
Imagine definition, to form a mental image of (something not actually present to the senses). See more. ... 1. image, picture. Imagine, conceive, conceive of, realize refer to bringing something before the mind. To imagine is, literally, to form a mental

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  • Forums Grammar & Sentence Structure 1 12,166 + 0 Is 'I can imagine' a natural ...
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  • considet imagine suggest feel like 這些動詞後面動詞一定只接V-ing動名詞嗎還是這些動詞後面動詞可以接不定詞~原形動詞... 請大家告訴我這些文...
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  • a means of: 一種手段, mean, 意思是, 小氣的, 卑鄙的, meaning, meaningful, by means of, 藉由, by all means,...
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  • 標題 [文法] avoid 用法 時間 Wed May 12 22:09:08 2010 想請問各位英文高手 如果要說 防止什麼事情發生的英文是用 to avoid.....hap...
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