SeaMonkey 2.18 Beta 3
# Fixes in Beta 3
- Undo Close Tab did not work in private windows.
- Video statistics have been fixed.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.18 Beta 3
SeaMonkey 2.18 Beta 2
# Fixes
- Some parts of click-to-play did not work if doorhangers were disabled.
- The Open Link in New Window context menu item had stopped working in MailNews.
- The browser feed preview had been broken due to Private Browsing changes.
- Per-site click-to-play permissions had stopped working.
- An LDAP password was requested for each lookup even if it was saved.
- Creating/amending mailing lists in the Address Book had been broken.
- The tabbed browser uses the favicon service in a privacy-aware way now.
- The Open Location dialog does not save the state anymore when opened from a private window.
- Private downloads did not update.
- Save As from the context menu did not take the privacy status into account.
- Added icons for security notifications.
- Fixed the browser feed preview to work with XBL scopes.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.18 Beta 2
SeaMonkey 2.17.1
# Fixes
- UNC path handling issues were fixed on Windows.
- SPNEGO/MS KRB5 had stopped working; NTLM SSP was tried instead.
- Click-to-play no longer respected per-site permissions.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.17.1
SeaMonkey 2.18 Beta 1
# Features
- Click-to-play plugin areas have a close box now.
# Fixes
- WebRTC has been disabled on MacOS X for now .
- Fixed autosync not correctly detecting message offline status, resulting in poor Gmail IMAP performance.
- Special mail folder icons (Inbox, Trash etc.) were not shown for shared IMAP folders.
- Help has been updated for the redesigned Add-ons Manager.
- The MailNews filter editor can now show the actual execution order of actions.
- The Privacy & Security Preferences UI has been reworked (User Tracking and Safe Browsing preferences have been added and a Private Data sub-category has been introduced).
- First time after choosing to "Never activate plugins for this site", videos were still playing.
- User-oriented labels for Strict Transport Security have been added to the Data Manager .
- The Google search bar favicon has been updated.
- Base64-encoded attachments are now detected irrespective of the case used.
- Saving messages to disk could fail silently.
- Some dangerous file system folders are now disallowed to be used as the Local Directory for mail storage.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.18 Beta 1
SeaMonkey 2.17
- Continued performance improvements around common browser tasks (page loads downloads, shutdown, etc.).
- Continued implementation of draft ECMAScript 6 (clear() and Math.imul).
- <canvas> now supports blend modes.
- Various <audio> and <video> improvements have been implemented.
- The Details button on the Crash Reporter has been fixed.
- Fixed several stability issues.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.17
SeaMonkey 2.17 Beta 4
SeaMonkey 2.17 Beta 3
- Removed expirimental support for HTML5 'dir' value 'auto'.
- Page Info is broken when a broken image exists on the page.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.17 Beta 3
SeaMonkey 2.17 Beta 2
SeaMonkey 2.16.2
SeaMonkey 2.16.1
# Changes
* Reply to List is now supported.
* SSL-related warning prompts (leaving or entering a secure site, viewing mixed content) have been replaced by less intrusive, non-modal notification bars.
# Fixes
* Windows 8 only: Fixed stability issue for some AMD Radeon HD graphics cards.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.16.1
SeaMonkey 2.17 Beta 1
SeaMonkey 2.16
- Reply to List is now supported.
- SSL-related warning prompts (leaving or entering a secure site, viewing mixed content) have been replaced by less intrusive, non-modal notification bars.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.16
SeaMonkey 2.16 Beta 5
- Re-Enabled Growl support for notifications to better support users on OSX.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.16 Beta 5
SeaMonkey 2.16 Beta 4
- View / Message Body As could show menu items out of context.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.16 Beta 4
SeaMonkey 2.16 Beta 3
# Fixes
- Applications could not be removed from the "Application details" dialog under Preferences, Helper Applications.
版本下載:SeaMonkey 2.16 Beta 3