Total PDF Converter is a highly functional app that is able to convert PDF to DOC, RTF, XLS, HTML, BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, EMF, PNG, EPS, PS, TIFF, TXT, and CSV. It also has a batch PDF convert utility to convert numerous PDF’s simultaneously.
Key Features include:
- Converts PDF to Doc, Excel, HTML, PS, Text, EPS, PRN, XPS, and OXPS files.
- Batch conversion mode.
- Adds pagination.
- Can combine PDF files.
- Preserves original document layout.
- Adds text or image watermarks.
- Converts PostScript to PDF.
- Supports PDF written in multi-byte Languages.
- Command line support.
Total PDF Converter has a well designed user interface that users of all levels of expertise will be able to navigate. The app has lots of pre-defined settings to choose from, or users can input their own values.
Overall, Total PDF Converter is a well made app that is easy to use, with stacks of functionality. It is both powerful and flexible, with support for over 15 different formats.
軟體資訊 | |
檔案版本 | Total PDF Converter for PC Windows |
檔案名稱 |
檔案大小 | 50.43MB |
系統 | Windows (All Versions) |
支援語系 | Multiple languages |
軟體類型 | 商業試用 |
更新日期 | 2019-04-26 |
更新日誌 |
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作者 | CoolUtils |
官網 | 暫無資訊 |