logistic euroscore

users of the logistic EuroSCORE identified the following areas for potential improvement: † Creatinine clearance (CC) is a better predictor than absolute serum creatinine. † Hepatic function is not represented. † Defining unstable angina by the use of intra

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  • Operative mortality is a good measure of quality of cardiac surgical care, as long as pati...
    EuroSCORE - Cardiac Health
  • The available EuroSCORE papers supply logistic regression coefficients but without any mea...
    EuroSCORE - Wikipedia
  • users of the logistic EuroSCORE identified the following areas for potential improvement: †...
    EuroSCORE II - Endocardites Aquitaine
  • I'm looking for an excel sheet to calculate new EuroSCORE II. From the website http://...
    EuroScore II - Excel sheet calculator. - ResearchGate
  • Important: The previous additive and logistic EuroSCORE models are out of date. A new mode...
    euroSCORE interactive calculator (standard and logistic regr ...
  • Conditional information Result interpretation The logistic EuroSCORE I was first published...
    EuroSCORE model I (logistic) - Evidencio
  • You can try the system for yourself using interactive calculator and selecting "LOGIS...
    How to calculate the logistic euroSCORE - euroSCORE.org - ...
  • Using the same risk factors, the logistic regression version of the score (the ‘logistic E...
    The logistic EuroSCORE - Journals | Oxford Academic
  • Dear Sir, The European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (EuroSCORE) identifies...
    The logistic EuroScore - ResearchGate - Share and discover ...
  • 1. Eur Heart J. 2003 May;24(9):881-2. The logistic EuroSCORE. Roques F, Michel P, Goldston...
    The logistic EuroSCORE. - National Center for Biotechnology ...