Total XML Converter 1.2.51
HWiNFO 5.22
LibreOffice 5.1.1
- [wayland] Windows have broken size and headerbar drawn over content
- gtk2 Swing/AWT GUIs in java-based extensions crash gtk3 libreoffice
- [dark theme] Adwaita:dark not fully supported
- Special character favorites (comment 28 for scope)
- FILESAVE: ODT file’s OLE objects are lost when you export to DOCX format
- : horizontal/vertical flip of inserted picture is not persisted
- RTF: INCLUDEPICTURE image not shown
- OneDrive Integration Request
- EDITING: Text drag and drop doesn't work correctly
- Export as JPEG missing something
- Outline Numbering for DOCX not working when new headings inserted in between
- EMF: dashed lines in background grid are rendered as solid lines
- TOOLBAR: empty values in button names not respected
- File->Properties->General Tab size property
- EDITING: Compress image removes flip settings
- writer crashes in page preview when reducing number of pages due to hidden format
- Extra blank lines added to comments after each save as .DOCX
- Exporting jpeg format from DRAW, resolution does not follow options setting
- FILEOPEN RTF: Superscripts are run together
- can't add password to macro library
- unable to select the right column characters in catalog table on math editor
- FORMATTING Tab Handling in automatic table of contents
- A frame is not saved correctly if the document is saved as a docx file
- buttons header or footer disappear
- UI: Crash when deleting List Style after trying to create new style with same name
- GtkSalMenu: menu File>Templates>Manage executes action from the wrong submenu
- formating (bold, underline, color etc) corrupted when save as xlsx
- DOCX Import: Incorrect display of the headings - numbering style indents
- EDITING: PostgreSQL direct connection - Default for Text isn't CharacterType of PostgreSQL
- Switching spreadsheet tab triggers crash, no data provided
- Very slow previewing of (or blank, invisible..) master pages - resizing panel refreshes them instantly
- EDITING: Comments double when copying Sheets
- UI: Mismatching "Styles and Formatting" icon at toolbar and sidebar
- assert: attempt to subscript container with out-of-bounds index
- IFERROR not working correctly under array-evaluation
- Tab stops incorrectly indented by 5cm when it's 0cm in MS Word
- Deleting inserted code from object catalogue hangs office
- autocorrect replacement table has transient black background when resized
- missing borders in some autocorrect replacement table elements
- [DISPLAY] Presentation mode renders graphics wrong
- FILESAVE: Imported custom properties missing from exported RTF
- Menus open in the wrong place with RTL interface under gtk3
- UI: 'Save to remote server' error: 'A file named "$file" already exists' though file is not present on target WebDAV server.
- EXPORT to GIF, PNG, EPS: background transparency is lost
- "Tools/Customize" panel should be resizable
- Slow and different rendering of vector graphics in attached document
- LibreOffice unresponsible after entering | symbol in particular document
- Artifacts for italic text in GL rendering mode
- Sorting causes LibO to crash - applies to some files
- Slide transition can't be removed once assigned
- SUM formulas, in the cell below one with the same formula (and maybe more?) are not calculate correctly in 5.1 (with more then ~100 rows)
- FILEOPEN DOCX: Text Covered by Shape
- FILEOPEN: Impress crashes loading a file with Page Title field
- Document properties: Wrong icon for deleting custom field row
- Writer crash on print selected area with specific document [Xisco Fauli]
- REPORT: Function SECONDS() of a timefield will sometimes produce one second less than expected
- DPI scaling doesn't work with export to png or jpg
- If you try to open on a WebDAV server a file that doesn't exist, no error is shown
- INSERT: SVG <line> and <polygon> attributes ignored
- Further fix SUMming in the software interpreter
- CPU burned re-compressing JPEGs to make them bigger
- TDR triggered: opengl rotation of huge images shrunk to tiny pixel size.
- OpenGL: dissapear field controls in dialogue Format-Page, tab Page (Calc)
- divide by zero bug
- FILEOPEN: arrowheads added to lines within groups
- Recalculate does not always work
- gtk3 / odd behavior of Opengl options in Tools->Options->Libreoffice->View
- CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE not available under Tools>Customize>Keyboard
- gtk3 / CTRL_SPINBUTTONS oddness ...
- FILESAVE DOC Does not preserve the font size in tables
- Input areas in Header dialog get wider and bottom area disappears
- Can't connect to mde or accde databases from Base
- FILEOPEN: bad rendering of .WMF image in .ODT when OpenGL enabled
- "Wrap text automatically" setting is forgotten when a file is saved in XLS or XLSX
- Help still mentions option "Allow to save document even when the document is not modified"
- CMIS: File > Properties > CMIS Properties tab crashes LO when closing.
- Pipe socket directory permissions checks incorrect (R_OK not needed) and inconsistent
- Toolbar: No shortcuts displayed for extensions
- Array Formula Incorrectly Evaluated
- opengl: font anti-aliasing
- FILEOPEN Calc crashes on opening xlsx document
- Crash when modifying minor grid
- Remote File dialog showing wrong details in columns
- Changes Occur When Canceled
- REMOTE FILE: "The specified device is invalid." error dialog when attempting to add a service
- severe UI regressions
- PDFIMPORT Images are imported into Writer rotated and mirrored
- Croatian hunspell dictionary update
版本下載:LibreOffice 5.1.1