com github barteksc pdfviewer

今天按项目要求找了一个android的PDF控件,各种操作效果都非常好,在这里和大家分享一下。 这是github的地址: 用法很简单: 1.在build.gradle里面添加依赖 compile 'com.git ...

相關軟體 Abdio PDF Reader 下載

Abdio PDF Reader is a simple application that has been designed to make reading and conducting rudimentary editing of PDF's as easy as possible. Abdio PDF Reader is a simple, yet well-organized tool...

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  • hello i found this library for showing PDF files inside my activity i try to use sample co...
    android - AndroidPdfViewer Library - Stack Overflow
  • 今天按项目要求找了一个android的PDF控件,各种操作效果都非常好,在这里和大家分享一下。 这是github的地址:
    Android PdfViewer - 码迷,!
  • android-pdf-viewer在android studio应用问题说明小白一枚,之前一直是做.NET开发的,最近需要弄一个新闻app,能力有限 ... import and...
    android-pdf-viewer在android studio应用问题说明 - 流渊的专栏 ...
  • Below is the error i get whenever i try to run the app.. I am using pdfViewer library to d...
    android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #9: ...
  • import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.SurfaceView...
    AndroidPdfViewerandroid-pdf-viewersrcmainjavacomgithub ...
  • i am using com.github.barteksc.pdfviewer.PDFView in my project inside the nested scrollvie...
    com.github.barteksc.pdfviewer.PDFView inside the scrollview ...
  • AndroidPdfViewer 1.x is available on AndroidPdfViewerV1 repo, where can be developed indep...
    GitHub - bartekscAndroidPdfViewer: Android view for display ...
  • compile 'com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:1.6.0' Library is available in jce...
    GitHub - bartekscAndroidPdfViewerV1: Android view for displ ...
  • I am trying to show pdf file in my application. I am using Pdf Viewer library(https://gith...
    pdfviewer - Android Pdf Viewer FileNotFoundException - Stack ...
  • Predefined providers are available in com.github.barteksc.pdfviewer.source package and can...
    The Android Arsenal - PDF - Android PdfViewer