
2015年12月19日 - Halite (named after the mineral) is a C++ BitTorrent client based on the excellent libtorrent library developed by Arvid Norberg.

相關軟體 Halite 下載

Halite is a free BitTorrent client that is based upon the popular libtorrent library. Halite has been developed in C++ and relies on portable C++ source libraries called Boost libraries to operate eff...

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  • 2015年12月19日 - Halite (named after the mineral) is a C++ BitTorrent client based on the ex...
    GitHub - Eoinocal/Halite: Halite (named after the mineral) is a C++ ...
  • halite - High-level cryptography interface powered by libsodium.
    GitHub - paragonie/halite: High-level cryptography interface ...
  • Halite, better known as rock salt, can easily be distinguished by its taste. Since taste i...
    HALITE (Sodium Chloride) - Mineral Gallery
  • Halite commonly known as rock salt, is a type of salt, the mineral form of sodium chloride...
    Halite - Wikipedia
  • salt.....的相關資料(英文)~急!!20點 ... occurs naturally in many parts of the world as the mineral h...
    halite - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
  • Halite (named after the mineral) is a C++ BitTorrent client based on the excellent libtorr...
    Halite BitTorrent Client · Binary Notions
  • Comments: Hoppered pink halite crystals from the evaporation ponds. The pink color is due ...
    Halite Mineral Data
  • Halite is the mineral name for the substance that everyone knows as "salt." Its ...
    Halite Mineral | Uses and Properties - Geology.com
  • Detailed description, properties, locality information guide about the mineral halite and ...
    Halite salt: The mineral Halite information and pictures
  • halite /h'ælɑɪt/ 共發現4 筆關於[halite] 的資料(解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] ha...
    halite 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
  • HALITE - 銅鑼灣區專業美甲按摩中心現推出半價優惠(光療樹脂手甲+ 平面畫花低致 $248), 專業師父主理, 用料講究, 環境舒適新張優惠, 低致半價, 所有項目, 均75...
    Halite 鹽晶足浴, 按摩, 香港, 西環, 上環, 銅鑼灣
  • (2002) shown halite to be the predominant sublimate in the 450-550 o C range. Recent studi...
    Halite: Halite mineral information and data. - Mindat
  • In this tutorial, we'll walk through installing and setting up Halite. The current ver...
    Installing and Configuring Halite - SaltStack Documentation