sub-Docks'.
The right click context menu of a sub-dock attached to a Shelf or Drawer now more suitably says 'Delete sub-dock' instead of 'Remove from Shelf'.
Themes can now also specify the running indicator image by including a 'NxIndicator.png/.tif/.ico' bitmap file in the theme folder. The theme will only use that indicator bitmap, however, if the user has left the running indicator selection as 'Default' instead of specifically choosing an indicator from the list of available indicator bitmaps.
You can now specify 'No Label' for icon labels in Shelves and Drawers, at which point not even a floating label on mouseover is displayed.
The entire contents of sub-docks can now be copied by dragging & dropping a sub-dock icon while pressing the CTRL key.
Right clicking on a Folder item set to open as a menu and selecting Open from the context menu that pops up now opens the folder in Explorer.
The Browse for Folder feature now uses a more flexible version of the dialog.
Added new 'Grid Stacks'. Grid Stacks can be added as icons to docks, shelves and drawers. Like Shelf tabs, a Grid Stack can be one of many different types (Regular, Folder, Desktop, Recent, etc...). Like sub-docks, Grid Stacks are only kept open temporarily, until the user clicks somewhere else. The size of Grid Stacks is calculated automatically. Grid Stacks, like sub-docks, can be nested inside each other to as many levels as the user wants. Each Grid Stack has individual settings that can be accessed by right clicking the icon and selecting 'Grid Stack Properties'. To add a new Grid Stack, right click, select 'Add New Item', then Grid Stack then select the type of Grid Stack you want.
Added 'Convert to Grid Stack' option to the context menu of folders in docks and Regular Shelf tabs or Drawers.
Added 'Convert to Folder' to the context menu of folder type Grid Stacks.
Added 'change Folder' to the context menu of folder type Grid Stacks, to make it quicker to change the folder a 'folder type' Grid Stack is pointing to.
Added 'Downloads' (shows the contents of the Downloads folder) new tab type to Shelves, Drawers and Grid Stacks.
Replaced the old 'RAS Connections' tab type with new 'Connections' tab, showing all the available network connections on the sytem.
The user now always gets a confirmation dialog When deleting a sub-dock or Grid Stack regardless of the current delete confirmation settings.
Improved the icon caching mechanism.
Contents of Grid Stacks are now cached in memory after opening the Grid Stack for the first time.
The colors of the icon grid in Shelves and Grid Stacks are now calculated automatically when the original theme did not support them or the theme author did not set them correctly.
Added new 'Open folders in Grid Stacks' setting to Folder type tabs in a Shelf or Folder type Drawers and Grid Stacks. Opens all folders as a temporary Grid Stack when clicking on them - note that folders can still be opened in Explorer by right clicking and selecting Open or in a menu by right clicking and selecting 'Browse'.
Added 'Open as Grid Stack' option to the right click context menu of folders.
Deleting a 'Regular' type tab in the Contents tab of a Shelf Properties dialog now prompts for confirmation.
Changed the default Capture Delay of the Capture Desktop internal command from none to 5 seconds.
Added 'Ascending/Descending' settings to the Sort By options of tabs that can be sorted.
Opening Network related tabs (such as Network Connections) no longer blocks the application while Windows discovers all the network objects.
Grid Stacks can be detached by dragging them away from the original position. Detached Grid Stacks stay open until the user explicitily closes them.
Some previous per-dock/shelf settings are now global (i.e.; they apply to all docks and shelves): switch shelf mini-tabs, shift icons to insert, open sub-docks on mouseover, no final boing animation effect, close sub-docks on launch, no icon reflection on vertical sub-docks.
Added new 'Detach' sound event, played when a Grid Stack is detached.
Improved keyboard navigation of Shelves, Drawers and Grid Stacks.
Added new 'Quick Search Filter' to Shelves, Drawers and Grid Stacks. Simply start typing to start filtering content: a search box pops up so you can see what you are typing and know that content is currently being filtered. The ESC key can be used to terminate the filter and backspace to delete characters.
The Quick Search filter and be disabled in the More Options dialog of the Behavior tab of Shelves, Drawers and Grid Stacks. The color of the Quick Search filter can be customized in the same place.
A Shelf set to hide the tabs can now always be activated by screen edge bump or swipe.
A Shelf or Drawer docked to a screen edge and inverted can now also be expanded by pulling the bottom edge.
Pressing ESC on a Shelf/Drawer now collapses the Shelf Drawer. Pressing Enter when the Shelf/Drawer is collapsed expands it.
Some Shelf themes no longer appear as if the top of the Shelf body has been 'cropped' when the tabs are set to be left, centered, or right justified.
Windows shortcuts (.lnk files) to folders and now also be opened as Grid Stacks and browsed via menus.
Added automatic multi-monitor profiles, allowing different objects to be at different positions and enabled/disabled for each monitor configuration. Multi MOnitor Profiles can be disabled in the General tab of Preferences.
Thumbnail extraction should now be much faster as it now uses the local Windows thumbnail cache when available.
Added new 'Reset Icon Cache' option to the Dock and Shelf Management sub-menu in the main right click context menu of Shelves, Drawers and Grid Stacks. It purges and rebuilds the internal icon cache
Fixed some lingering issues with pinning some Windows Store Apps to the dock.
Dragging a floating Drawer across the screen when collapsed by dragging it by the tab, would make it randomly jump all over, sometimes even going off screen.
When using a Dock and Shelf Management option to create a tab in a Shelf from a Drawer or a Dock, the application was asking the user to select a Shelf even if there was only one Shelf created.
Text greater than 10.pt with the outline and shadow effects was being rendered at a smaller size than it should.
The balloon tooltip was not displaying file information if the filename was enclosed in quotes.
The Media Player icon in Shelves and Drawers was not accepting dropped audio files or folders.
Selecting 'Run As Administrator' from a context menu and then replying 'No' to the UAC prompt would result in a second UAC prompt appearing on a 64 bit system.
When deleting alarms in the Alarm Manager the alarm selection could jump to a different alarm than the next one on the list.
Fixed potential data loss issue where a sub-dock could be deleted when dragging it into a new position in the main dock.
An in-Shelf sub-dock could become 'stuck' and not open again until the application was restarted if a Shelf or Drawer was closed with a sub-dock still open.
Fixed issue that could cause the wrong item to be deleted when moving an item from one Shelf or Drawer to another.
Clicking on a Language Bar IC in a sub-dock to open the Language Bar menu was closing the sub-dock.
The 'Run As' and 'Open Folder in a Menu' item attributes where not being carried over when moving or copying items via drag & drop.
Clicking on a folder menu for the second time now closes the menu instead of closing it and immediately opening it again.
Fixed issue displaying the icon of and the launching of some files with a filename containing non-ANSI characters.
Fixed issue with drag & drop of some files with a filename containing non-ANSI characters.
Text in the Shareware Reminder dialog was getting cropped at the end on high DPI systems.
When removing an item from a Shelf the confirmation prompt mentioned a Drawer instead.
Fixed minor memory leak when closing Shelfs, Drawers or Grid Stacks showing folders in the user's hard drive.
Fixed potential corruption if changing the contents of docks while also changing the contents of Shelves via the Contents tab of a Shelf Properties dialog.
Fixed access violation error that could happen when deleting the last file in a folder type tab and also an associated visual glitch where the icon disappeared only to re-appear immediately.
Sort By Date was only taking the date into consideration and ignoring the time.
When opening a 'Network' tab type in a Shelf or Grid Stack for the second time, items with exactly the same name would show identical icons.
Monochrome 1bit icons (i.e.; color bitmap) could crash the application.
Animated icons were not being properly colorized when icon colorization was applied.
Fixed issue where the blur region of a fully expanded Shelf could be displayed for a collapsed Shelf.
The left mini-tab symbol was not being positioned properly for Shelves/Drawers docked to the right screen edge.
Under some circustances a tab would still show when the Shelf/Drawer was collapsed even if 'Hide Tabs' was enabled.
Fixed Power Options icon in a Windows Control Panel tab appearing as a Question Mark icon.
When opening or closing a sub-dock, any particle animation launch effect in the parent dock would be cut short.
Deleting or moving a Shelf tab while the Shelf Properties dialog was open could lead to corruption and/or content loss of one or more Regular tabs in that Shelf.
Changes made to the properties of a Shelf tab while the Shelf Properties dialog was open would be lost.
Fixed minimum Drawer size calculation which could allow the tab header to become cropped with certain themes.
'Disable menu scaling on high DPI settings' was no longer working properly after adding manual menu scaling in v18.10.
'Disable Shelf scaling on high DPI settings' was not properly scaling font size after v18.8.
Selecting 'No Effect' in the Effects Panel and then clicking on the Effect Settings button would crash the application.
版本下載:Nexus 18.12
Nexus 18.5
New Features:
Updated Greek language file.
Updated Indonesian language file.
Updated Chinese Simplified language file.
Updated Portuguese language file.
Updated Portuguese (Brazil) language file.
You can now drag & drop multiple .m3u playlist files into the Audio Files listbox in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player Settings dialog. The audio files in the playlist are automatically retrieved and added to the currently selected playlist in the Playlists listbox.
You can now drag & drop multiple .m3u playlist files into the Playlists listbox in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player settings dialog. This automatically creates equivalent playlists in the Playlists listbox.
You can now drag & drop multiple folders into the Audio Files listbox in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player Settings dialog. The audio files in the folders are automatically retrieved and added to the currently selected playlist in the Playlists listbox.
You can now drag & drop multiple folders into the Playlists listbox in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player settings dialog. This automatically creates playlists with the name of those folders in the Playlists listbox and adds to each of those playlists the audio files inside each of the respective folders.
Removed 'Save' and 'Save As' buttons from the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player settings dialog. Playlists and their contents are now automatically saved. When clicking the New button, the application immediately asks for the name of the new playlist.
Clicking on a Playlist in the Media Player Settings dialog now selects that playlist for playing.
Clicking on the Media Player icon when the audio is paused now automatically restarts the audio without opening the media control bar.
Increased the horizontal size of the Playlist and Audio list boxes and moved the control buttons to the bottom in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player settings dialog.
The Media Player icon in the Media Player Settings dialog doesn't glow when playing audio if the 'Glow when playing' setting is disabled.
Added another layer of redundancy to initial Weather module GEOIP localization by adding suport for Weather.com's Search API.
Added new user definable URL for Weather.com's Search API to the Advanced dialog of the Weather Settings panel and also a warning not to change those values unless requested to do so.
Volume slider in the Media Player Settings panel now affects the volume in real time if the Media Player is currently playing audio.
The Media Player no longer resets the audio after pressing OK in the Media Player settings dialog, unless changes have been made to playlists or another audio file has been selected.
Mouseover, Launch and Attention effects can now all be selected and set in the Effects panel without having to close the panel first.
The Effects tab in Preferences now displays a visual representation of the currently selected Mouseover, Launch and Attention effects. Different effects can be selected and visualized by clicking on the arrows or through the Effects panel, accessible by clicking on the icon itself.
Moved the 'Edge Bump Settings' and 'Edge Swipe Settings' buttons in the dock Behavior tab to the Activation Setttings dialog.
Added the 'Show Balloon Tooltip...' settings to the 'More Options' dialog of the dock Behavior tab.
Moved the 'Blur Settings' button from the Effects tab to the Appearance tab.
Added 'Disable dock scaling on hight DPI settings' and 'Disable menu scaling on high DPI settings' options to the Appearance tab.
Moved the 'Edge Bump Settings' and 'Edge Slide Settings' buttons from the Behavior tab to the Activation Settings dialog.
Moved the Animation Speed slider and Animation type settings from the Auto-Hide Settings to the Activation Settings dialog.
Moved the 'Full Screen Exclusion List' button to the Activation Settings dialog.
Moved the 'Auto-hide for maximized applications wehn always on top' from the Position to the Behavior tab.
Removed the 'Bring dock forward...' settings from the Position tab since they are duplicated in the Activation Settings dialog.
Added new 'Grab focus when activated' setting (enabled by default) to the Activation Settings dialog so users can make the dock NOT grab the focus when activated.
Changed the timings of the 'Duration' setting for the Sonic Boom effect.
The Unhandled Exception Manager now lists nested exceptions and offers more information for Access Violation errors.
Added new 'Playlists' right click context menu option to the Media Player internal command, allowing an existing playlist to be selected and played without having to open the Media Player Settings panel.
Speeded up a bit the rendering of animated icons on a magnifying dock with icon reflections by not rebuilding the reflections when the icon is magnified (since the reflections would never be seen anyway).
Added new 'Delete Effect' category, with 11 different effects available to play when an icon is deleted (22 in Nexus Ultimate and Winstep Xtreme).
Added new 'Delete Effect' category to the right click 'Effects' context menu.
Added new 'Accept drag and drop icon customization only when ALT key is pressed' setting to the 'More Options' dialog of the Behavior tab in Preferences. Normally dropping a PNG, ICO or TIF file into a dock item will customize the icon of that item with the dropped image, but because documents can also be launched with a specific application by dropping them into an item, enabling this setting allows the opening of PNG, TIF and ICO files instead unless the ALT key is pressed.
Added new 'Show Minimized Applications Only' setting. When enabled the dock only shows running applications that are currently minimized, and the buttons from those applications are removed from the taskbar. This way 'active' applications appear in the taskbar and currently minimized applications appear on the dock.
When the dock is showing running applications and is activated, the list of running applications in it now already appears up-to-date, instead of the dock re-synching only AFTER the activation animation.
You can now drag and drop m3u playlist files and audio files directly into the Media Player icon.
The Media Player Control Bar now also displays the current audio volume. Volume can be directly adjusted when the bar is open via the mouse scrollwheel (or the media control keys on the keyboard).
Added several optional overlays to the Alarm Reminder window besides the default glass reflection: water drops, condensation, frost, ice, dirt, broken glass, flare, rainbow, christmas and halloween. Glass reflections can now also be disabled by setting the overlay to 'None'.
When using drag & drop the insertion point now only appears when the mouse pointer is moved into an area in-between icons. This makes opening documents by dropping them directly into an application icon and customizing icons by dropping PNG files a little less cumbersome.
Added optional 'Rain Effect' to LCD Alarms.
The Media Player icon now flashes a subtle 'Pause' symbol when paused.
The name of the dock can now be set in the Contents tab of Preferences.
The Alarm Manager now displays 'No Alarms Defined' in the alarms list when no alarms have been defined yet.
Added Cancel button to the Alarm Manager dialog. Only changes to settings can be canceled, not changes to the alarms themselves.
Renaming a playlist now automatically updates all pointers to the old file name in the alarms and the Media Player.
Editing an alarm with an audio file now displays the end of the audio filename in the 'Play Audio File' field instead of the beginning, to make it easier to recognize which playlist or audio file that alarm is associated to.
LCD Alarms now remember their initial positions when toggling between window and Full Screen.
WsMMPlay.exe is now launched ansynchronously whenever it's not already running and the application needs to play a media file - this prevents the application from temporarily blocking while Windows is busy launching the media player.
Bug Fixes:
The dialog was not being notified when audio had stopped playing after pressing the Play button in the Media Player Settings dialog.
Fixed some potential form painting issues when moving the volume slider in the Media Player Settings panel.
Alarms action description and activation dates in the Alarm Manager could be wrong if the alarms were not sorted by creation date.
If 'Combine dock icons with running applications' was enabled, dragging a document over an icon on the left side of the dock (i.e.; one with a running indicator) was NOT bringing the associated window/application forward, forcing you to use ALT+Tab instead.
The LED lights in the Glossy Black Alarm Bezel did not appear centered horizontally when the Alarm was resized.
Alarm Bezel previews did not fit entirely in the preview box when their size was set to 120%.
Alarm Manager tab headers were not being translated.
The Media Player icon was not displaying the 'glow' effect when playing.
Attention effect might not play under certain conditions.
Fixed issues where settings existing on more than one tab in Preferences where not being carried over when switching tabs if the User Interface slide animation was enabled.
The application's small control window, which should never be visible, would sometimes appear on the user's desktop, perhaps by interference of a 3rd party application. It has now also been moved outside the viewable area.
版本下載:Nexus 18.5
Nexus 18.3
New Features:
Added a description in the Windows Services Panel to the Winstep service used to perform operations that require admin privileges (install theme fonts, adjust the time, fast boot, etc...).
Added code to help troubleshoot problems with the service.
If there is an Internet connection available but an undetermined error occurred, the 'Check Internet Connection' dialog in the TroubleShooting Options dialog will now also return the Winsock error message.
The Alarm Manager now displays an Audio symbol if that alarm has an associated audio file or playlist.
The application now uses customized Message boxes to match the current User Interface mode.
Improved the performance of the Alarms Manager dialog in terms of CPU usage.
Command Buttons in Dark or Gray UI modes now become highlighted when they have the focus.
Pressing the ALT shift key while the Capture Desktop internal command takes a screenshot will capture only the active window instead of the whole desktop.
The name of the last screenshot taken by the Capture Desktop internal command is now persistent between sessions.
The right-click context menu of the Capture Desktop internal command now has options to Browse the folder the last screenshot was saved to in a menu, open the folder in Explorer, or open the screenshot.
Browse folder sub-menus now show item icons where the menu theme allows.
The Balloon tooltip now also displays the number of frames in an animated icon.
Added two power saving modes, normal and Ultra, for conserving power when running on battery. Can be set manually in the Advanced tab of Preferences, via a new 'Power Saving Mode' internal command toggle, or automatically when battery levels reach a certain percentage or, under Windows 10, when the system Battery Saver activates. Each power mode has separate voice and/or sound notifications.
Added new 'Power Saving Mode' internal command to toggle between the 3 different power modes (off, on, ultra). The icon is gray when power saving is disabled, green when enabled, and red when ultra is active.
Moved the 'User Interface Mode' button to the About tab in Preferences.
Added high DPI support to the dock by default and a new 'Disable dock scaling on high DPI settings' option in the More Options dialog of the General tab in Preferences. High DPI support is enabled by default on new installations and disabled by default on existing installations.
Replaced the rotating earth Email Checker module style with a smoother higher resolution animation.
Added full keyboard support to the dock: use arrow keys to select an icon, Enter to launch currently selected icon, Esc to unselect.
Added new Full Screen Application exclusion list. Activation methods such as edge bumps and hotkeys are normally automatically disabled when another application is running full screen to prevent accidental activations while, for instance, playing a game, etc... With the new exclusion list you can exclude specific applications (for instance, a Media Player application on a PC Home Theater environment) from this rule. This way you can assign a keyboard shortcut to activate the dock while the full screen Media Player is running, then use the arrow keys to navigate the dock and launch movies, applications, etc...
The drop down portion of a monitor selection combo box is now wide enough to hold the longest monitor name in a multi-monitor system.
Added new 'Animated icons play full animation on mouseover' setting to the Performance vs. Memory usage dialog. This setting, disabled by default for performance reasons (animated icons usually have very long animations, which, together with the dock magnify effect being combined with other mouseover effects, can result in a somewhat noticeable performance hit), enables animated icons set to animate only on mouseover to finish their animations even when the mouse pointer has already moved away from the icon.
Disabled 'Integer Overflow Checks' on compiled code and optimized a few critical routines, which should result in a 5%-10% overall performance increase.
Added option (enabled by default) to automatically enable Ultra Power Saving mode when the monitor enters standby.
Added option (disabled by default) to automatically enable normal Power Saving mode when a full screen application is running. This ensures the Winstep application uses 75% less CPU than normal when, for instance, running a game, while still remaining fully functional.
Non-native dock themes now also display the author's name in the Theme preview panel when that info is available.
Added new 'Fast Boot' internal command to toggle Fast Boot.
Default dock in Windows 10 now features a 'Fast Boot' internal command icon to alert users to the existence of this feature.
If 'Do not launch sessions of the same application' is enabled, clicking the icon of an application that is already running will now minimize it if it is already in the foreground (as it already happens when the dock is set to display running applications) or bring it to the foreground otherwise.
Made some misc.improvements to the Net Meter code.
Changed colorization method for particle mouse over effects from tint to shift hue, as this also preserves whites.
If the 'Ignore edge bumps near the titlebar button area of maximized windows' setting is enabled, edge bumps near the taskabar's Start Button area are also ignored.
Double clicking an Alarm Reminder will now toggle it between full screen and windowed.
The scrollwheel in the mouse can now be used to dim an LCD alarm reminder or change the volume.
Added new 'Sleep Timer' internal command, which runs WorkShelf's new Sleep Timer full screen clock.
Alarms can now be filtered so only active alarms are shown.
Alarms can now be sorted by creation date or activation date, in ascending or descending order.
Alarm Settings have now been merged into the Alarms Manager window and divided into several tabs: Alarms, Audio, Wake-Up, Sleep and LCD.
Added new 'Sleep Timer' internal command, which opens a full screen LCD clock for those who like to fall asleep while listening to music, with audio and brightness setttings in the Sleep tab of the new Alarms Manager window.
Added new 'Auto Fade In' setting to the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager. When enabled, audio volume always fades in from zero until the pre-determined final volume.
You can now select multiple audio files at once when adding musics to a playlist in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager via the Browse button.
You can now drag & drop multiple .mp3, .wma, .wav and .mid files directly into the Audio Files listbox in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager.
Alarms can now follow the volume and brightness settings set in the Wake tab of the Alarm Manager or specify per-alarm volume and brightness settings.
LCD color and Snooze time can now optionally be defined on a per-alarm base.
Added multiple pre-defined skins to the Alarm Reminder in windowed mode, which can be selected in the new LCD tab of the Alarm Manager.
LCD Background color can now be set as well.
Audio can now be paused and resumed, and tracks skipped or rewound from within the LCD style alarm reminder.
Added Settings icon to the LCD alarm reminder from where you can control Volume, Brightness and Snooze time.
The LCD Alarm Reminder now uses weather icons that match the LCD style of the clock.
The LCD Alarm Reminder, besides the temperature, now also displays current weather conditions.
Battery information in the LCD Alarm Reminder has been moved to the bottom left and the new battery icon correctly displays current battery state.
Close and Snooze buttons in an LCD Alarm Reminder, as well as the new audio control and Alarm Setting icons, now automatically 'fade out' if the mouse pointer is moved away from the window or is not moved for a time.
The mouse pointer in a full screen alarm reminder window is now automatically made invisible if the mouse is not moved for a time.
LCD Alarm Reminder window can now be scaled up or down in size by up to 20%.
Added new 'Media Player' internal command, which works with the playlists defined for alarms and is controled by a pop up media bar.
Clicking the clock can now either show the Windows calendar or a full screen LCD clock.
Moved the 'make a ticking sound every second' setting in Clock Settings to the 'Clock Speech and Chime Settings' dialog.
The base transparency of icon reflections can now be adjusted.
Bug Fixes:
Exit was the button with keyboard focus when opening Preferences.
Changing the User Interface mode to black no longer resets the Alarm LCD Colors.
Increased the maximum text width for balloon tooltips when using the Windows 10 style to prevent Wanda cookies from getting word-wrapped mid-sentence because of the wider font used in this style.
An application's window with a vbmodal window open on top could be minimized, but trying to restore it again would fail, leaving no way to access that application.
Fixed communication issue with the Winstep Windows service that could prevent the retrieval of performance data (CPU and RAM usage) for elevated processes.
Updated Weather.com weather module codes for Honk Kong and Cheung Chau.
When alternating between specific mouseover and launch or attention effects the first frame of the latter could glitch.
Style of the Recycler and Email Checker modules kept being reset to Recycle Bin and Envelope, respectively.
Fixed potential issue that could occur if an animation was playing exactly when the value returned by the timeGetTime() function wrapped around to zero or crossed the signed long boundary. This is something that only happens once every 24.85 days, so the chances of a problem actually occuring was very, very, small, but still within the realms of possibility.
Fixed major issue when overlapping the number of running instances on an animated icon in the dock. Effects could range from icon appearing cropped when animating to potential GDI+ handle leak or even crash.
Dragging a running application icon in the right side of the dock into the left side of the dock could result in an item with the wrong application name.
Fixed issue that could crash the application when switching to a theme with a customized Email Checker module animation.
Fixed issue with the theme/colors of the clock and recycler modules in the dock being set incorrectly when going to the Themes tab in Preferences.
Fixed issue with the CD Control internal command that could cause the drive to keep ejecting and closing the media multiple times until a timeout error occurred.
A full screen alarm reminder would trigger the 'full screen application running' mode.
Fixed issue where ALT key could become stuck after activating the dock.
Alarms set to activate only once would no longer activate at the preset time and date if Snooze was used while testing the alarm.
Fixed issue validating the time in the Alarm Edit panel when the clock was in 12 hour format and the time was 12 PM.
Fixed misc.UI alignment issues on high DPI settings.
版本下載:Nexus 18.3
Nexus 18.1
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience.
The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents.
Main features:
- Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options.
- Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons.
- Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds.
- Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module.
- Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide.
- Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more!
- Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds.
- Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon.
- Multi-monitor support.
- Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
版本下載:Nexus 18.1