
If I say: var georgia = FontFactory.GetFont("Georgia Regular", 10f); it doesn't work. When I check the state of the variable georgia, it has its Family property set to the value ...

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iText is used by Java, .NET, Android and GAE developers to enhance their applications with PDF functionality. iTextSharp is the .NET port. iText is a PDF library that allows developers to create, a...

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  • Using Fonts in System with iTextSharp Ask Question up vote 11 down vote favorite 3 I want ...
    c# - Using Fonts in System with iTextSharp - Stack Overflow
  • If I say: var georgia = FontFactory.GetFont("Georgia Regular", 10f); it doesn&#3...
    c# - Why doesn't FontFactory.GetFont("Known Font ...
  • 2014年6月3日 - iText is written in Java, which means it's platform-independent. It ships...
    c# - Why doesn't FontFactory.GetFont("Known Font Name", floatSize ...
  • public final class FontFactory extends java.lang.Object If you are using True Type fonts, ...
    Class FontFactory - Coderanch, a friendly place for ...
  • Method Summary abstract Font getFont(List<String> preferredFonts, int codepoint, int...
    Class FontFactory - JEuclid -
  • java.lang.Object com.lowagie.text.FontFactory If you are using True Type fonts, you can de...
    com.lowagie.text: public final class: FontFactory
  • Font Factory Styles Example import; import com.lowagie.text.Docum...
    Font Factory Styles Example : FontFactory « PDF RTF « Java ...
  • Font Factory Styles: Bold import; import com.lowagie.text.Documen...
    Font Factory Styles: Bold : FontFactory « PDF RTF « Java ...
  • 13: Phrase myPhrase = new Phrase("This is font family Arial ", FontFactory.getFo...
    getFont(String fontname,float size,Color color) - com.lowagie.text ...
  • Demos and Usage of com.lowagie.text.FontFactory.getFont(String fontname,float size,int sty...
    getFont(String fontname,float size,int style) - ...
  • 13: Phrase myPhrase = new Phrase("This is font family Arial ", FontFactory.getFo...
    getFont(String fontname,float size,int style) - com.lowagie.text ...
  • And the result (if all goes well) is as follows: Now to the FontFactory.GetFont() method. ...
    iTextSharp - Working with Fonts - Mike Brind
  • 2008年10月15日 - FontFactory.GetFont() returns a valid and new Font object that you can work...
    iTextSharp - Working with Fonts - Mikesdotnetting
  • 2009年1月13日 - 在上例中,你也可以使用FontFactory 代替BaseFont 來取得中文字型: FontFactory.Register(fontPath); F...
    iTextSharp 中文字型解決方案 - renjin's blog - blogger
  • If I say: {line-numbers=off,lang=java} var georgia = FontFactory.GetFont("Georgia Reg...
    Why doesn't FontFactory.GetFont() work for all fonts? - iText Developers
  • If I say: {line-numbers=off,lang=java} var georgia = FontFactory.GetFont("Georgia Reg...
    Why doesn't FontFactory.GetFont() work for all fonts? | iText Developers
  • FontFactory.Register(fontPath) Dim footerfontChinese As iTextSharp.text.Font = FontFactory...