
Starting with Windows 8, the DirectX SDK is included as part of the Windows SDK. We originally created the DirectX SDK as a high-performance platform for game development on top of Windows. As DirectX technologies matured, they became relevant to a broade

相關軟體 DirectX 下載

Microsoft DirectX 是一組旨在使運行Windows的計算機成為運行和展示含有豐富多媒體元素的應用程序的理想平台的技術,這些多媒體元素包括全彩色圖形、視頻、3D動畫以及豐富的音頻。DirectX包括安全性和性能更新,以及許多技術的新功能,它可以通過使用DirectX API的應用程序來訪問。 Microsoft Windows Gaming API 的最新版本提供微軟強大的新高...

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  • DirectX 是 Windows 中一組可讓軟體、主要且特別是遊戲正確地與您的視訊和音訊硬體搭配運作的元件。 使用 DirectX 的遊戲可以更有效率地使用硬體內建的多媒體加速器...
    如何安裝 DirectX 最新版本
  • Starting with Windows 8, the DirectX SDK is included as part of the Windows SDK. We origin...
    Where is the DirectX SDK? (Windows)
  • I am aware that with Windows 7, after you install the DirectX SDK, you can add a reference...
    c++ - Do you still use DXSDK_DIR in Windows 8? - Stack ...
  • I have windows 7, and just downloaded/installed vs 10 express c++, windows sdk 7.1+.net 4,...
    Cannot open DirectX include files (DXSDK_DIR not working)
  • projects for the DirectX SDK samples and tools include direct per-project references to th...
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  • Couple days ago, I encounter error DXSDK_DIR is not set or something like that when compil...
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  • DirectX 是 Windows 中一組可讓軟體、主要且特別是遊戲正確地與您的視訊和音訊硬體搭配運作的元件。 使用 DirectX 的遊戲可以更有效率地使用硬體內建的多媒體加速器...
    如何安裝 DirectX 最新版本
  • Starting with Windows 8, the DirectX SDK is included as part of the Windows SDK. We origin...
    Where is the DirectX SDK? (Windows)