
imagine • Now imagine 5 billion people, the entire population of Earth, each setting off a 24ton explosion at the same time. • The lake is much prettier than I had imagined. • It is impossible to imagine a Cheyenne war party coming out of the canyon, beca

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Imagine 這是一款擁有簡單介面且功能獨特的圖片檢視工具軟體,使用者可以透過此軟體達到圖片類似幻燈片效果及具有更多可針對圖片做變化的功能,有此需求不妨試試這套好用的軟體喔。 支援圖片格式(GIF,BMP,PNG,JPG,TIF,TGA,PCX,ICO,ANI,FLI) ...

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  • 2011年8月14日 - 而且文法錯誤,應該是: Imagine, if the rainforests had disappeared in the stone age, wh...
    英文imagine的用法| Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • Forums Grammar & Sentence Structure 1 12,166 + 0 Is 'I can imagine' a natural ...
    'I Can Imagine'? - Learn English Online, Teach ...
  • considet imagine suggest feel like 這些動詞後面動詞一定只接V-ing動名詞嗎還是這些動詞後面動詞可以接不定詞~原形動詞... 請大家告訴我這些文...
    consider,imagine,suggest後面動詞| Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • Can you imagine that a F.7 student receives a bad result from AL examination, what do they...
    have grammar mistakes? | Yahoo 知識+
  • Imagine Dragons - Radioactive:歌詞+翻譯 電影「宿主」(The Host) 的主題曲 MV的表現手法非常有趣 頗有寓意 以下為贊助商廣告 【開始播放】...
    Imagine Dragons - Radioactive:歌詞+翻譯。lyrics | 音樂庫
  • imagine meaning, definition, what is imagine: to form or have a mental picture or idea of ...
    imagine Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
  • Imagine definition, to form a mental image of (something not actually present to the sense...
    Imagine | Define Imagine at
  • imagine • Now imagine 5 billion people, the entire population of Earth, each setting off a...
    imagine | meaning of imagine in Longman Dictionary of ...
  • 兩個用法都可以接受,只是在文法的結構上解釋不太相同:I can't imagine him wearing a beard.imagine + 受詞+ V-ing (現在分...
    imagine 的用法| Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • a means of: 一種手段, mean, 意思是, 小氣的, 卑鄙的, meaning, meaningful, by means of, 藉由, by all means,...
    imagine: 想像, imagination, 想像力, image, 印象, 形象| 龍騰Book1 ...
  • 標題 [文法] avoid 用法 時間 Wed May 12 22:09:08 2010 想請問各位英文高手 如果要說 防止什麼事情發生的英文是用 to avoid.....hap...
    [文法] avoid用法 - 看板 Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊
  • 有ㄧ句話的句型有點搞不懂Imagine a string as thick as a pencil stopping a flying jet. 請問這句話的動詞到底在哪裡呢這句是...
    [文法] Imagine + N - 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊
  • 查字典有查到這兩種用法imagine (that) S+V imagine somebody/something doing something 今天學生課本上的一個題目Can y...
    [文法]有關imagine的用法- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊
  • 2015年7月22日 - 神奇文法:與過去事實相反之假設語氣」- Third Conditional ... We imagine an alternative past wit...
    「神奇文法:與過去事實相反之假設語氣」- Third Conditional - 希平方
  • risk, finish, imagine, quit. resist, mention ... 動詞imagine 當"想像;設想"解釋時, 後面只能跟動名詞...
    動詞後面習慣跟動名詞 - 實用基礎文法
  • 文法重點 A. 哪些動詞(或形容詞)後面 +Ving consider 考慮 / avoid 避免 / imagine 想像 enjoy 喜歡 / mind 介意 / escape...
    四技二專英文: + Ving
  • I can't imagine that he lied on purpose. I understand French. I understand fishing pre...
    後接動名詞的動詞| 英語文法| EF
  • You imagine yourself taking a boat ride along canals and under beautiful bridges. (主詞) You...
    文法(幫解一下句子) | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 而且文法錯誤,應該是: Imagine, if the rainforests had disappeared in the stone age, what our ancesto...
    英文imagine的用法 | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 2011年8月14日 - 而且文法錯誤,應該是: Imagine, if the rainforests had disappeared in the stone age, wh...
    英文imagine的用法| Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • Forums Grammar & Sentence Structure 1 12,166 + 0 Is 'I can imagine' a natural ...
    'I Can Imagine'? - Learn English Online, Teach ...