
I am using GUI tool to setup firewall rules for my home computer connected to ADSL (DSL/Cable) network. However, after reboot my rules are not saved. Is there any way I can save and load all firewall rules again? You need to use the iptables-save command,

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Nmap是一套開放原始碼的軟體,它的功能主要是網路探測和安全稽核,能快速掃描大型網絡,並檢測本機或網路遠端主機的安全性弱點,進行弱點分析,有助增強系統及網路安全服務。 靈活:支援幾十種網絡技術,包含IP過濾器、防火牆、路由器和其他障礙。 ...

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  • Rules created with the iptables command are stored in memory. If the system is restarted b...
    43.9.4. Saving IPTables Rules - CentOS Project
  • I am using GUI tool to setup firewall rules for my home computer connected to ADSL (DSL/Ca...
    How Do I Save Iptables Rules or Settings? – nixCraft ...
  • I create the rules to iptables. But, when I restart the computer, the rules don't work...
    How to save rules of the iptables? - Ask Ubuntu
  • 1. 在 ipchains 中,諸如 input 鏈,是使用小寫的 chains 名,在 iptables 中,要改用大寫 INPUT。 2. 在 iptables 中,要指定規則...
    iptables 設定入門
  • 5.3. iptables-save The iptables-save command is, as we have already explained, a tool to s...
    iptables-save - Internet FAQ Archives - Online Education - ...
  • To save iptables rules on shutdown, and to restore them on startup, we are going to create...
    IptablesHowTo - Community Help Wiki - Official Ubuntu ...
  • iptables-save The actual iptables rules are created and customized on the command line wit...
    Saving Iptables Firewall Rules Permanently - Thomas-Krenn-Wi ...
  • Rules created with the iptables command are stored in memory. If the system is restarted b...
    ⁠ Saving IPTables Rules - Red Hat Customer Portal
  • iptables-save利用iptables-save命令可以将iptable规则保存到一个持久化存储的目录中,不同的系统保存的目录也有所不同(IPv4): Debian/Ubu...
    保存iptable规则并开机自动加载 | SA-Logs
  • 所以,近來鳥哥都建議使用 iptables-save 這個指令來觀察防火牆規則啦!因為 iptables-save 會列出完整的防火牆規則,只是並沒有規格化輸出而已。 [root@...
    鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- Linux 防火牆與 NAT 伺服器