
qBittorrent 4.1.0

The qBittorrent Project

qBittorrent 是一款非常好用的BT下載軟體。它擁有內建的種子搜尋功能,並且支援繁體介面。qBittorrent可以讓使用者可以透過頁籤的遠端功能來管理下載設定,並且還可以設置電源管理功能,讓使用者在長時間下載時避免系統進入睡眠狀況,喜歡下載網路資料的人可以試試看這個非常好用的bt下載軟體喔。

  • 擁有內建的種子搜尋功能。
  • 支援繁體介面。
  • 可以讓使用者可以透過頁籤的遠端功能來管理下載設定。
  • 支援設置電源管理功能避免電腦進入休眠。

檔案版本 qBittorrent 4.1.0
檔案名稱 qbittorrent_4.1.0_setup.exe
檔案大小 15.82MB
系統 Windows (All Versions)
支援語系 Multiple languages
軟體類型 開源軟體
更新日期 2018-05-05

FEATURE: Add "Coalesce reads & writes" checkbox in advanced options.
FEATURE: Smart Filter for RSS.
FEATURE: Possibility to configure at which speed a torrent is considered slow.
FEATURE: When creating a torrent you can choose to preserve the file order.
FEATURE: A new, redesigned and refactored WebAPI.
BUGFIX: Redefine CacheStatus.readRatio field.
BUGFIX: Clarify some terms in stats dialog.
BUGFIX: Fix possible crash when using both share limits.
BUGFIX: Disable options when Disable connections not supported by proxies is enabled.
BUGFIX: Add link to an explanation of Disable connections not supported by proxies.
BUGFIX: Fix typo in a log message.
BUGFIX: Fix loading very large torrents.
BUGFIX: Fix reverting backslashes to slashes in run external program.
BUGFIX: Use https for documentation links.
BUGFIX: Use original scheme when downloading favicons.
BUGFIX: Parse URL query string at application level.
BUGFIX: Properly reply to announce request (embedded tracker).
BUGFIX: Add Tags parameter to "Run External Program".
BUGFIX: Fix various typos.
BUGFIX: Refactor filesystem watcher. Delay before processing new files.
BUGFIX: Don't strip empty arguments passed to external program.
BUGFIX: Stop creating Download folder on start.
BUGFIX: Avoid data corruption when rechecking paused torrents.
BUGFIX: Fix crashes due to invalid iterator use.
BUGFIX: Fix renaming completed files.
BUGFIX: Fix path separator in log messages.
WEBUI: Switch built-in Web UI html to HTML5.
WEBUI: WebUI Save user's resized window sizes.
WEBUI: Make download + upload windows resizable.
WEBUI: Add option to show/hide webui status bar.
WEBUI: Add "Use proxy only for torrents" option to webui.
WEBUI: Various fixes in the html code.
WEBUI: Don't unselect selected torrents after a few seconds.
WEBUI: Enable Http/1.1 persistence connection.
WEBUI: Format Read cache hits as percentage.
WEBUI: Re-order and rename stats.
WEBUI: Right align stat values.
WEBUI: Enable Statistics window to be scrolled and resized.
WEBUI: Save WebUI Statistics window size.
WEBUI: Make WebUI iframe windows scrollable on iOS.
WEBUI: Remove unused CSS from WebUI login page.
WEBUI: Consolidate CSS into style.css.
WEBUI: Resolve JavaScript errors.
WEBUI: Fix spacing in login form.
WEBUI: Update WebUI to be more compliant with HTML5 standard.
WEBUI: Update clipboard.js to v2.0.0.
WEBUI: Remove unused JavaScript library.
WEBUI: Fix setting preferences via WebAPI.
WEBUI: Rename property to match its definition.
WEBUI: Add Limit Share Ratio context menu option.
RSS: Disable Auto TMM when RSS rule has save path.
RSS: Process loaded RSS articles in case of error.
RSS: Resolve (X)HTML entities in RSS content.
SEARCH: Improve Search handling.
SEARCH: Calculate supported categories based on selected plugin.
SEARCH: Fix memory leak.
COSMETIC: Use spinbox suffix to display rate/time units.
COSMETIC: Avoid showing an empty row in AdvancedSettings.
OTHER: Various code optimizations and fixes.
OTHER: Fix build when using Clang under CMake.
OTHER: Allow to disable Stacktrace support.
OTHER: Use RNG provided by OS.

作者 The qBittorrent Project
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