ToDoList 歷史版本資訊


ToDoList Organizer Software for PC Windows

Abstract Spoon Software











* Fixed Kanban View not adding custom attributes to the tracking droplist on restart.
* Fixed Kanban View not updating Alloc To when changed via edit field.
* Fixed automatic application of Kanban View Fixeded Columns after initial creation.
* Fixed Recurring Task losing time estimate.
* Fixed rendering of empty UI Theme comobbox.
* Fixed multi-instance tasklist reloading.
* Fixed crash deleting items from List View.
* Fixed Task Tree selection artifacts after undo operation.
* Fixed Open from EasyFTP.
* Fixed auto-resorting of Custom Attributes after edit.
* Fixed HTML comments pasting.
* Fixed loss of custom attribute data where IDs contain accented characters.
* Fixed Navigate Back/Forward not refreshing edit fields.
* Fixed custom attribute column header tooltips.
* Fixed dependency field editing.
* Fixed escaping of UDT arguments destined for a browser.
* Fixed image pasting from MS Edge and Firefox.
* Fixed Outlook drag and drop to Rich Text comments.
* Fixed alignment of custom attribute column titles.
* Fixed missing Filter Bar fields.
* Fixed Date and Number custom attributes to be right-aligned by default.
* Fixed displaying images in rich text comments via Insert File Link.
* Fixed tasklist Reload prompts to appear only if ToDoList is already visible.
* Fixed GanttProject import/export to handle milestones.
* Fixed Outline importer not setting creation date when importing from clipboard.
* Fixed Status Filter task matching.
* Fixed CSV Importer attribute mapping.
* Fixed CSV Exporter not displaying the attribute mapping dialog.
* Fixed flicker when changing Gantt view tree selection.
* Fixed List View performance when printing and undo-ing deletions.
* Fixed week number calculation when Sunday is first day of the week.
* Fixed HTML export subtask indentation to use Text settings in preferences.
* Fixed partial painting of first week of year in Gantt Chart.
* Fixed render artifacts when scrolling/zooming in Gantt Chart.
* Fixed incorrect saving of Time to task log file.
* Fixed Rich Text conversion for German characters.
* Fixed auto-resizing of Rich Text embedded images on Windows 10.
* Fixed Add Logged Time dialog to hide Apply button when displayed for time tracking.
* Fixed Add Logged Time dialog to also change tasks Time Spent if user edits the amount to be logged.
* Fixed initialisation of CSV Importer column delimiter.
* Fixed reminders to disallow Good as Done tasks.
* Add double-clicking in Reminder Notification dialog to go to task.
* Add tooltips to select Task Attribute columns.
* Add Creation Time to column visibility preferences.


ToDoList 7.1


* Add 'Copy Link' to simple and rich text comments context menu
* Add 'Every N weekdays' to 'Daily' recurrence options
* Add 'Icon' attribute to 'Find Tasks' dialog
* Add 'Parent' display attribute setting
* Add 'Populate' button to 'Fixed Columns' definition
* Add 'QuickFind' to top of time track widget
* Add 'Reminder' to the sort menu
* Add 'Task ID' to Kanban 'Display Attribute' preferences
* Add 'Tasklist' column to 'Show Reminder' dialog
* Add 'Yesterday' to 'Start/Due' filter droplists
* Add 'feature' to custom date attributes to also show a time field
* Add 'pin' button to Time Tracker to control 'top most' status
* Add F1 context-sensitive help support to dialogs
* Add Gantt preference to specify colour of 'non coloured' tasks
* Add Kanban preference to show task colour as vertical bar
* Add Minimise button to the 'Reminder Notification' dialog
* Add Outlook field mapping dialog to Outlook Importer
* Add Tags to 'Attribute to track'
* Add ToDoList version number to 'Setup' dialog
* Add UDT error handling
* Add better support for automation
* Add colouring to 'Colour by Attribute' droplist in Preferences
* Add colouring to fixed columns in Kanban View
* Add combo tooltips to Time Tracker
* Add date field to Reminder notification dialog
* Add error reporting to Importers
* Add explicit date/time controls to reminder snooze dialog
* Add explicit support for 'weekdays'
* Add filter functionality
* Add filter input fields for 'Started/Due by Next N days'
* Add help buttons to all dialogs
* Add helper droplists to 'Fixed Columns' definition
* Add icons to 'Comments' type droplist
* Add menu item to show/hide time-track widget
* Add multi-file browsing to 'Comments' fields
* Add multi-file browsing to 'File Link' field
* Add multiline comments support to 'Outline' importer
* Add multiple 'File Link' browsing to 'Edit' menu
* Add new commandline switches (-st/-dt/-ct) for just setting time
* Add new menu item for creating a dependent task below the selected task
* Add new tool to help translate the application: TDLTransEdit
* Add option to hide 'optional' strings
* Add preference to control pasting of source Urls in comments
* Add preference to control use of time-track widget
* Add preference to display reminders as the actual date/time
* Add preference to recalculate task due date when time estimate changes
* Add preferences for specifying column names and order
* Add prompt to restart after changing Windows' Regional Settings
* Add recurrence option "On the last weekday of the month"
* Add support for F2 editing of Kanban item titles
* Add support for XSL reference inside taskfile
* Add support for collapsing Time Tracker by double-clicking its titlebar
* Add support for completing tasks by changing status
* Add support for custom attributes to UDTs
* Add support for custom list attributes to CSV importer
* Add support for default task icon
* Add support for default task reminders
* Add support for delay-loaded tasklists
* Add support for importing outlook email follow-up tasks (aka flagged emails)
* Add support for multiple selection in the Show Reminder dialog
* Add support for relative filepath links in Comments field
* Add support for searching and filtering by task position
* Add support for showing all file link icons in file link column
* Add time-tracking preference to remind user when tracking is active
* Add toolbar button/menu option to comments field for enabling/disabling inline spell checking on Win8.1+
* Add tooltips to Gantt and Calendar Views
* Add translation of default text strings used in $(userXXX) tool arguments
* All exporters now save to UTF-8 for compatibility with 3rd-party apps
* Allow 'Fixed Columns' to be selected from 'Attribute to Track' droplist
* Allow Kanban column to aggregate multiple attribute values
* Allow use of 'Options' droplist with custom filters
* Always save translation file after 'Clean Up' to ensure correct sorting
* Auto select first custom attribute in Kanban
* Auto-select cell below current cell following an 'inline' edit
* Auto-select translation for new users based on Windows UI and/or keyboard language
* Automatically cleanup reminders for completed or deleted tasks
* Automatically quote UDT user input data
* Centre Time Tracker on app window on multi-monitor setups
* Change 'File Reference' to 'File Link' in the Sort menu
* Change 'Set Task Reminder' to 'Modify Task Reminder' as appropriate
* Change 'Show tasklisk close button on the menubar' preference so that it can be used to hide the taskbar close buttons
* Change 'Statistics' plugin name to 'Burndown'
* Change 'Treat tasks without a due date...' preferences to use Start date if it is in the future
* Change Kanban column selection when clicking on list headers
* Change filterbar background when filter active
* Change first line of Task Tree/List View/Gantt Chart to be alternately coloured to suit Windows 10
* Clear 'Comments' for recreated just-recurred tasks
* Clear 'old' reminders from preferences when closing a tasklist
* Connect sorting to application sorting
* Disable '.tdl' handler and 'tdl://' protocol on Linux
* Don't remove network paths from MRU list
* Draw column header sort direction
* Enable 'Options' droplist for 'Selected Tasks' filter
* Enable filter 'Options' droplist for custom filters
* Escape invalid characters in Outlook links
* Fix 'All Tasks' filtering bug
* Fix 'Always show backlog' not being honoured with Fixed columns
* Fix 'Creation Date' column to not display default time
* Fix 'Ctrl Num+' shortcut not working
* Fix 'Custom Attribute' ID field allowing spaces
* Fix 'End after x recurrences' to be 'End after x occurrences'
* Fix 'File Link' column to always display the first icon
* Fix 'File Link' field tooltips
* Fix 'File Open' initial path for multiple File Link paths
* Fix 'Find Tasks' quoted strings losing their quotes on app restart
* Fix 'Find Tasks' relative date calculations
* Fix 'Gantt View' header redraw bug with large date ranges
* Fix 'Icon' attribute searching in 'Find Tasks' dialog
* Fix 'Kanban' preferences 'Fixed Columns' row deletion
* Fix 'List View' synchronisation bug after filtering
* Fix 'Offset by weekdays'
* Fix 'Paste-Importing' tasks from clipboard
* Fix 'Paste-Importing' tasks from clipboard
* Fix 'Please enter an integer' message when adding time to log file
* Fix 'Remaining Time' column width calculation
* Fix 'Show Tasks Due Today' showing all tasks without due dates
* Fix 'Sort By > Unsorted' for plugin views (specifically Gantt)
* Fix 'Status' handling after completing a recurring task
* Fix 'Time Estimate' editing to not recalculate 'Start' and 'Due' dates if neither exist
* Fix 'Time Spent' button enable-state during time tracking
* Fix 'Time-tracking' when computer is locked on Windows 10
* Fix 'Transforming' tasklists to UTF-8
* Fix 'flashing' when switching between Kanban columns
* Fix 'invisible' Kanban items on XP
* Fix 'jump' after editing task title and sorting by 'title'
* Fix 'next' task selection when re-filtering in List View
* Fix <shift> formatting of outlook drag and drops to File Link field
* Fix About Box license translation bug
* Fix Comments context menu 'Copy File Link' not appearing under Linux
* Fix Gantt View 'weekday' date calculations
* Fix Gantt View dependency drawing
* Fix Gantt View drag cursor for 'Quarters' and 'Years'
* Fix Gantt View to prevent auto-calculated parent tasks from being moved
* Fix Gantt parent '% completion' not updating as subtasks are completed
* Fix Gantt view to show calculated values
* Fix GanttProject import message
* Fix GanttProject import to respect weekends
* Fix Help button position on resizable dialogs
* Fix Kanban View Options droplist tooltips
* Fix Kanban background artifacts in classic mode
* Fix Kanban background colour with high contrast theme
* Fix Kanban columns failing to appear when no filter is active
* Fix Kanban columns not showing up when filtering
* Fix Kanban drag and drop bug
* Fix Kanban item height bug with large fonts
* Fix Kanban message box title
* Fix Kanban not updating to show newly recreated recurring task
* Fix Kanban preferences not showing default list data
* Fix Linux startup render bugs
* Fix List and Plugin Views selection synchronisation with Task Tree
* Fix Multi-instance bug
* Fix Multi-sort bug
* Fix Outline importer
* Fix Outlook drag'n'drop dialog to enforce one-to-one mapping except for Comments field
* Fix Outlook drag'n'drop task title composition
* Fix Outlook file links after import
* Fix Start/Due date fields not updating after creating a dependency
* Fix Task Recurrence Daily radio buttons
* Fix Tasklist importer to use display with current UI preferences
* Fix Time Tracker synchronisation bug
* Fix Transform dialog OK button enable-state when stylesheet does not exist
* Fix Windows' week-number bug in drop-down calendar fields
* Fix activation issues with the 'Reminder Notification' dialog
* Fix background artifacts after resizing tree to zero height
* Fix background artifacts when switching out of 'High Contrast' theme
* Fix broken Gantt column header formatting when zooming with mouse-wheel
* Fix bug causing recurrence counter to be decremented by 2 when 'Create a new task' is enabled
* Fix bug repainting background of filterbar on startup
* Fix bug showing multi-sort menu item always ticked
* Fix cancelling new task leaving previously completed parent incomplete
* Fix click-cycling through fixed-list custom attributes
* Fix clicking on File Link column URL in List View opening two browser instances
* Fix combobox close buttons up against right-side of screen
* Fix commandline bug opening a new instance
* Fix copy/paste not transferring custom attribute values
* Fix crash in 'Filter' dialog when droplist-multiselection is disabled
* Fix crash in Time Tracker dialog after removing tasklist
* Fix crash playing long WAV file in reminder setup dialog
* Fix crash reloading richtext comments with images
* Fix creation of duplicate tasks in List View
* Fix custom attribute IDs to be case-insensitive
* Fix custom attribute value not changing after drag and drop
* Fix custom date attribute filtering
* Fix custom filter failing to restore on startup
* Fix date range calculation in Statistics View when filtering
* Fix delayed hiding of app window when closing
* Fix deletion of task's last 'File Link'
* Fix display attribute persistence
* Fix dragging 'Task Tree' items by their icons
* Fix export of Registry preferences to not prompt if the ini file is not named 'ToDoList.ini'
* Fix file encoding of CSV task time log file report
* Fix filtering tasks by "Find Task" ignoring Completed flag
* Fix grid rendering bug under High Contrast theme
* Fix hidden custom columns when no standard columns are visible
* Fix hidden task views not being restored at startup
* Fix hiding of disabled custom attribute columns
* Fix import of ini preferences to the Registry
* Fix import/export of preferences to/from Registry
* Fix incorrect printing of accented characters in Comments
* Fix incorrect sort order of Find Tasks Priority/Risk droplists on Linux
* Fix indenting of task titles when in 'Tabular' print mode
* Fix inline spell checking causing loss of comments
* Fix kanban selection change not triggering change in task tree
* Fix language initialisation for new installs
* Fix line-height mismatch on WinXP-64 bit
* Fix loading of large task icon images from file system
* Fix loss of Kanban 'Fixed Column' registry settings
* Fix loss of kanban columns after undo operation
* Fix loss of recurring reminders
* Fix loss of recurring reminders when using 'Stickies'
* Fix missing 'Tasks' context menu on Linux
* Fix missing URLs when pasting 'simple text' from supported apps (Word, Excel and most browsers)
* Fix missing priority/risk '0' Kanban columns
* Fix moving a Gantt dependency not updating dependents dates
* Fix multi-selection Time Units issues
* Fix non-selectability of parent tasks in Gantt view date pane
* Fix parsing of 'Times' under locales without AM/PM
* Fix partial text attribute searching in 'Find Tasks' dialog
* Fix pasting of quoted file paths to File Link field
* Fix performance degradation due to archive size
* Fix persistence of Recurrence option 'Every x days'
* Fix persistence of default list data for custom number attributes
* Fix preferences initialisation after upgrade to Windows 10
* Fix printing/exporting of task 'Position'
* Fix priority task colouring
* Fix protocol registration to not keep notifying non-admin users
* Fix recreation of recurring tasks with recurring subtasks
* Fix recurring reminders
* Fix redraw artifacts when moving in and out of 'Maximise Tasklists' in plugin views
* Fix render artifacts when horizontally scrolling Tasks title pane
* Fix setting time estimate to automatically give a task a start date
* Fix slow startup due to custom task icons
* Fix sorting by 'Creation Date' to ignore time component
* Fix sorting in 'Select Task Icon' dialog
* Fix sorting of 'Dates with Times'
* Fix sorting to be Date-aware
* Fix spurious extra Kanban columns after typing new custom attribute text value
* Fix string resource bug in 'Time Estimate' units droplist
* Fix synchronisation of application and 'Notification Area' icons
* Fix task time editing when AM/PM precedes the time (eg. Japanese locale)
* Fix task title not updating after F2 change
* Fix tdl handler not installing under admin account
* Fix test for locked workstation when time-tracking on Windows 10
* Fix text overwrite on '% Complete' column when displayed as a progress bar
* Fix title editing not ending after moving selection with F7/F8
* Fix too narrow title with Large Fonts
* Fix tracker not updating when new task is added
* Fix undoing of New and Recurring tasks to require only one undo step
* Fix units display to match user settings
* Fix unnecessary quoting of UDT placeholders
* Fix unresponsive app after 'Kanban View' drag and drop
* Fix untranslated CSV import message
* Fix various minor 'Translation Editor' issues
* Fix various translation-related issues
* Fix vertical scroll position not being maintained after re-filtering
* Fix vertical scroll position not being maintained after re-filtering caused by 'Undo' operation
* Fix zero height startup on Windows 10
* Fixing missing vertical scrollbar after changing Kanban display attributes
* Have Rich Text comments 'remember' foreground and background text colours like MS Word
* Hide completed flagged emails in Outlook importer
* Hide custom attribute droplist when 'Custom Attribute' is not selected
* Hide task selection option 'Including subtasks' for List View
* Hide the timetracker temporarily when modal dialogs appear
* Hide tracker when close button is clicked
* Hide vertical colour bar for tasks with no colour
* Hide zero value numeric custom attributes via preferences
* Highlight title of selecteded Kanban column
* Implement hiding of parent tasks
* Improve filtering performance
* Improve legibility of Rich Text toolbar under 'High Contrast' theme
* Improve performance adding single tasks
* Increase the height of the Preferences UDT argument field
* Indent 'Display' attributes
* Infotips showing the full text of a cell
* Make 'Calendar', 'Gantt' and 'Kanban' preference dialogs resizable
* Make Time Tracker resizable
* Make UDT user dialogs resizable
* Make sure selected task is scrolled into view
* Menu keyboard shortcuts
* New time-tracking widget
* Only show selection for focused Kanban column
* Prevent Kanban bkgnd redraw during list rebuilding
* Prevent Plugin view edits when tasklists are read-only
* Prevent pre-release versions overwriting .tdl and tdl:// handlers
* Redraw Reminder column after completing a task having a reminder
* Reduce images to 8-bit before embedding in rich text comments
* Remove 'Edit Field' checkbox for 'Icon' attribute in 'Attribute Visibility' dialog
* Remove 'Window Fading'
* Remove ChronicleWrap.dll
* Remove blank line at top of Default attribute visibility preferences
* Remove need to install Outlook protocol handler
* Report errors if unable to install .tdl extension or tdl:// protocol
* Respect 'Rich Text' comments preference on whether or not to use MS Word when converting HTML to RTF
* Restore 'Close' button to Task Icon dialog
* Restore CSV export fix for Excel to use tab delimiter and export to UTF-16
* Rewrite reminder snooze dialog as modeless
* Save time log files as UTF-16 when Excel is configured to open CSV
* Save/Restore column widths
* Save/restore last filter
* Save/restore window position and size
* Scroll date 'Time' droplists to show the working day
* Select active tasklist and task when shown from the menu
* Show Attribute Visibility dialog checkboxes as disabled when unavailable
* Show Bold top-level items on Gantt View
* Show Bold top-level items on Kanban View
* Show exe path and ini path in About box
* Show strikethrough on Kanban view
* Show task 'Path' after task name in Time Tracker
* Show times as well as dates in reminder column
* Show tooltips for Kanban items whose titles are truncated
* Show week numbers on Calendar plugin small calendars
* Support printing of 'Task Path' when in ListView and include 'Path' in 'Custom' attributes
* Switch over to new wiki for online help
* Synchronise tray icon with app icon

版本下載:ToDoList 7.1

HWiNFO 5.22

版本下載:HWiNFO 5.22

LibreOffice 5.1.1


- [wayland] Windows have broken size and headerbar drawn over content
- gtk2 Swing/AWT GUIs in java-based extensions crash gtk3 libreoffice
- [dark theme] Adwaita:dark not fully supported
- Special character favorites (comment 28 for scope)
- FILESAVE: ODT file’s OLE objects are lost when you export to DOCX format
- : horizontal/vertical flip of inserted picture is not persisted
- RTF: INCLUDEPICTURE image not shown
- OneDrive Integration Request
- EDITING: Text drag and drop doesn't work correctly
- Export as JPEG missing something
- Outline Numbering for DOCX not working when new headings inserted in between
- EMF: dashed lines in background grid are rendered as solid lines
- TOOLBAR: empty values in button names not respected
- File->Properties->General Tab size property
- EDITING: Compress image removes flip settings
- writer crashes in page preview when reducing number of pages due to hidden format
- Extra blank lines added to comments after each save as .DOCX
- Exporting jpeg format from DRAW, resolution does not follow options setting
- FILEOPEN RTF: Superscripts are run together
- can't add password to macro library
- unable to select the right column characters in catalog table on math editor
- FORMATTING Tab Handling in automatic table of contents
- A frame is not saved correctly if the document is saved as a docx file
- buttons header or footer disappear
- UI: Crash when deleting List Style after trying to create new style with same name
- GtkSalMenu: menu File>Templates>Manage executes action from the wrong submenu
- formating (bold, underline, color etc) corrupted when save as xlsx
- DOCX Import: Incorrect display of the headings - numbering style indents
- EDITING: PostgreSQL direct connection - Default for Text isn't CharacterType of PostgreSQL
- Switching spreadsheet tab triggers crash, no data provided
- Very slow previewing of (or blank, invisible..) master pages - resizing panel refreshes them instantly
- EDITING: Comments double when copying Sheets
- UI: Mismatching "Styles and Formatting" icon at toolbar and sidebar
- assert: attempt to subscript container with out-of-bounds index
- IFERROR not working correctly under array-evaluation
- Tab stops incorrectly indented by 5cm when it's 0cm in MS Word
- Deleting inserted code from object catalogue hangs office
- autocorrect replacement table has transient black background when resized
- missing borders in some autocorrect replacement table elements
- [DISPLAY] Presentation mode renders graphics wrong
- FILESAVE: Imported custom properties missing from exported RTF
- Menus open in the wrong place with RTL interface under gtk3
- UI: 'Save to remote server' error: 'A file named "$file" already exists' though file is not present on target WebDAV server.
- EXPORT to GIF, PNG, EPS: background transparency is lost
- "Tools/Customize" panel should be resizable
- Slow and different rendering of vector graphics in attached document
- LibreOffice unresponsible after entering | symbol in particular document
- Artifacts for italic text in GL rendering mode
- Sorting causes LibO to crash - applies to some files
- Slide transition can't be removed once assigned
- SUM formulas, in the cell below one with the same formula (and maybe more?) are not calculate correctly in 5.1 (with more then ~100 rows)
- FILEOPEN DOCX: Text Covered by Shape
- FILEOPEN: Impress crashes loading a file with Page Title field
- Document properties: Wrong icon for deleting custom field row
- Writer crash on print selected area with specific document [Xisco Fauli]
- REPORT: Function SECONDS() of a timefield will sometimes produce one second less than expected
- DPI scaling doesn't work with export to png or jpg
- If you try to open on a WebDAV server a file that doesn't exist, no error is shown
- INSERT: SVG <line> and <polygon> attributes ignored
- Further fix SUMming in the software interpreter
- CPU burned re-compressing JPEGs to make them bigger
- TDR triggered: opengl rotation of huge images shrunk to tiny pixel size.
- OpenGL: dissapear field controls in dialogue Format-Page, tab Page (Calc)
- divide by zero bug
- FILEOPEN: arrowheads added to lines within groups
- Recalculate does not always work
- gtk3 / odd behavior of Opengl options in Tools->Options->Libreoffice->View
- CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE not available under Tools>Customize>Keyboard
- gtk3 / CTRL_SPINBUTTONS oddness ...
- FILESAVE DOC Does not preserve the font size in tables
- Input areas in Header dialog get wider and bottom area disappears
- Can't connect to mde or accde databases from Base
- FILEOPEN: bad rendering of .WMF image in .ODT when OpenGL enabled
- "Wrap text automatically" setting is forgotten when a file is saved in XLS or XLSX
- Help still mentions option "Allow to save document even when the document is not modified"
- CMIS: File > Properties > CMIS Properties tab crashes LO when closing.
- Pipe socket directory permissions checks incorrect (R_OK not needed) and inconsistent
- Toolbar: No shortcuts displayed for extensions
- Array Formula Incorrectly Evaluated
- opengl: font anti-aliasing
- FILEOPEN Calc crashes on opening xlsx document
- Crash when modifying minor grid
- Remote File dialog showing wrong details in columns
- Changes Occur When Canceled
- REMOTE FILE: "The specified device is invalid." error dialog when attempting to add a service
- severe UI regressions
- PDFIMPORT Images are imported into Writer rotated and mirrored
- Croatian hunspell dictionary update

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.1.1

ToDoList 7.0.13

版本下載:ToDoList 7.0.13



ToDoList 7.0.12

版本下載:ToDoList 7.0.12

ToDoList 7.0.11

版本下載:ToDoList 7.0.11



ToDoList 7.0.10

版本下載:ToDoList 7.0.10

