SMPlayer 17.4.2
New option (menu View -> OSD) to display the times with milliseconds.
New fix for the thumbnail generator that works also with older versions of mpv.
Bugfix: the position of the video is remembered when it's opened by drag & drop.
The Windows installer won't install mpv on Windows XP since mpv is not longer compatible with Windows XP.
New option to use the mplayer ffhevcvdpau decoder (Linux only).
Avoid some crashes from mpv.
版本下載:SMPlayer 17.4.2
SMPlayer 17.4.0
SMPlayer 17.3.0
- Experimental support for subtitles for Chromecast.
- Bug fixes.
版本下載:SMPlayer 17.3.0
SMPlayer 17.2.0
- Fix for YouTube.
- The option to delete files from the disk in the playlist is back but it's disabled by default (you can enable it in Preferences -> Playlist -> Misc).
- On Linux SMPlayer now uses a different web server, included in the packages, to serve files for Chromecast. If you installed the package webfs you can uninstall it now since SMPlayer won't use it anymore.
- New translation: Norwegian Bokmål.
版本下載:SMPlayer 17.2.0
SMPlayer 17.1.0
* Experimental support to play videos on Chromecast.
* Support for some of the #EXTVLCOPT options in m3u/m3u8 playlists. This may help to play online streams from playlists intended for VLC.
* New options in the context menu of the playlist: 'copy URL to clipboard', 'open source folder' and 'play on Chromecast'.
* Option to display bitrate information in the status bar.
* Possibility to display the playback time with milliseconds in the status bar.
* The option to add black borders on fullscreen is back (Preferences -> General -> Video).
* The option in the playlist to delete files from the disk has been removed.
版本下載:SMPlayer 17.1.0
SMPlayer 16.11.0
- New option 'Show info on OSD' in View -> OSD (Shift + I). It displays info about the current media (resolution, bitrate...) on the OSD.
- More options in Preferences -> Playlist to better control the behaviour of the playlist, which makes easier to use the playlist for bookmarks.
- Bug fixes.
版本下載:SMPlayer 16.11.0
SMPlayer 16.9.0
- New option to send the audio to the specified audio device. It can be useful to send the audio to a TV via a HDMI cable or a bluetooth device.
- Some improvements on the playlist. Now it's possible to hide any column (right click to see the options). The search field is also hidden by default, a new search button shows/hides it. These changes are intended to prevent the playlist window to be too wide.
- Due to bugs and problems with Qt 5, the packages for Ubuntu are now built again with Qt 4 by default.
- Bug fixes.
版本下載:SMPlayer 16.9.0
SMPlayer 16.8.0
SMPlayer 16.7.0
SMPlayer 16.6.0
* Support for 2 in 1 computers with touch screens
* Send video to an external screen
* Support for high DPI screens
* Global shortcuts
* Settings are remembered for online streams too
* New themes: Masalla, Papirus and PapirusDark.
* Built by default with Qt 5.
版本下載:SMPlayer 16.6.0
SMPlayer 16.4.0
- The Windows installer now includes mpv as well.
- Now it's easier to switch between mplayer and mpv (Preferences -> General, select either mplayer or mpv as multimedia engine). More info
- The extrastereo filter works again when using mpv.
- Possibility to use the VLC shortcuts. (Preferences -> Keyboard and mouse, click the load button, select vlc.keys)
- Possibility to enable mouse gestures (when the mouse is dragged up or down in the video window the volume changes. If dragged left or right it changes the time position). You can enable this option in Preferences -> Keyboard and mouse -> Mouse -> Drag function: seek and volume.
- A fix for saving bookmarks.
- The option for streaming sites in Preferences -> Network is different now, and allows these values:
* Disabled: support for video sites is turned off
* Auto: enables the internal support for YouTube and uses mpv + youtube-dl for the rest of sites
* YouTube: only the internal support for YouTube will be used
* mpv + youtube-dl: uses mpv + youtube-dl for all sites
- An animated icon has been added in the status bar to indicate when the player is buffering.
- A new layout is used to display the media information (Options -> View info and properties).
版本下載:SMPlayer 16.4.0
iTunes 12.3.3 (32-bit)
HWiNFO 5.22
SMPlayer 16.1.0
- Fix for YouTube.
- The screenshots work again with older versions of MPlayer/mpv.
- Possibility to add bookmarks (menu Browse), which allows to mark your favorite parts of the video for a quick access.
- New option 'Prevent window to get outside of screen' in Preferences -> Interface.
版本下載:SMPlayer 16.1.0
SMPlayer 15.11.0
* Fix for YouTube.
* (Experimental) Support for YouTube live streams.
* The thumbnail generator is much faster now.
* New options to seek to the previous or next subtitle (mpv only).
* New option to select the image format for the screenshots (mpv only).
* Fix a crash when changing the GUI.
* New option that allows to center the window automatically.
* A tooltip is now displayed in the time slider with the corresponding time of the mouse position.
* (Find subtitles) New option to specify if the language code should be appended to the subtitle filename.
* (Windows) The main window will be centered if it's partially outside of the desktop after an auto resize.
* When adding files to the playlist the first item is moved to its correct place in the list.
* (Experimental) New action to start/stop capturing the playback stream. The captured stream will be saved to the folder specified in the smplayer.ini option capture_directory with the name capture_NNNN.dump. It only works correctly with mpeg. With other formats the dumped stream won't play back.
* Disable the extrastereo and karaoke filters when using mpv.
版本下載:SMPlayer 15.11.0