auto format sublime text

A protip by zonetti about sublime, productivity, and shortcut. Coderwall Ruby Python JavaScript Front-End Tools iOS More Tips Ruby Python JavaScript Front-End Tools iOS PHP Android.NET Java Jobs Jobs Sign In or Up September 14, 2017 14:39 7yxpdw · · ...

相關軟體 Sublime Text 2 下載

Sublime Text 2是一套非常好用的程式編輯器。它擁有內建的指令可以讓您在Command Palette(命令面板)中來完成,並且它會將依您輸入的指令自動帶出相關的指令,並支援您自已設定您的命令面板的顯示方式,不管是什麼用法都非常的方便。Sublime Text 2擁有一個重要的特點,就是支援多種Package的安裝,而且沒有限定Package的安裝種類,讓您可以依照您自已的需求,加快您...

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  • If you’re looking to auto format HTML with Sublime Text, you’ll be disappointed to know th...
    Auto Format HTML in Sublime Text – Joseph Fitzsimmons ...
  • A protip by zonetti about sublime, productivity, and shortcut. Coderwall Ruby Python JavaS...
    Auto-indenting on Sublime Text 3 (Example)
  • 2017年9月14日 - A protip by zonetti about sublime, productivity, and shortcut.
    Auto-indenting on Sublime Text 3 (Example) - Coderwall
  • Sublime Text 2 Sublime Text 3 is the current version of Sublime Text. For bleeding-edge re...
    Download - Sublime Text
  • Is there an extension or command for sublime text that will allow auto formatting of code,...
    Format or 'beautify' code - General Discussion - Sub ...
  • Is there an extension or command for sublime text that will allow auto formatting of code,...
    Format or 'beautify' code - General Discussion - Sublime Forum ...
  • Formatting HTML with Sublime Text It’s almost quitting time, and the only thing standing b...
    Formatting HTML with Sublime Text | Sublime Text Tips ...
  • CodeFormatter is a Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that supports format (beautify) source code. Wi...
    GitHub - akalongman/sublimetext-codeformatter: Code Formatte ...
  • I haven't been giving JsFormat the attention it deserves lately, and I'd like to b...
    GitHub - jdc0589/JsFormat: Javascript formatting for Sublime ...
  • This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, ... Auto-beau...
    GitHub - victorporofSublime-HTMLPrettify: HTML, CSS, JavaScript ...
  • This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, ... Auto-beau...
    HTML-CSS-JS Prettify - Packages - Package Control
  • 2014年1月17日 - One option is to type [command] + [shift] + [p] (or the equivalent) and then...
    indentation - How to set HTML Auto Indent format on Sublime Text 3 ...
  • Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Autoformat with Eslint. Contribute to ESLint-Formatter developmen...
    Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Autoformat with Eslint - GitHub
  • I've got some poorly-formatted HTML code that I'd like to reformat. Is there a com...
    sublimetext2 - How do I reformat HTML code using Sublime Tex ...
  • 2012年1月12日 - Altough the question is for HTML, I would also additionally like to give inf...
    sublimetext2 - How do I reformat HTML code using Sublime Text 2 ...
  • 2012年2月29日 - For those interested it is easy to change but for a lover of Netbeans and th...
    sublimetext2 - Indenting code in Sublime text 2? - Stack Overflow
  • In Sublime Text 2, I am trying to type the code and have auto format command to rearrange ...
    sublimetext2 - Is it possible to auto format PHP in Sublime ...
  • I've searched high and low, but I can't seem to find a plugin that makes Sublime w...
    sublimetext2 - Sublime Text 3 Code autoformatting - Stack ...
  • 2014年1月25日 - CodeFormatter is one possible option for PHP. It uses the PEAR PHP_Beautifie...
    sublimetext2 - Sublime Text 3 Code autoformatting - Stack Overflow
  • วีดีโอนี้มีเนื้อหา เพื่อแบ่งปันการสอนการเขียนโปรแกรมเบื้องต้น ครับ.
    สอนการทำ Auto Format Sublime Text 3 Ep.4 - YouTube