gfr formula

The Cockcroft and Gault formula (CG) was developed in 1973 using data from 249 men with creatinine clearance (CCr) from approximately 30 to 130 mL/m2. It is not adjusted for body surface area. CG is no longer recommended for use because it has not been ex

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  • The Cockcroft and Gault formula (CG) was developed in 1973 using data from 249 men with cr...
    Cockcroft-Gault Formula - The National Kidney Foundation
  • Professional Reference articles are written by UK doctors and are based on research eviden...
    Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Calculator | ...
  • The GFR Calculator is a tool to help measure kidney function. Your GFR value, calculated b...
    GFR Calculator - Glomerular Filtration Rate - DaVita
  • MDRD GFR Calculator KDOQI Guidelines Nephron Information Center by Stephen Z. Fadem, M.D. ...
    GFR Calculator - Kidney Resource Page
  • GFR Calculators: Serum Creatinine and Cystatin C (2012) (With SI Units) 4 variable MDRD St...
    GFR Calculators: Serum Creatinine and Cystatin C (2012)
  • 找gfr 計算公式在【阿達玩APP】提供有GFR & BSA Calculator app 77筆2頁,GFR & BSA Calculator app即時熱門話題...
    gfr 計算公式|討論gfr 計算公式推薦GFR & BSA Calculator ...
  • CKD-EPI & MDRD STUDY EQUATION CALCULATOR - (With SI Units) 4 variable CKD-EPI Equation...
    MDRD - Official Site
  • Renal function, in nephrology, is an indication of the state of the kidney and its role in...
    Renal function - Wikipedia
  • 第一期 腎功能正常但併有蛋白尿、血尿等腎臟損傷狀況 腎絲球過濾率GFR 90~100 ml/min/1.73m 2 腎臟功能約正常人的60%以上,注意是否有糖尿病及高血壓,需要控制...
    亞東紀念醫院腎臟內科 - New Document
  • 濾率(glomerular filtration rate, GFR) 正常的情形 下,腎臟功能受傷害達3個月以上,不論是合 併尿液異常、放射線檢查異常或有腎臟病理變 化。(2)不...
    評估腎臟功能的方法 - 台灣腎臟醫學會