google caldav api

這篇是接續 "iphone整合exchange和imap優點同步Gmail教學"當中同步行事曆,除了利用exchange和imap方式外,也可以利用CalDav方式 在設定CalD

相關軟體 Outlook CalDav Synchronizer 下載

Outlook CalDav Synchronizer is a free Outlook Plugin, that can synchronize events, tasks and contacts between Outlook and a CalDAV or CardDAV server*. Amongst others, it supports synchronisation bet...

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  • Google Contacts now provides a CardDAV interface that you can use to view and manage your ...
    Google CardDAV API Developer's Guide | Google CardDAV AP ...
  • 這篇是接續 "iphone整合exchange和imap優點同步Gmail教學"當中同步行事曆,除了利用exchange和imap方式外,也可以利用CalDav...
    [iphone]利用CalDav同步google行事曆 @ 教育人の科技生活 :: 痞 ...
  • 在三月時 Google 大砍旗下很多服務,包括 Google Reader、Building Maker、Cloud Connect、Apps Script 的 GUI Build...
    Google 決定將 CalDAV 和 CardDAV 的 API 開放給所有開發者 ...
  • google calendar api url,You can share your calendar publicly so anyone can view it. How pu...
    google calendar api url 文章資訊整理 | 免費軟體資源
  • CalDAV is an open standard Google developed for accessing calendar data all across the int...
    Google CalDAV API | ProgrammableWeb
  • I am a bit confused, is Google CalDAV API for managing domain wide calendars and events? T...
    Difference between Google CalDAV API and Google Calendar API ...
  • CardDAV is an open standard that Google developed for accessing contact information all ac...
    Google CardDAV API | ProgrammableWeb
  • In response to those requests, we are keeping the CalDAV API public. And in the spirit of ...
    Google Developers Blog: Making Google’s CalDAV and CardDAV ...
  • Google surprised everyone when they announced that they’re going to end support for Exchan...
    How To Use CalDAV On iPhone To Sync Google Calendar Without ...
  • CalDAV and the Cronofy API The Cronofy Blog 27 SHARES Facebook Twitter Google Linkedin Buf...
    CalDAV and the Cronofy API | Unified Calendar API ...