
Editing This Documentation A meeting of minds works so much better when there is a whiteboard in the room. This wiki is provided for Calligra Suite developers to be a digital whiteboard where people can exchange notes, work on problems together and basica

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Dia Diagram Editor is an open-source visual-editing application, which can be used to draw numerous different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagr...

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  • Calligra. 529 likes. We are two young Artists, Dj's, Producer & Songwriter from Ge...
    Calligra - Home | Facebook
  • Editing This Documentation A meeting of minds works so much better when there is a whitebo...
    Calligra - KDE Community Wiki
  • Calligra Suite is a graphic art and office suite by KDE split from KOffice in 2010. It is ...
    Calligra Suite - Wikipedia
  • 阿舍幾天天看到一毎新聞說是 Calligra Suite 推出 2.4.1 版,然後,頗受各方好評,"Calligra Suite ?" 阿舍怎麼都沒有聽過就一...
    Calligra Suite - 新的辦公室軟體 (Office) ?
  • Calligra Suite是一套開放原始碼的辦公室套裝軟體(office suite),可用於Linux、Mac OS X [1]、Windows [2] 和Haiku [3] ...
    Calligra Suite - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • We have released a bugfix update of Calligra. The 3.0.1 version contains the following fix...
    Calligra Suite | The integrated work applications suite
  • Recent PostsView a list of recently added blog posts and polls User ListShow a list of use...
    Calligra |
  • This page lists binary (installation) copies of the Calligra Suite 2 prepared for users. Y...
    CalligraDownload - KDE UserBase Wiki
  • The Calligra project, being part of the KDE community, is dedicated to producing Free Soft...
    Get Calligra | Calligra Suite
  • 遇到一個狀況,有問有機會,環境是debian jessie + KDE + jessie 官方套件庫內的Calligra Words 2.8.5,整個KDE桌面環境,KDE系統設定...
    關於Calligra Words的內文編輯區的字級問題。 [論壇 - 新手村] | ...