
PowerArchiver 18.00.56

ConeXware Inc

此軟體可新增、開啟、解壓縮、加密、刪除、搜尋、加入檔案,並且還有燒錄、備份和FTP上傳檔案功能。圖示清晰明瞭,非常容易使用。最新版本中支援Windows Vista和7,並且新增只有管理員才可解壓縮檔案的功能。在Windows XP、Vista和7的系統下,使用者可以解壓縮所有壓縮檔。擁有普通版和進階版的功能。

  • 經典版:新增、開啟、解壓縮、加密、刪除、加入檔案,此外透過我的最愛功能可搜尋電腦內所有的壓縮檔案。並且可即時預覽壓縮的檔案和個人電腦內資料夾的內容。
  • 進階版:功能有建立、開啟、搜尋、加入、加密壓縮檔,此外多了轉換和批次壓縮檔,多重解壓縮、修復ZIP、檔案加密。備份及燒錄檔案等等。FTP功能可提供快速上傳和下載檔案。
  • 工具:加密檔案支援ZIP、7-ZIP、PAE格式,讓使用者的檔案更加安全。此外可將壓縮檔轉換或建立批次檔案為ZIP、7-ZIP、CAB、LHA、BH、TAR格式。還可同時解除多重壓縮檔案、加密任何檔案、新增SFX精靈和修復損壞的ZIP檔案。
  • FTP:提供安全的下載和上傳檔案的功能,可隨時編輯和上傳檔案。
  • 備份:使用者可以建立、編輯、執行、選擇備份檔。透過建立新的備份資料,日後即可執行備份的動作。
  • 燒錄:燒錄映像檔(ISO)、複製DVD到映像檔或光碟、抹除光碟。新增光碟映像檔(ISO)、虛擬光碟機。此外包含DVD和CD的燒錄,可加入或移除檔案和資料夾。支援燒錄有SPTI、SPTD、ASPI等。

檔案版本 PowerArchiver 18.00.56
檔案名稱 powarc180056.exe
檔案大小 37.14MB
系統 Windows (All Versions)
支援語系 Multiple languages
軟體類型 共享軟體
更新日期 2018-06-14

Remove office icons text from Skins dropdown in menu.
Cloud missing from modern interface.
Increase padding in file list to compensate for text growing under high dpi.
Improve shortcuts in modern interface - update shortcut letters.
Password Manager should ask to save passwords during encryption as well.
Define default icon set for each skin with office icons set for lighter skins.
Add OpenPGP Key Manager to tools menu in Modern UI.
Favorites button in Add screen - keep Edit always on top.
Backup: Change Create to new in Backup Menu.
Backup: make Configure clouds button unavailable when Sent to Cloud not checked.
Change position of reset/set as default in make sfx.
Modern ui: alt+enter show properties like in classic.
Clarify in help file how to force classic interface for enterprise users.
Associate .SGN files with PA.
New Feature:
Modern UI: Add Desktop, Documents, Downloads and Pictures to the Extract button drop-down.
New tabs do not show files on HDD when selected to show in View options.
Remove saved password button does not remove - Remove All works.
List view does not show folders properly when moving from folder to folder.
Encrypt Tool adds file extension to suffix but it shouldn't.
Delete FTP profile does not work in FTP quick connect.
18.00.53 License without codec pack - PA format works.
Shell: set as default in make exe does not save setting.
Explorer View is always Large Icons after restarting PA.
In .55 - error writing to file when compressing mp3 into PA format.
explorer view: zips open in both left and right panel.
Archives should open in new tab when opening them in explorer view.
Portable - Toolbox registers as PRO - Burner tab missing in Toolbox version.
Importing PSF2 skin does not work when in modern interface.
Closing empty tab destroys folder view treeview in other tabs.

作者 ConeXware Inc
官網 http://www.powerarchiver.com