
Sulfurous acid is a food additive listed on the EAFUS food Additive Database (Jan. 2001). Sulfurous acid (not to be confused with Sulfuric acid) is the chemical compound with the formula H2SO3. There is no evidence that sulfurous acid exists in solution,

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Hydrogen is a powerful, Open Source, virtual drum machine that works without any additional plugins and has a good selection of samples and patterns to play around with. Hydrogen can be played via ...

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  • Define H2SO3. H2SO3 synonyms, H2SO3 pronunciation, H2SO3 translation, English dictionary d...
    H2SO3 - definition of H2SO3 by The Free Dictionary
  • H2SO3-品 名:亞硫酸 又名次硫酸 拼音:yaliusuan /ciliusuan 英文名稱:sulfurous acid 化學式:H2SO3 與硫酸有近似的性質 由SO2+H...
    H2SO3 - 互動百科-百科更權威
  • A step-by-step explanation of how to draw the H2SO3 Lewis Structure (Sulfurous Acid). When...
    H2SO3 Lewis Structure: How to Draw the Lewis Structure for ...
  • Sulphurous \Sul"phur*ous\, a. [L. sulphurosus, sulfurosus: cf. F. sulfureux.]...
    H2SO3 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
  • Sulfurous acid (also sulphurous acid) is the chemical compound with the formula H 2 SO 3. ...
    Sulfurous acid - Wikipedia
  • Sulfurous acid is a food additive listed on the EAFUS food Additive Database (Jan. 2001). ...
    Sulfurous acid | H2SO3 - PubChem - The PubChem Project
  • Sulfurous Acid is the name given to this solution. It cannot be isolated because the acid ...
    What is H2SO3 - Answers.com
  • 亚硫酸是化学式为“H 2 SO 3 ”的无机化合物,实际上是二氧化硫的水溶液。真正的亚硫酸分子只在气态有发现,溶液中的尚未观测到。[1] 其对应的正盐为亚硫酸盐,酸式盐为亚硫酸氢盐...
    亚硫酸 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
  • 一些早期對化學有研究的人,如拉齊,賈比爾等,還寫了有關硫酸及與其相關的礦物質的分類名單;其他一些人,如伊本·西那 醫師,則較為重視硫酸的種類以及它們在醫學上的價值。[8] 在17世...
    硫酸 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • 這是我的自然作業 請各位幫我看看押!! 化學式 更正 中文名稱 ... 最佳解答: 化 學 式更 正中 文 名 稱Na4OH3NaOH氫氧化鈉Ca2CO7CaCO3碳酸鈣AgClA...
    自然的化學式 | Yahoo奇摩知識+