ethernet header長度

I was researching a few things about VLANs and came across the VLAN tag and also the headers. If we have a MTU for a standard 802.3 Ethernet frame (1518 bytes) what is included in the header 802.3? Also how do we calculate the header length for that? What

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  • 2-1 Ethernet的發展 1960年代大型主機(Mainfrmae)所處理的工作是屬於一種集中式作業,1970年代初則朝向非集中式(Decentraiized)或分散式(Di...
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  • The Length/EtherType field is the only one which differs between 802.3 and Ethernet II. In...
  • I was researching a few things about VLANs and came across the VLAN tag and also the heade...
    Confused about the header size for a Ethernet frame - Stack ...
  • 本實驗是探討這個模型的最低兩層,我們將在乙太網路上( Ethernet )進行實驗。 ... Internet Header Length, in 32bits Type of S...
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  • Min Frame Size = Header+CRC+DataMin = 64 Max Frame Size = Header_CRC+DataMax = 1518 IP pac...
    Ethernet Frame - Infocellar - Catacombs of Knowledge
  • There are 3 different Ethernet Header types defined by the IEEE and in use today. So, one ...
    Identifying Ethernet Header Types
  • I would like to know why the minimum frame size is 64 bytes. Can anybody help in finding a...
    MInimum frame size 64 bytes? - 44208 - The Cisco Learning Network
  • The Ethernet Fieldbus. • EtherCAT is real time down to the I/O level • No underlying sub-s...
    The Ethernet Fieldbus. - EtherCAT Technology Group | HOME
  • All, I have four frames below (captured using ethereal) and would like to know what the tr...
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    Answers to: IP Total Length include Ethernet Header ...