hard copies

Hard copy definition: A hard copy of a document is a printed version of it, rather than a version that is... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

相關軟體 Blu-ray Copy 下載

Blu-ray Copy is a user-friendly and versatile Blu-ray media copy app, which enables you to duplicate any unprotected Blu-ray discs. The app lets you copy entire Blu-ray discs with high quality. The...

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  • Definition of hard copy: Original document, paper copy, printout, or any record that can b...
    What is hard copy? definition and meaning - BusinessDictionary.com
  • Define hard copies. hard copies synonyms, hard copies pronunciation, hard copies translat...
    Hard copies - definition of hard copies by The Free Dictiona ...
  • Define hard copies. hard copies synonyms, hard copies pronunciation, hard copies translati...
    Hard copies - definition of hard copies by The Free Dictionary
  • In information handling, the U.S. Federal Standard 1037C (Glossary of Telecommunication T...
    Hard copy - Wikipedia
  • English[edit]. Noun[edit]. hard copy (plural hard copies). A printed copy of a digital do...
    hard copy - Wiktionary
  • Hard copy definition: A hard copy of a document is a printed version of it, rather than a...
    Hard copy definition and meaning | Collins English ...
  • Hard copy definition: A hard copy of a document is a printed version of it, rather than a ...
    Hard copy definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
  • hard copy meaning, definition, what is hard copy: information from a computer that has bee...
    hard copy Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
  • Synonyms for hard copy at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definit...
    Hard copy Synonyms, Hard copy Antonyms | Thesaurus.com ...
  • 2015年3月23日 ... hard copy 字面上的意思是「硬的複本」,其實就是中文裡說的「紙本」 因為現在很多 文件資料都是電腦檔案相對來說實體的紙本就是「硬的版本」了那 ...
    hard copy 是什麼意思? - Sammy 老師 - Teacher Sammy
  • 您好很高興為您解答問題 首先你問了一個非常非常好的問題, 一個很多人都一支半 解的問題, 我先回答你的答案再做補充, 希望往後大家對於hard copy有更清楚的了解
    HARD COPY是甚麼意思? | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • There are some advantages to a hard copy. For reproductions, hard copies are often prefera...
    What is a Hard Copy? (with pictures) - wiseGEEK
  • A hard copy is anything that has been printed on paper. Hard copies allow data to be read...
    What is a Hard Copy? - Computer Hope
  • A hard copy (or "hardcopy") is a printed copy of information from a computer. S...
    What is hard copy (printout)? - Definition from WhatIs.com
  • Definition of hard copy: Original document, paper copy, printout, or any record that can ...
    What is hard copy? definition and meaning - BusinessDictiona ...
  • Definition of hard copy: Original document, paper copy, printout, or any record that can b...
    What is hard copy? definition and meaning - BusinessDictionary.com
  • Define hard copies. hard copies synonyms, hard copies pronunciation, hard copies translat...
    Hard copies - definition of hard copies by The Free Dictiona ...