WPS Office 2016 Personal Edition
WPS Office 2016 Personal Edition
* Office Suite
- Improved WPS Office stability and fixed a bug that caused a crash when opening some documents.
* WPS Writer
- Supports correcting and formatting text as you type (Options-> Edit-> AutoCorrect-> Replace text as you type-> Option).
- Supports select text font for Delivery and Return Address.
- Supports align text to the left by default for all new blank documents.
* WPS Presentation
- Bug Fix: Slide show issues resolved when opening a PPS/PPSX/PPSM document.
- Bug Fix: GIF background picture issues resolved when running a slide show.
版本下載:WPS Office 2016 Personal Edition
HWiNFO 5.22
WPS Office
- Added support for Spanish, French and Portuguese.
- Fixed the bug that text font is changed after inserting special symbols (Insert -> Symbol).
版本下載:WPS Office
WPS Office
WPS Office
- Fixed the bug that messy codes appear when first enter numbers using Croatia, Romanian, Hungarian or other keyboard.
- Fixed the bug that users cannot disable “Capitalize first letter of sentences” feature under “AutoCorrect” option..
- Added support for customizing shortcuts (Options -> General and Save -> Shortcuts).
- Bug fix for “Activate Software” notification on already activated copy of WPS.
- Bug fix for blurred icons on some high DPI display screens (such as 15.6-inch 1080P full-HD screen).
- Bug fix for oversized Options dialog box on some small-size screens.
版本下載:WPS Office
WPS Office
WPS Office
* Fixed the bug that messy codes appear when first enter numbers using Croatia, Romanian, Hungarian or other keyboard.
* Fixed the bug that users cannot disable “Capitalize first letter of sentences” feature under “AutoCorrect” option.
版本下載:WPS Office
WPS Office
Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
# General New Features
- Supported gathering data by Google Analytics
- Supported sharing Kingsoft Office with friends through Facebook
- Supported staring with Writer automatically after installation
- Added Get Free button in the dialog box which will prompt when your trial period has expired
版本下載:Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
- Add UK English spell checker.
- Switch spell checker languages within each office program.
版本下載:Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
# Writer
- Saving documents as *.docx, *.dotx, *.docm, *.dotm
- Add Restrict Editing and Restrict Formatting options under Review tab (2013 style interface) and Tools menu (Classic interface)
- Support exporting PDF with background color
- Support find and replace formatting
- Support automatic adjusting page width when reading HTML file
- Support displaying table width according to the specified percentage when reading HTML file
- Add Border and Shading option under Home tab > Border (in 2013 style interface)
- Add Separator and Comment options under Insert tab
- Support Ctrl+Alt+Home to display the Object Browser
# Spreadsheets
- Saving workbooks as *.xlsx, *.xlsm
- Expand the row and column number, supporting 1048576 rows and 16384 columns.
- Support AutoFilter by color
- Add GetPivotData function
- Add function recommendation list when inputting functions
- Support applying custom color for reading layout view
- Add Switch Sheet option beside sheet tabs
- Support freezing selected column
- Support displaying context menu when right clicking on the input box in Find and Replace dialog
- Support refreshing imported text
- Support Ctrl+[ shortut to go to referenced cell range
- Support adding break lines automatically to the content when using Fixed width to split content
- Support Alt+; shortcut to go to visible cells
- Support AutoFilter when reading HTML files
- Under Home tab, default border settings is set to All Borders
# Presentation
- Add Fit slide to current window on the right end of the status bar.
- Add Insert Columns and Delete Columns options in the context menu when right clicking on a table cell.
# Office Suite
- Add document encryption types
- Fixed the printing problem of files with custom paper size
- Improved the quality of exported PDF files
- Improved the stability of all three programs by reducing their crashing rate
- Improved the launching speed of Writer by turning on the compiling optimization
版本下載:Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
# Kingsoft Writer New Features
- Supported showing bookmark in document map
- Supported inserting a picture from scanner
- Supported opening XML Files format
# Kingsoft Spreadsheets New Features
- Supported solver function
- Supported saving as MHT File format
- Supported calculate sheet function
- Supported exporting to XLS format in a shared workbook
# Kingsoft Writer Fixes
- Optimized reading HTML Files format
- Optimized reading XML Files format
# Kingsoft Spreadsheets Fixes
- Optimized reading HTML Files format
版本下載:Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
# General New Features
- Added 2013 Elegant Black and 2013 Water Blue interface, supported switching between 2013 style interface and classic style interface
- Supported date and number formats of European countries, including United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zeland
- Supported inputting Euro and GBP symbols by using keyboard
- Supported the shortcut key of ALTGr
- Supported undoing an action after saving documents
- Supported returning to the document directly after Kingsoft Office crashing
- Added Kingsoft Office Facebook on the Help menu
- Supported creating new document from other templates
# Kingsoft Writer New Features
- Supported show footnote/endnote separator function
- Supported embed characters used in the document
- Added the option of Remember dimensions for new tables
- Supported line numbers function
# Kingsoft Presentation New Features
- Supported creating or deleting comments in presentation
- Supported organization chart function in 2013 style interface
- Supported file package to folder and compress files function
- Added Show/Hide Note button on the status bar
- Support saving the background picture of slides as pictures function
- Support replace fonts function
# Kingsoft Spreadsheets New Features
- Supported memory for the reading layout function
- Supported worksheet size 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns
- Supported goal seek function
- Supprted 37 new functions, including financial and statistic functions
- Supported multiple filters function
- Supported locating the visible cells by using the shortcut key of Alt+;
- Added Normal View, Page Break Preview, and Reading Layout buttons on the status bar
# Kingsoft Writer Fixes
- Optimized page numbers function
- Optimized the balloons of Track Changes
# Kingsoft Presentation Fixes
- Optimized operations on table in presentation
- Optimized reading Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 presentations format
# Kingsoft Spreadsheets Fixes
- Optimized reading Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 files format
- Optimized worksheet tabs, including adding font size, New Sheet button
版本下載:Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013
# General New Features
- Added 2013 Elegant Black and 2013 Water Blue interface, supported switching between 2013 style interface and classic style interface
- Supported date and number formats of European countries, including United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zeland
- Supported inputting Euro and GBP symbols by using keyboard
- Supported the shortcut key of ALTGr
- Supported undoing an action after saving documents
- Supported returning to the document directly after Kingsoft Office crashing
- Added Kingsoft Office Facebook on the Help menu
- Supported creating new document from other templates
#Kingsoft Writer New Features
- Supported show footnote/endnote separator function
- Supported embed characters used in the document
- Added the option of Remember dimensions for new tables
- Supported line numbers function
#Kingsoft Presentation New Features
- Supported creating or deleting comments in presentation
- Supported organization chart function in 2013 style interface
- Supported file package to folder and compress files function
- Added Show/Hide Note button on the status bar
- Support saving the background picture of slides as pictures function
- Support replace fonts function
# Kingsoft Spreadsheets New Features
- Supported memory for the reading layout function
- Supported worksheet size 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns
- Supported goal seek function
- Supprted 37 new functions, including financial and statistic functions
- Supported multiple filters function
- Supported locating the visible cells by using the shortcut key of Alt+;
- Added Normal View, Page Break Preview, and Reading Layout buttons on the status bar
# Kingsoft Writer Fixes
- Optimized page numbers function
- Optimized the balloons of Track Changes
# Kingsoft Presentation Fixes
- Optimized operations on table in presentation
- Optimized reading Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 presentations format
# Kingsoft Spreadsheets Fixes
- Optimized reading Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 files format
- Optimized worksheet tabs, including adding font size, New Sheet button
版本下載:Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013