
CurseForge is now the largest repository for modded Minecraft featuring thousands of mods, texture packs and worlds. Early 2015 modpack support was added ...

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  • CurseForge is now the largest repository for modded Minecraft featuring thousands of mods...
    Minecraft CurseForge
  • Second Iteration: Remake the world or claim a new land/dimension of your choice. An HQM p...
    Modpacks - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge
  • 4.91 MB, Jul 25, 2017, 1.12.2 +2, 398,825. BiblioCraft v2.4.2. 4.91 MB, Jun 27, 2017, 1.1...
    Files - BiblioCraft - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge ...
  • Launched in 2007 to empower WoW addon developers, CurseForge brought a modern workflow to...
    WoW CurseForge
  • Create a New Account. To create or merge a Minecraft CurseForge account, you' ll need ...
    Register - Minecraft CurseForge
  • Customization. 215 projects by 148 authors with more than 2,436,900 downloads . Addons. 19...
    Projects - Minecraft CurseForge
  • Texture Packs. 16x; 32x; 64x; 128x; 256x; 512x and Higher; Animated; Medieval; Mod Suppor...
    Texture Packs - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge
  • The Docking Port Alignment Indicator is designed to help you dock manually, by presenting...
    Mods - Projects - Kerbal CurseForge