# New Features:
* UI | Native search results view.
* UI | Native subscription results view.
* UI | Search results now show if result already in Vuze where possible.
* UI | Column Setup dialog now has a filter box.
* UI | Sharing Progress popups can now be suppressed.
* UI | New Files View column to show entire file path.
* UI | Option to switch to Tag Settings view after tag creation to allow customization.
* UI | Quick 'notification view' added to the Plugin Bar (Top Bar).
* UI | Plugin bar now has right-click menu to select the sub-views of interest.
* UI | Sound/speech notifications added to notifications.
* UI | Option added to create a notification when a download added to/removed from a tag.
* UI | Option added to create a notification when a subscription has new results.
* UI | Added size column to download history.
* UI | Sidebar subscriptions menu option to update all manually.
- Core | Added search option to always route through a proxy.
- Core | Search templates now support full cookies.
- Core | New isError tag constraint.
- Core | Extended tag execute-on-assign actions to include pause and resume.
- Core | Added some time-related tag constraint expressions to support time-based automatic tag assignment.
- Core | Support for anonymous updating.
- Core | New tag removal policy of 'move to old tag' .
# Changes:
* UI | Recent SWT updates require minimum of Java 8 - introduced Java version specific updates.
* UI | Keep track of custom colors and pass existing to color-chooser dialog.
* UI | Added colors to the tags in open-torrent-options.
* UI | Auto-select newly created tags in open-torrent-options and handle deletion better.
* UI | Warn when re-targeting to a file of different size.
* UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update.
* UI | Spanish translation update.
* UI | Relative dates now have 'ago' added.
* UI | Java options editing now available for OSX.
- Core | Various optimizations such as StringBuffer->StringBuilder.
- Core | Support as/xs in magnet links.
- Core | Automatic JVM memory increase now more aggressive.
- Core | Explicitly check if SSL certificates are trusted as relying on the Java runtime to do it sometimes results in excess prompts.
- Core | Prevent erroneous attempt to auto-remove non-persistent downloads from tags.
# Corrected Bugs:
* UI | Fix restoration of tag views in classic UI.
* UI | Scope display for tag add/remove was broken.
* UI | Changes to ip-filter from privacy tab were not being recorded.
* UI | Handle invalid DPI.
* UI | Column-reset was broken for All Peers view.
- Core | Don't auto-import torrents for archived downloads.
- Core | Large web-page responses broke strict clients by returning incorrect content-length.
- Core | Handle chunked transfer-encoding.
- Core | Initial download for new subscriptions not always occurring.
- Core | Handler network interface enumeration exception during initialization.
- Core | Reduce opportunity for blocking when searching at startup.
- Core | Support bigger maximum piece sizes.
- Core | Don't attempt to apply tag constraints when Vuze is closing.
# New Features:
- UI | Option to filter by hash in torrent views via 't:' prefix
- UI | Subscriptions can now be looked up from torrent options dialog
- UI | Option to manually enable/disable subscriptions
- UI | Search box now supports history
- UI | Download history view
- UI | Inform when previously downloaded torrent re-added
- UI | Country flags now shown in Vivaldi view
- UI | Subscriptions can now be grouped in the sidebar
- UI | Added search template menus to search area
- UI | Added a 'force deselect' option to templates
- UI | Unviewed notifications are now highlighted
- UI | Added filter to Tags Overview
- Core | Plugin Bar/Quick Config now has option to enforce time limited rate limits
- Core | Added last-active tag constraint
- Core | Added 'find more like...' feature
- Core | Added seed_count, peer_count and seed_peer_ratio to tag constraints
- Core | Option to exclude protocol overhead from rate limits
- Core | Added scope to Tag constraints to control when they are applied
- Core | Added resume_in Tag constraint
# Changes:
- UI | Subscription lookup dialog improvements
- UI | Active tag now visible for all modes
- UI | Explicit chat dialog pop-outs now always pop-out
- UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update
- UI | Basque translation update
- UI | Updated share-ratio-progress column to show eta for next ratio to be met
- UI | Added Java install location to About window
- UI | Fixed naming of tracker-based Tags
- Core | Ignore 'force start' downloads when applying share-ratio based stop actions
- Core | Ignore the 'move only in default dir' setting for tag based move-on-complete when overall 'move on complete' isn't enabled as this is confusing
- Core | Processing time now excluded from RTT calculations
- Core | Pick up download state related tag constraint updates quicker
- Core | Switch to Java 1.6 bytecode
- Core | Newer SWT requires J8. Pick swt jar based on Java version and 64/32 bit. Upgrade swt.jar being used if older than one in "swt/". Min Java in 1.6
# Corrected Bugs:
- UI | General view wasn't picking up data source changes
- UI | Fixed some subscription table sorting errors
- UI | Prefix not being layed out correctly in date based columns
- UI | Fixed logic to launch websites in browser by default
- UI | Wrong default path was being used for move to location
- UI | Brought back toolbar item tooltips
- UI | QR code area in Remote Pairing window not big enough to show full QR code on clean Windows 2008 machine
- Core | Fixed occasional subscription download failures
- Core | Reduce CPU usage caused by misbehaving network interfaces
- Core | Delete subscription wasn't actually deleting them
- Core | Handle null network interfaces
- Core | Don't auto-download results that have already been marked as read
- Core | Fix tags not being applied on restore-from-archive
- Core | Rate limit table refreshes to reduce CPU
- Core | Backup updated to ignore a few troublesome locked files
- Core | Fix interaction between file priority and first/last piece priority
- Core | Fixed of downloads leaving paused ones in semi-paused state
- Core | Tag tracker properties were not consistently matching
- Core | Fixed incorrect chat dialog reference counting
# New Features:
- UI | Option to filter by hash in torrent views via 't:' prefix
- UI | Subscriptions can now be looked up from torrent options dialog
- UI | Option to manually enable/disable subscriptions
- UI | Search box now supports history
- UI | Download history view
- UI | Inform when previously downloaded torrent re-added
- UI | Country flags now shown in Vivaldi view
- UI | Subscriptions can now be grouped in the sidebar
- UI | Added search template menus to search area
- UI | Added a 'force deselect' option to templates
- UI | Unviewed notifications are now highlighted
- UI | Added filter to Tags Overview
- Core | Plugin Bar/Quick Config now has option to enforce time limited rate limits
- Core | Added last-active tag constraint
- Core | Added 'find more like...' feature
- Core | Added seed_count, peer_count and seed_peer_ratio to tag constraints
- Core | Option to exclude protocol overhead from rate limits
- Core | Added scope to Tag constraints to control when they are applied
- Core | Added resume_in Tag constraint
# Changes:
- UI | Subscription lookup dialog improvements
- UI | Active tag now visible for all modes
- UI | Explicit chat dialog pop-outs now always pop-out
- UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update
- UI | Basque translation update
- UI | Updated share-ratio-progress column to show eta for next ratio to be met
- UI | Added Java install location to About window
- UI | Fixed naming of tracker-based Tags
- Core | Ignore 'force start' downloads when applying share-ratio based stop actions
- Core | Ignore the 'move only in default dir' setting for tag based move-on-complete when overall 'move on complete' isn't enabled as this is confusing
- Core | Processing time now excluded from RTT calculations
- Core | Pick up download state related tag constraint updates quicker
- Core | Switch to Java 1.6 bytecode
- Core | Newer SWT requires J8. Pick swt jar based on Java version and 64/32 bit. Upgrade swt.jar being used if older than one in "swt/". Min Java in 1.6
# Corrected Bugs:
- UI | General view wasn't picking up data source changes
- UI | Fixed some subscription table sorting errors
- UI | Prefix not being layed out correctly in date based columns
- UI | Fixed logic to launch websites in browser by default
- UI | Wrong default path was being used for move to location
- UI | Brought back toolbar item tooltips
- UI | QR code area in Remote Pairing window not big enough to show full QR code on clean Windows 2008 machine
- Core | Fixed occasional subscription download failures
- Core | Reduce CPU usage caused by misbehaving network interfaces
- Core | Delete subscription wasn't actually deleting them
- Core | Handle null network interfaces
- Core | Don't auto-download results that have already been marked as read
- Core | Fix tags not being applied on restore-from-archive
- Core | Rate limit table refreshes to reduce CPU
- Core | Backup updated to ignore a few troublesome locked files
- Core | Fix interaction between file priority and first/last piece priority
- Core | Fixed of downloads leaving paused ones in semi-paused state
- Core | Tag tracker properties were not consistently matching
- Core | Fixed incorrect chat dialog reference counting
# New Features:
- UI | Remember last configuration view
- UI | Added 'mark as read after failed to auto-download' option
- UI | Support for additional DHT stats/operation views
- UI | Subscription's can now be named and marked as anonymous during creation
- UI | Added share ratio to archived files view
- UI | Installer prompt added when handling non-public URIs
- UI | Network indicator for discovered tags
- UI | Option added to specify how many subscription associations are retained
- UI | Added column indicating if a download has redirected files
- UI | Menu option to revert redirected files within a download
- UI | DHT latency estimate added to views
- UI | Added a request latency column to peers view
- UI | Added simpler way to set download thumbnails
- UI | Option to switch from binary based to decimal based scales
- UI | Option to force separate chat windows to open in side bar
- Core | Added option to make subscription downloads non-public
- Core | Concurrent subscription downloads
- Core | Support for anonymous subscriptions
- Core | Extended subscription based chat to non-web engines where possible
# Changes:
- UI | Updated subscriptions now don't auto-select in sidebar by default - option added to enable this
- UI | Cached seeder/leecher values now shown in column tooltip
- UI | Improved tracker status error messages
- UI | Switch to previous sidebar view when one is closed
- UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update
- UI | Spanish translation update
- Core | Tag tracker matching now uses 'endswith' instead of 'equals'
- Core | Extract some more items from RSS feeds when available
- Core | Broken trust stores are now automatically reset
# Corrected Bugs:
- UI | Progress bar fit improved
- UI | Verification that a shell is within monitor bounds fix
- UI | Remember sort column
- Core | Maintain 'time found' across subscription updates
- Core | Fix bug with non-public metadata transfer
- Core | Fix edge case where auto-download subscription properties not being set
- Core | Fix installation of SSL certificate after a redirect
- Core | Handle some more corrupted torrent fields
- Core | Try to handle restart/computer close actions when Vuze shutdown is blocked
# New Features:
* UI | New tree view for selecting files to download in the torrent options dialog
* UI | Higher UI refresh rates now supported
* UI | Search for existing data files now supported at the file level
* UI | Added option to disable the simple library views
* UI | Color can now be set for sidebar background and table headers
* UI | Option to disable chat notifications on a per-chat basis
* Core | Support start/stop and pause/resume for aggregate tag actions
* Core | Added option to ignore checking downloads when managing the max active downloads
* Core | Added individual tag based share ratio actions
* Core | Added ability to control the priority of aggregate/individual tag share ratios when both enabled
* Core | Added option to prioritize downloads based on seed count
* Core | Exported stats now include smoothed up/down rates
* Core | Added ability to reset a download's file-links at the download level
* Core | Option added for swarm merging to complete all copies of a file, not just the first
* Core | Support multiple torrent import folders and tag auto-assignment
* Core | Added per-subscription maximum result limits
* Core | Option to periodically recheck 'out of disk space' downloads for restart
* Core | Option to control the maximum supported file links in a download
* Core | Option to auto-skip files smaller than a given size when adding a torernt
* Plug | Linux support for the embedded media player
* Plug | Embedded media player plugin can now use VLC for playback
* Plug | Swarm Discoveries - more views now support 'search more'; tag aggregation
# Changes:
* UI | Double clicking on a plugin from the overview settings panel now selects a plugin's settings
* UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update
* UI | Basque translation update
* UI | Spanish translation update
* Core | Piece selection during swarm merging optimized for pieces with zero availability
* Plug | Improved seed/peer counts for swarm discoveries
# Corrected Bugs:
* UI | Sort order icon was reversed in torrent options dialog
* UI | Better flushing of cached color resources on scheme change
* UI | Sort order for file priority was inconsistent
* UI | When one of multiple instances of a view was closed some menus were lost
* Core | Don't pause incomplete downloads when an aggregate tag's share ratio is hit
* Core | Fixed bug with peer connections for torrents with unlimited peer connection limits
* Core | Fixed unnecessary rechecking on start of downloads with do-not-download files
* Core | Don't process aggregate share ratio rules while downloads are being deleted
* Core | Ensure 'on download complete' actions aren't fired while incomplete downloads are in a pending state
* Core | Backup/Restore now ignores corrupted config and temporary files
* Core | Fixed broken synchronization in DHT tracker causing 99% CPU usage
HWiNFO 5.22
# New Features:
- UI | Added option to suppress file download popups
- UI | Added 'tor:' prefix support for simple URLs entered in the search bar
- UI | Added option to disable auto-shutdown prompt
- UI | Swarm view now supports multiple-downloads
- UI | More views can now be 'popped out' as independent windows
- UI | Added aggregate share ratio column for Tags
- UI | Added alert options for download error events
- UI | UPnP prefix string visible in router mappings can now be changed
- UI | Direct help-menu option to report Beta Program issues
- Core | Option to control timeout for magnet lookups
- Core | Javascript Tag constraint support
- Core | Javascript access to closedown actions and torrent options
- Core | Added option to disable auto-VPN detection
- Core | Added 'swarm_merge_bytes' to constraints
- Core | New tag-assignment option to execute script
- Core | Tracker server option to mark clients as not supported
- Core | Separate peer connection limits by network
- Core | Added Tag aggregate share ratio limit controls
- Core | Shared files/directories can now be optionally persistent and archiveable
- Core | Added feature to search a folder hierarchy for existing data files for one or more downloads
- Core | Added option to control filename character conversions
- Plug | WebTorrent client and tracker support
- Plug | Javascript support for scripting Vuze actions
- Plug | Exposed some more Tag features to plugins
# Changes:
- UI | Only flash Downloading sidebar entry when adding incomplete torrents
- UI | Escape key now cancels library filter operations
- UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update
- UI | Greek translation update
- UI | Chinese translation update
- UI | Basque translation update
- UI | Optimize redrawing of multiple rows somewhat
- UI | Handle incorrect torrent creation dates
- UI | Added some missing sidebar icons
- Core | Use bind IP for HTTP based version checks
- Core | Allow priority peers to retain extra upload slots
- Core | Tag initial-save-location now only applies to downloads that haven't already been moved
# Corrected Bugs:
- UI | GTK3 fixes
- UI | Remove 'general view' flicker
- UI | Periodically resynchronize library download counts
- UI | Fix some UI elements not dynamically updating language
- UI | Fix chat sidebar restoration when coming out of low-resource mode
- UI | Files View wasn't being disabled correctly
- UI | Cursor position was wrong when dragging torrents down
- UI | Piece graph view column sorting was broken
- Core | Fix metadata download peers soemtimes not being treated as interesting
- Core | Fix auto-update failing when commas present in file names
- Core | Fixed resource leak when steaming to browser
- Core | RSS generator plugin now uses correct server IP
- Core | Decouple SWT dependencies to allow console UI to run without SWT libraries
- Core | IPv6 addresses not being matched correctly
- Core | Don't treat parse errors as fatal when encountered in long-term-stats files
# New Features:
- UI | Added peer menus to peers in the swarm view
- UI | Tags now visibly grouped by their group in Tagging view
- UI | Torrent List for Tags Overview now has "Any/All" checkbox when multiple tags are selected
- UI | General view now shows file boundaries and skipped file zones
- UI | Network bindings can now be cleared via status icon context menu
- UI | Raw hashes entered as search expressions now support arguments
- UI | Added last-error column for subscriptions
- UI | Added alternative network hints to seeds/peers column
- UI | Network Information added to the top-view (F8 to show)
- UI | Files view now supports multiple download managers
- UI | Show files menu option added to Tags
- UI | Detect existing archived downloads when adding a new one
- UI | Added button to create RSS feeds from chats
- UI | Added description column for downloads to allow viewing and modification
- UI | Added context menus to set a download's thumbnail and torrent source
- UI | Option to set a tag's group when creating it
- UI | Tags Overview can now edit some settings when multiple tags selected
- Core | Added option to reset long term stats and tag session totals
- Core | Session up/down, Total up/down values per tag now recorded
- Core | Support tag-based and peer-set based network limits
- Core | Speed limit handler now supports tag based upload prioritization
- Core | Added sliding window support to network limits
- Core | Added an auto-restart feature
- Core | Option to add a unique prefix to files to avoid name clashes
- Core | Added 'seedingfor', 'downloadingfor' to Tag contraints
- Core | Tags now support 'start/force-start/stop' actions on assign
- Core | Option to abort actions such as 'closedown computer when seeding complete'
- Core | Decentralized websites now support linking via torrent, magnet or other sites
- Core | Decentralized websites auto-tagged as such
- Core | Option to move torrent files to separate golder on completion/removal
- Core | Added option to Timed Rotation Queue rule for longer min seeding time when torrent is connected to a peer
- Plug | Web plugins can now bind to interfaces as well as IP addresses
- Plug | Magnet plugin now has default network options
- Plug | RSS to Chat plugin now supports website presentation
# Changes:
- UI | Adjustments for High DPI (4k) monitors and large font systems
- UI | Multiple magnet links now copied from selection
- UI | Subscriptions now sorted in the side bar
- UI | Subscription totals now always shown in side bar
- UI | Rename torrent display name more sensibly on folder change
- UI | Progress window is now non-modal
- UI | Chat will now default to 'no network' rather than 'public' when no download context
- UI | Closing unseletcted sidebar entry no longer loads screen before closing
- UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update
- UI | Basque translation update
- UI | Tweaks to improve GTK3 support
- Core | Timed Rotation Queue Rule now based on last seeded time of torrent, instead of torrent position.
- Core | File priorities compressed to save resources
# Corrected Bugs:
- UI | Fix blurry table text on Retina displays
- UI | Restore ability of console UI to run without SWT classes being present
- UI | Big, Unopened torrents view should not be showing incomplete downloads
- UI | Fix clicking on peers in swarm view selecting same peer in peers view
- UI | Fix empty constraints being saved incorrectly and causing problems
- UI | Made various sub-views handle selection consistently
- UI | Better sizing of oversized windows to fit within monitor
- Core | Ignore restoration failures of bad config files
- Core | Fix tag up/down disable to operate at peer level not network level
- Core | Fix for initial tag assignment for auto-download subscriptions
- Core | Fixed issue with renamed simple torrents
- Core | Various fixes around SSL handling (SNI, DH key size limits)
- Core | Handle IPv6 zone index in URIs
- Core | Untagged tag didn't handle initial-save-location
- Plug | Reduced resource usage required to peek uninitialized channels
# New Features:
* UI | New Privacy View
* UI | Added Privacy button to open-torrent-options dialog to set the download to be added in a stopped state with no networks enabled
* UI | Chats can now be added to the sidebar
* UI | Detection of outstanding messages for your nick
* UI | Remember minimized state of pop-out windows
* UI | New 'done with dnd files' column
* UI | Ctrl+F4 now closes sidebar entries (in line with classic UI)
* UI | 'Internal browser disabled' display now includes button to re-enable it
* UI | Added indicator to sidebar entry for 'in progress' transcodes
* Core | PS4 detection
* Plug | New 'PIA' plugin to automate configuration of VPN
# Changes:
* UI | Column setup window now shows non-renamed column titles
* UI | Prevent multiple pop-out chats for same chat
* UI | Double-click actions added for transfer/mini-bars
* UI | Improve performance of sidebar view switching
* UI | Sidebar entries with sub-views now distinguished
* UI | Unknown ETA values now sorted to bottom
* Core | Deal with completeness of downloads with 'do not download' files more consistently
* Core | Disconnect all peers on a network change
* Core | Improve performance of network decode
* Core | Create less closedown threads to improve performance
* Core | Increase maximum supported torrent size
* Core | Multiple copies of Vuze sharing the same configuration data will now refuse to start
* Core | Improved handling of use of the Vuze control port by another application
# Corrected Bugs:
* UI | Renamed columns were not being displayed correctly on initial show
* UI | Fix category buttons not being uipdates on add/delete
* UI | Fix toolbar stop/start icon state display
* UI | Fix start/stop toolbar icon now enabling for devices views
* UI | Fix status area not drawing occasionally after restoring Vuze from tray
* UI | Fix completion % not 100% when all files are do-not-download
* UI | Fix rare cases where partially complete torrents reported 0% (UI only, core still knew of the complete data)
* UI | Fixed some GTK3 issues in UI [TuxPaper]
* UI | Fixed dragging file from Files View to MediaPlayer Classic and other apps (VLC already worked)
# New Features:
- UI | Option to allow chat views to be independent windows
- UI | Added Tags column to archive view
- Core | Tag assignment is now persisted across archive/restore
# Changes:
- UI | Pop-out views are now independent windows
# Corrected Bugs:
- UI | Fix Stats view clearing graphs on each view (Classic UI)
- UI | Fix remembering of minimized state of subtabs
- UI | Torrent options window was throwing null-pointer exceptions
- UI | Reduced tab-rebuilds on tag property changes
- UI | The 'Restore and...' option in the archive view was incorrectly firing per-download
# New Features:
- UI | New 'tagging' subview to allow easy download/tag assignment
- UI | Many sidebar views can now be 'popped out' into a separate window
- UI | Show discovered tags when adding torrents
- UI | Support escaped unicode character entry in chat UI via unnnn
- UI | New tag settings view in Tags Overview panel
- UI | Brought back client byte stats and added per-network stats
- UI | Support for viewing downloads as local websites in web browser -
- UI | Ability to completely disable use of the embedded browser in Vuze
- UI | Added 'torrent last active' column
- UI | Additional option to edit multiple download's trackers in a single operation
- UI | Help menu option to import/export config files (etc) from bencoded <-> json format
- Core | Option to delete original .torrent files after addition
- Core | Automatically unzip torrents that happen to have been saved in compressed format
- Core | 'action on tag assignment' to support auto removal of peers
- Core | Per-peer up/down rate limiting on peer set assignment
- Core | Archival of downloads -
# Changes:
- UI | Torrent hash now shown in torrent options info view
- UI | Subscriptions ca now be shown in the classic UI
- UI | More consistently handle 'do not download' file sizes when showing size/percent done/remaining
- UI | Automatic closure of torrent download window when automatically invoked
- UI | Current version of components is now shown in update prompt
- UI | Latest 'private torrent' state now persisted across create-torrent operations
- Core | Treat protocol-relative URL's in RSS feeds as http://
- Core | Changes to a download's networks are now applied directly
# Corrected bugs:
- UI | Fix 'reset columns' not resetting all colums
- UI | Fix fancy menu bounds calculation to ensure correct visibility
- UI | Creation date in torrent options dialog was incorerctly formatted
- UI | Use updated trackers in open-torrent-options availability checker
- Core | Fix config corruption with non-ascii chat options
- Core | Fix edge case bug with swarm merging
- Core | Webseed rate limits weren't always being applied correctly
- Core | Removed small window when rate limits weren't being applied correctly
- Core | Incorrect tags were being included when getting existing download tags
- Core | Handle 301/302 redirects from trackers when binding to explicit IPs
- Core | Handle UPnP device URLs that don't have final /
- Core | Decode torrents with missing announce-urls correctly
- Core | Unlimited per-torrent connections not being enforced correctly
* FEATURE: UI | Restructured Library view context (right-click) menu
* FEATURE: UI | A basic quick-options plugin bar view
* FEATURE: UI | Support upload/download disable for Tag rate limits
* FEATURE: UI | Support .vuze files in the plugin installation wizard
* FEATURE: UI | Added some subscription settings to the sidebar context menu
* FEATURE: UI | Explicit browser configuration option for non-public content
* FEATURE: UI | Option to hide do-not-download files in the Files View
* FEATURE: UI | Right-click menu option in Peers View to kick a peer without banning them
* FEATURE: UI | Support for output redirection from console UI commands
* FEATURE: Core | Swarm merging
* FEATURE: Core | Option to automatically select files for 'do not download' based on file type suffix
* FEATURE: Core | Device transcodes can now be auto-shared and tagged
* FEATURE: Core | isComplete, percentage and age added to Tag constraint language
* FEATURE: Plug | Decentralized chat
* FEATURE: Plug | RSS-to-chat plugin
* FEATURE: Plug | TorBrowser plugin now supports browsing of .i2p content
* FEATURE: Plug | Play-to DLNA enabled devices support
* FEATURE: Plug | Swarm search is now also accessible via right-click menu
* CHANGE: UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update
* CHANGE: UI | Basque translation update
* CHANGE: UI | Show decoded magnet URI title in download window
* CHANGE: UI | DHT activity view was showing queued activities - fixed to only show active ones
* CHANGE: UI | Added eepsite and onion site to About Window
* CHANGE: Core | Auto-download subscriptions now scheduled more fairly
* BUGFIX: UI | Status bar tooltip flicker reduced
* BUGFIX: UI | Sometimes the sub-tab 'sash' could become inaccessible
* BUGFIX: Core | Fix 'is-interested' bug
* BUGFIX: Core | Force disconnect duplicate outbound, stuck peers connections
* BUGFIX: Plug | Magnet URI plugin not always terminating quickly on successfull torrent download
* BUGFIX: Plug | Fixed resource leak in Magnet URI plugin
* FEATURE: UI | Added option to use quick-view rather than 'launch' when double-clicking files
* FEATURE: UI | Tag Discoveries
* FEATURE: UI | Use of ctrl+<space> in download save location field now shows auto-complete suggestions
* FEATURE: UI | History size of saved download locations now configurable
* FEATURE: UI | Added option in torrent options dialog to remove top level folder in multi-file torrents
* FEATURE: UI | RSS subscriptions can now be added via search box
* FEATURE: UI | Added 'Tag groups' to allow more control over tag order in the sidebar
* FEATURE: UI | Tag buttons in Library views now obey visility settings
* FEATURE: UI | Option to only show tag buttons in the complete section of the Library views
* FEATURE: UI | Ability to set short-cut accelerators on a per-config panel basis
* FEATURE: UI | Optional 'selected download' aggregate up/down rates in Library header
* FEATURE: UI | Console UI commands for subscriptions
* FEATURE: UI | Console UI commands for tags
* FEATURE: Core | Added ability set an explicit share ratio to help control seeding rules
* FEATURE: Core | Option to prevent local tracker host DNS resolution when using SOCKS
* FEATURE: Core | Added 'hasNet' to tag constraint language
* FEATURE: Core | Speed limit handler ip-sets renamed to peer-sets and now support tags and networks
* FEATURE: Core | Support for setting upload and download speeds to 'disabled'
* CHANGE: UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update
* CHANGE: UI | Most http links in the UI now have copy-to-clipboard menu option
* CHANGE: UI | Personal share menu enable/disable state not calculated for large torrents due to resource cost
* CHANGE: UI | Automatic renaming oftorrents who's top level folder has changed is now optional
* CHANGE: UI | Prevent disabled sub-rows from being expanded in Library
* CHANGE: Core | Ignore low-noise downloads when considering 'close on download complete' action
* CHANGE: Core | Option to remove low-noise downloads from RSS Feeds
* CHANGE: Core | Handle null-content type being returned by some borked feeds
* BUGFIX: Core | Fixed 100% CPU bug in search code
* BUGFIX: Core | Tags weren't being propagated from subscriptions to downloads correctly
* BUGFIX: Core | Fix meta-data download over LT which was causing first peer to be ignored
* BUGFIX: Core | Fixed fast-extension exploit that could be used to waste seeding bandwidth
* BUGFIX: Core | Rotating bloom filters weren't being reset correctly
* BUGFIX: Core | Remove some DNS leaks
- UI | Added 'force start' and 'super seeding' options to the create-torrent wizard
- UI | File filter added to torrent-options dialog
- UI | Minimum/Target share ratio setters added to column menu and torrent options view
- UI | Added 'SHA1' column to files-view
- UI | Added a default save directory to apply when 'best guess' is enabled and nothing matches
- UI | File path names can now be entered into the search box to open the torrent
- UI | New column showing the date of completion of the most recent file
- UI | Added 'initial tags' to the create-torrent wizard
- UI | Enabled networks can now be specified in torrent-options dialog
- UI | Added an 'apply to current' function to tags with initial-save/move-on-complete set
- UI | Added 'availability' button to torrent-options to allow a torrent's availability to be checked before addition
- UI | Tag buttons can now be enabled in Library view; Category buttons can be hidden
- UI | Added 'pause for' option for selected torrents in Library view via Advanced menu
- Plug | Friends plugin now supports tag-based sharing to mirror the existing category based sharing
- Plug | Improved I2P network integration (new 'I2P Helper Plugin' deprecates existing 'I2P Network Plugin')
- Plug | The 'Network Status' plugin now tests connectivity to Vuze services (e.g. pairing service)
- Core | Added simple tag constraint language (e.g. to define a tag that contains downloads whose title matches a regex - see wiki)
- Core | BEP 40: Canonical Peer Priority
- Core | Added 'copy-on-complete' function to tags
- Core | HTTPS support for web-seeds
- Core | Speed limit handler can now start/stop downloads assigned to particular tags
- UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update
- UI | French translation update
- UI | Spanish translation update
- UI | Basque translation update
- UI | Network Status plugin results can now be copied to clipboard
- UI | Removed potential duplicate 'media already added' dialogs from inadvertent double-clicking
- UI | Windows: Azureus.exe binary description now set to play better with Firefox/Thunderbird URI launch dialog
- UI | All-peers and console views will now re-open on startup if open on close
- UI | Use consistent sash to separate the tabs area in library views
- UI | Sources view now displays scrape status for stopped downloads
- UI | Update download display name if user renames either single file in a single file torrent or top level folder in a multi-file one
- Plug | Internationalization plugin update
- Core | Paused downloads will now not be auto-started if a device attempts to access content
- Core | Reduce CPU usage used for calculating anti-spoof DHT tokens
- Core | Queue rules modified to prevent new seeds from being started if up-limit is reached
- UI | Transparancy settings for mini-bars/transfer-bar not being persisted
- UI | Primary tracker details were not being updated in detailed sources view
- Core | Torrent creation was failing when linked folders used and files ignored
- Core | Paused torrent removal was not removing from tag
- Core | Torrent private status not being correctly initialised
- Core | Various fixes to network and unresolved address handling
- Core | Handle missing publish dates in RSS feeds
- Core | Handle some XML parsing errors better
- Core | Fix Vuze preventing Windows logoff/shotdown
- Core | Async listener thread not always started when needed
- Core | Handle malformed announce URLs better